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Messages - ColdFlo

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Quake / Re: Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 14, 2006, 05:00:38 PM »
oh I would appreciate if you leave me last post up because i just gave you a link to an in os non reboot version of the mouseRATE aka sample rate switcher.....................................

Quake / Re: Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 14, 2006, 04:52:46 PM »

Quake / Re: Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 14, 2006, 04:51:08 PM »
Look noobs I don't know why you think you can even question me..........................    At this point you should have known better................  The only reason you are able to overclock on a motherboard is because the chipset and bios support it.  There is no function in the chipset to overclock your usb port and I doubt it would work anyway.  Noobs........................

Well, the long wait for being able to increase the samplerate for USB in Windows XP is over.
And now, there is not an issue about "what shall I select? ps2 or usb? shall I really bother installing linux? :(".
Anyways, here I present the one and only solution. I wish you good luck and hopefully less frustration for a lot of players. And I encourage gamers with Razer Viper to give it another try with this patch, and see if it helps on the skipping. I take NO responsibility for whatever you do with this.
Read the FAQ before asking anything!
By RaZiel

This guy is the originator of the hex patch for XP and he makes it clear by saying he adjusted the samplerate not overclocked the port............   Now the script kiddie idiots that worked ahead are saying but I just downloaded that patch and its not usbmrs11.exe.

Thats because.........................

 By Canada tazmanian |
How is this different then Anir's mousrate switcher? Does it allow for single USB changing? What are some of the differences and what does it offer different then some of the other programs?

 By Norway RaZiel` ' - Reply to #48
His and others are using my USB patches. So the method of increasing the samplerate is not different at all. The way of applying them in windows , is what's different.
Instead of manually hexedit the systemfile, these programs do that for the user by standard Win32 file routines. There's nothing more to them. Most of them require you to be in safe-mode, to avoid Windows File Protection(WFP). None, as far I know have been successful at patching the system without requiring a reboot.

Mine does all that, but also meets CPL requirements of reading current Hz set in that systemfile and being able to avoid WFP without being in safe-mode, nor requiring any reboot to use the patched file.
I didn't want to provide a simple GUI program like the others, because people were too lazy to use a hexeditor :P

Anir coded usbmrs11.exe


Quake / Re: Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:44:14 AM »
Yeah that kind of scripting is cheating and yes I'm afraid that tweaking is cheating.......  This is not formula 1 where everyone has billions of dollars and the money in an individual car is pocket change to all involved(also it is agreed upon that engineering is half of that game but im sorry none of us are computer engineers and it was not agreed upon that everyone tweaks.........) thats what the pros do...........  I don't care who you are these are amateur leagues............  Also tweaking knowledge is available to know one; you have to dig for it................  Dolphin I know you know I meant I can take you with the clock.  Sure your skilled, but I notice you wouldn't play without the clock even once...........  That says something about you................

Look we all know q2 has the greatest weapon balance of any game. When you tweak your latency you make your rail much more effective; there is supposed to a delay after you fire the rail before it is actually fired.  When you tweak all your timings, "overclock" your usb ports, and have r1q2 firing q3 like instant packets you are not playing the game that John Carmack coded and its definitely not fuckin vanilla (that separated netcode makes the motion much different also its wishy washy like on q4 making it harder to shoot a player using it(but on q4 everyone has it)).  Look I know we cant stop the desparity of peoples machines but I'm telling you and you all know it so I'm really just telling the noobs a tweaked pos will own a fuckin core 2 extreme dual 8800gtx at stock settings.........  Its just like using speed gear.  It abnormally affects game speed.  Obviously because a program like speed gear works there is more power in a computer to be utilized but it is not utilized for a reason: fair and playable gameplay for everyone.  Look your just being some corrupt little bastards and the game didn't use to be like this.  Seems real hard to be a man about anything these days.....................

Quake / Re: Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 12, 2006, 10:10:59 PM »
Gator well at least your not a liar like you buddy dervish.  Dervish I didn't say Elysium hacks I said his setup is cheater (I believe all his actions are his own and very precise but his latency and firerate and motion are off the charts).  I would like to see him on a lan because he has too much speed and hes in gd netherlands(or so he and his ping said).  Besides, your the one that describes people labeled as cheating as hackers. Listen to him next time you play him.  I'm sure he'll out himself.  Also about the hardware read further and yeah I was under an alias and I told you why..............   I also let you know who I was.  You didn't figure it out which =s I Let You Know not you let me know I'm nubsauce.  Dervish you know I would enjoy punishing you but, I think your just one of those assholes that changes alias and or walks away or you gang up with your buddies.  One thing I can tell about you is you will never accept a loss your one of those deny till your blue in the face idiots.  Dervish about our game I'm glad to see you actually have some skill. I guess most of us (driven?) people do, and I look forward to our matches.  As for those matches I'm not sure now its kinda foggy, but I think I was high, and the match you claimed the big win on, when I didn't even know we were really going for it, I had a phone call that took up the first 2 minutes of the round and I told you right after your claim(that was premature just like you bragging in this thread).   Regardless,  I now know all the best components and I just ordered one of the top power supplies.  I wont be long now..........   The time is near and clan BTF since you don't want to find me; I'll find you.

Also quadz, back when I was here last time, you were king script. Now you have more confidence, and your more subversive. So now I assume, you think your mr hacker.  Ok quadz np, but cmon lets not be a bunch of superficial idiots like we don't know the progressions of online studies.  We know all the modz can never be trusted. I think the lead mod should be the only one to have access to that kind of information cause as we know its usually the lead or the server owner that is the most frugal with bans and its all his minions that could care what happens....................

Oh, and gator, you say that it's ok to overclock.  I say it's not.  So let me prove my point.................

Quake / Look here your gonna get fucked stop cheating......
« on: December 08, 2006, 06:43:50 AM »
Quadz stay the fuck out of my pc and tell your little fuck friends to do the same...........  To whoever is above quadz watch your bitch his power has gone to his head...........  You can hack this pos to shreds I dont care you wont touch my main rig so keep it up douches.........

Actually upon further introspection I am worried.  I feel like some roles have reversed here which is scary.

Owned.........     All ends as I have written it..............................

Whirling, OK, See.... when I wrote these this post ,  I thought I would try something new called subliminal underlining.  Now the goal was to try to get you to see the real message which was not to sit here and try to have semantical asshole arguments with me which are as follows:

Bandwidth is the speed of your computer and it is generally associated with overclocking.  When you increase your bandwidth it increases the rate at which the computer runs.  Now many script kiddies reading this and now wanting to flame it as they comb this very sentence will be thinking up quotes from JC(John Carmack) saying,"No matter how fast your computer runs; you won't be able to run any faster than what is hardcoded into the game."  Yes, while this is true, anyone that says that including JC himself is just being a semantical asshole because the word fast is very misleading.  Fast can relate to how fast something moves as a vector being a steady rate of speed in a given direction, but it can also relate to how fast something goes from dead stop to full on speed.

Then this is what you did:

... but then there are the self-proclaimed "q2 purists" who swear that setting your gl_modulate higher than 1 is cheating.

Ok first of all you portray q2 purists as some kind of nut which you are trying to portray me as.  Let's explore this.  So you say these q2 purists are not interested in anyone changing their gl_modulate for gamma purposes when really maybe their real goal is to stop people from eliminating shadows in the game which are hard to shoot in or even lessening them.

I talked about gl_modulate because everyone doesn't have the same hardware you fucking idiot.
Many of the settings you think are cheating, are really just workarounds for hardware deficiencies.

If your monitor is naturally darker than the next guy's due to the make/model then changing your settings to brighten it up so you can see isn't cheating, is it? If your graphix card is a first generation piece of shit, you have to change plenty of settings to even have a chance of competing on a LEVEL playing field with anyone who has a slightly newer one.

Once again bullshit you know we weren't talking about gamma we were talking about the elimination of shadows and thats what everyone has a problem with..........   Not to mention I've seen a few screenshots in this forum with this ridiculous kind of gl_modulate.  I know your doing it you little shit so just stfu and stop telling me what your doing I don't care.

same can be said for people who frown on using aliases and complex binds

Well in id games this doesn't matter because they were smart enough to think out the scripting exploits before you guys got ahold of them that's why the console and gameplay are simplistic; It's to avoid cheat minded people like you.  I was the one that led to the patch of the gravity gun in HL2 as well as other gaming exploits.  Research that on your own to discover how scripts become cheats when the weapons aren't fully thought out in advance.

setting up your system for optimal performance by increasing polling rates and overclocking your cpu, is not cheating in any way, neither is binding your controls a certain way that you like them, or setting your video output settings to more useful values.

Now what you did here was another logic trick you think by bundling the anti-thesis of this thread with two other journies in flawed logic that somehow its disproving what I went to great lengths to prove which is just another brand of script kiddie bullshit.

None of this will make you "move better/faster" or "aim more accurately".

No one said this but you stupid but it does add more convoluted logic to your already ridiculous post all biased in your favor.

The next 4 paragraphs are you reiterating the same bullshit you just said as a method of driving your message home through brainwashing type repetition.  AND THEN AND THIS IS THE BEST PART YOU TOTALLY AGREE WITH MY FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD:

Some dude with a shitty comp with a 200 ping, running in software mode with stock settings could always win if his playing skills made up for his equipment and lack of config tweaking.

Which if you look at it another way states that hardware does make a difference in game winning ability.  Which I thank you for.

Onto your second post which is just as flawed as the first but a little more urgent and agitated:

If your connection is slower than most, you make sure you don't have any extra hops/bottlenecks between you and the ISP that are un-needed. If your cpu is slower than molasses, you make sure you don't have shit else running to slow it down further.

Using words like most and slower faster indicates relativity and you associate the relative speeds of stock and tweaked, but in terms of making games more fair a more appropriate relativistic association would be level of tweak knowledge of one individual compared to that of another, but your not interested in keeping the game fair because your an asshole script kiddie.

The next part is you just telling us a bunch of bullshit that lead back to the CPL definition of cheating which outranks yours.....
Then this is my favorite part which all you little script kiddie assholes do and thats base your dick size on the current score of any bullshit game you happen to be playing just cause your really into that particular game or that anyone that fights the mods or  anyone else or even types the word cheat is some pussy that always loses which is a common practice and indicator of cheaters like you.

Your whole idiotic argument is based on your mistaken perception that people are cheating because they are customizing their settings to something that works for them and their system. Unfortunately for you, this is utter bullshit and you suck because YOU suck. not your settings. not your hardware. YOU and your skills are sadly lacking.

Glad I could make you mad and yes your attempt to make this all just a wash so nothing has to be changed has failed.  I have proven my points in a manner far more clear and less streamofscriptkiddie than you ever could.

In closing I know you wont change anything because it's me you'll wait till I leave again.  I just want you to know who sees the future of gaming and what is coming and what the reality of the situation is.  Have fun being little shits because guess what you were grown that way and you've all turned out to be nice little products.....

P.S.  Console, only one of you matters to me what you say and nice way to hide who you are..........   It's the black secrets that corrupt all of you.  I mean don't you like thinking about that side of your girlfriend?

Also Punk and many others are cheating and it's a sad thing to see.  I would have hoped to see q2 free of the developments in later games, but a fair gaming environment is not what you guys were after anyway..........

You portray yourself as some kind of hardass but your really just  another punk get fucked bitch................
I mean cmon you hawk over the forums what a dork.....................

did read through your entire first post.  i agree with a couple things, but do disagree with a large majority.  Especially the intent of the post, which is that people are pulling some grand heist of making the game extremely easy for themselves that skill can't make up for.  That is just plain wrong.  One of the great things about q2, and why i am still around, is that we can customize it and make it our own time and time again to keep from getting bored.  However, even taking ones own personal time to adjust settings so it will run at absolute maximum for each given computer just doesnt make up that much difference.  It still comes down to skill.

ans quote

First,  let's define cheating.  Allot of you will respond hackz,cheatz,progz,wall hacking........   but those are only the obvious cheats and the ones that often don't last except for when a mod is not around, and we all know what they are so lets discuss something even better.  Actually, there are many more and useful cheats for the player that is good but lacking that little bit to become great.

players that are good but lacking that little bit to become great so sure they have some skill but not master level skill don't argue with me about this one cause your fucking wrong and thats all there is to and besides I covered all the angles dude.......

Also, what i read of your first post, and this one here is basically: "Anyone beating me is cheating".  Punk is completely legit, and uses no cheats whatsoever, including your incredibly overthetop explanations and ideas of them.  i have played in the same room as him, and he is dead legit.  i think you have a profound LACK of knowledge of the ability to move in the game.  The speed is coming from technique, and experience.  Period.  No other self/ego fluffing/supporting feelings.  You have been away.  You werent that great when you left, and you are rusty now, AND the game has moved on from where you were then.

I've exercised knowledge. You have exercised insults, and Punk is a fucking cheater thats all there is to it.  He cheated again today.  We keep coming back to this quote don't we:

Really cheating is anytime when the players playing the game are not on equal footing(and they never are).

That's how cpl sees it, at least in terms of hardware.  They allow no deviations not even driver tweaks nothing.  I know we can't level everyone's hardware but fucks that are willing to buy new hardware and oc it just to play q2 at 640x480 are low little bitches, and they need to go, and Punk is one of those bitches, and so are ME [NU] and Dolphin.  I'm telling you guys cheating has consumed all of gaming especially since the new wave of tweak apps.  I would rather play a good game then have some little rich boy go off and always have the newest shit and oc it and then frag everyone with total advantage and then laugh and demean everyone like hes the fucking god of Q2 so really dude shut your ass I'm the g0d of tweaks and your level of gaming knowledge will never equal mine and neither will your skill.....................................
Besides I knew Punk before and after the OC and I've prolly known him longer than you have as a gaming character on my screen so don't tell me.  I know.

The single greatest thing about this game is the fact that after all these years, it is still evolving.  The average player is better then ever, and the core players are very long time players with many, many years of skill.  Also, TastySpleen is becoming the Sun in the solar system of q2 servers, and as the most population is here, it attracts others.  Others that played on other servers you had no idea of, and have no idea how good these people are.

Not really I have the advantage of not playing much here lately so I saw a drastic change when I came back.  Really there is now 10x the camping and many more frame whore and tweak players.  Skill has not evolved at all or very little because of this and we all know apple still fucks you and he don't move fast like you fucks do either.................

Your idea that someone YOU dont know that is winning and stomping the shit out of your average skill self should be banned is completely proposterous.  You have this mentality that seems to support about 1% of the people that walk through these doors thinking A: You are something special to the game, B: you are more intelligent then all the dumbasses around you, C:you are up on a pedastal looking down at all the hapless retards swimming in a see of chaos beneath you.  You are incorrect.

I am correct and you don't like my message thats why you got so mad. I never said ban anyone thats not my style and I don't think it's necessary.  Good attempt at demonizing me asshole but in my eyes you just exposed yourself as one of these cheaters so get fucked...............................

Whirling stop being a semantical asshole you talk about gl modulate then you talk about aim thats not logical. It does help target recognition.  I mean why would people make the screen all ugly and bright if it didn't help them.  Good try fag.  That's why CPL doesn't allow fags like you to play cause your a nobody.  Also refer to the second quote of this post for the rest of your post that I didn't ans.

UUD-40 dude that was pretty lame and you know some people are stupid so I did a physics lesson.

Va.ghosts 9 no thats not what I'm saying at all, and yes its impossible to prove which is which(without some kind of monitoring script).  Well, for most people or a mod because they can't determine anything based on ingame sight like I can and because the United States standard of CRIMINAL Justice is proven anyway we want it proven.  Really I think any player that is not known to be good and is beating everyone by double digits and appears to many players to be moving faster than everyone else should be kicked and told not to do it.  There are many good players here that score that fast, but do not move that fast and those are the most leet people that play on these servers.  There are maybe 10 of them at most; the rest scoring like that have some kind of advantage.

No I'm an educator, just trying to level the playing field a little bit.  Soon I'll make it as level as it can possibly get;  I'm just working up to it.

You know I was gonna write about you, but you obviously don't know me.  I always hit the top 3 and I fuck you. You sound like a pouter to me anyway.

You see you can work on technique forever, but it's a long and tedious process.  So,  I got a better idea; It's the secret to getting to the top of any player ranking these days, and without it in a world full of oranges you'll just be another apple........  So, first lets discuss how cheating can improve your game.

First,  let's define cheating.  Allot of you will respond hackz,cheatz,progz,wall hacking........   but those are only the obvious cheats and the ones that often don't last except for when a mod is not around, and we all know what they are so lets discuss something even better.  Actually, there are many more and useful cheats for the player that is good but lacking that little bit to become great.  Usually what this kind of player resorts to is called scriptz or overclocking or esp or tweakz.  Really cheating is anytime when the players playing the game are not on equal footing(and they never are).  Sure you can write things off to physical differences or training or talents, but more often than not people are more competitive in terms of natural ability than you might think.   Most of the time the other guy is doing something you aren't, and thats where the cheatz come in.  I mean all american athletes are on steriods, runners and cyclists dope thier blood.  I mean if the whole world is cheating ,including George Bush.   Why not me?   George Bush has taught me that cheaters always win and the rest of you can just get fucked for all I care.

Now don't go thinking I'm just gonna give you all my hard work of writing scriptz and coming up with leet tweakz, but its hard work being leet like George Bush.  You have to do that on your own.  Rather, I would like to help you identify the links of the cheats to actual gameplay improvements so you can identify what is going on :)  Really the two basic things you can change without full on cheats(there are always exceptions) are bandwidth and latency.
Bandwidth is the speed of your computer and it is generally associated with overclocking.  When you increase your bandwidth it increases the rate at which the computer runs.  Now many script kiddies reading this and now wanting to flame it as they comb this very sentence will be thinking up quotes from JC(John Carmack) saying,"No matter how fast your computer runs; you won't be able to run any faster than what is hardcoded into the game."  Yes, while this is true, anyone that says that including JC himself is just being a semantical asshole because the word fast is very misleading.  Fast can relate to how fast something moves as a vector being a steady rate of speed in a given direction, but it can also relate to how fast something goes from dead stop to full on speed.  Fast is used to describe acceleration.  So, while it may be true that your top speed is the same(which it isn't we'll get into this) your acceleration to that speed is much faster.  Now your thinking, "Well, what is that .1 second of acceleration difference gonna do for me in the game?  That's nothing."  Wrong, games like quake are all juking and latency.  Juking for those of you that don't know is what Emmit Smith does when he runs down the field and 2 guys try to tackle him and they end up tackling each other. It's a feint that isn't also a fake attack. More, its making your opponent miss without feinting just moving out of where he can shoot you, and for those of you that haven't studied this yet, it is the key to becoming really good other than pure aim and map memorization/control moves.  Not only does bandwidth influence motion of the players which one of its 2 best benefits(in quake 2 this is the best benefit because the rail kills more players than any other weapon and an oced player in q2 is very hard to hit with a rail) the other benefit is the increased firerate.  Really increasing your bandwidth whether by increased os thread usage with speed gear or with conventional overclocking it increases the acceleration of all sprites in the game.  So your thinking whats a sprite.  A sprite is really anything in the game that moves and thats also the definition.  All weapon projectiles are sprites it doesn't matter what gun you are talking about they all have sprites even if its jut the flash of the barrel and the flecks coming off the walls when it hits.  So this is why some people like Punk FAS, dolphin, ArchAngel or ME [NU] can jump infront of you from across the room dump a clip into you in half a second and your dead(with plain old machinegun).  Here are some other lesser benefits of ocing that you wont see anyone talk about.  When you oc, your character has the ability to move faster, it seems in the game in some limited instances to make the character light as a feather.  So, when the player is hit with rockets or any other kind of explosive weapon if he's already a few inches off the ground BOOM it hits him he gets less damage and goes flying across the room to survive and run off.  In Q2 it seems to give the player the ability to never, unless they stand right on them, get tripped on grenades, and the incredible juke speed makes rail shots pure luck and not skill.  I can already hear the script kiddies thinking.......  They will say but when you buy a faster processor your just faster dude stop being a crybaby.  Wrong,  Ive tested this and on processors with similar cores the one clocked up to the higher processor is always faster and some of you will be saying duh and i know why its because the only way you can do this these days is by overclocking the front side bus.  Overclocking the FSB is way better than simply increasing the multiplier because it enhances the speed of many more circuits than the multiplier does by itself.  Overclocking the front side bus not only overclocks the cpu and its cache, but also the bus for the entire computer, and the memory bus which today in terms of hardware is the area of the slowest bottleneck in the pc. It probably always will be as long as we buy cheap ram chips instead of huge chips with all onboard cache because large cpu dies even today increase the manufacturing costs many many times.

Latency is how long it takes something to react, and, as we discovered through acceleration, bandwidth and latency are very interrelated. In reality, latency refers to the time it takes for an event to begin, but it can also designate the rate at which an event begins. We all know where this conversation is heading and for the first time your right let's talk about PING.  Now there are many misconceptions that PING is the tell all be all of how fast your computer is.  This in a way is right and wrong.  Sure the largest latency in your online gaming experience is gonna be your PING because more likely than not your playing on a server that is hundreds of miles away.  The largest factor in determining ping is how many physical devices your data has to pass through or hops before it has to get to its destination; followed by the actual distance to that destination, and third, and most important to those of you looking to improve it, how each of those hops is tweaked to pass your signal.   More often than not, the most untweaked link in that daisy chain is your own home computer and our interface with your isp.   Now that we've gotten the largest possible latency out of the way lets go to the second biggest latency and incidentally it also belongs to the slowest devices and those are your mouse and keyboard.  Since they only operate at 125 hz stock or a refresh of data every 8ms that tends to be the largest source of latency within your computer and with the sticky called Various Q2 Tweaks at the top of this forum you can fix all that so that you are running 1000hz and 1ms of peripheral communication latency(most latencies operate in nanoseconds in the rest of the computer so a millisecond is far more than anything else in your computer).    Your monitor is also a huge source of latency, but don't think the response time is what is going to decrease the latency of your monitor, on the contrary, the main variable in tweaking your monitor latency is your refresh rate which also deals with very slow frequencies in the range of 60 to 200hz.  Since you can't improve this by a factor of 8, it's really not as helpful as the keyboard and mouse tweaks are. Now for those of you with 6 series gpus, just because I'm not a total hater, I'll tell you how to get rid of the largest latency ever intentionally dropped on a computer user. In the 6800 series some graphics card manufacturers through a variable in the universal Nvidia bios chose to activate an option that automatically puts 248 pci latency ontop of your graphics card and with a program called pci latency tool you can eliminate that :) .  Other latencies include various bus and chip tweaks for the computer inside the case, many of which, are essential to good cheating.   So, I suggest  you study every chip in your computer and how to get at them.

Now to deal with the hater,s many of you, especially in adherence to old practices, will steadfastly argue that overclocking is not cheating.  I've learned that fraternities are corrupt organizations, and any rules arbitrated by a fraternity should be rejected as more often than not they are not fair.  Let's be honest many gamers more today than ever think that gaming should operate on seniority and not skill.  They think that as they train and talk to friends that they will be let in on more and better tweaks until they are better than everyone else, and then they can lord this knowledge over the noobs, and have fun pwning them to their hearts content.  Not only is this weak; it's just stupid so I don't understand the connection there.  Now, you might say, if I can't trust people like modz and good players to tell me what cheating is and isn't.  Who can I trust?"  Well when in the world it seems the more people you can get involved in determining the rules of an organization that usually its size alone will keep the organization on the straight and narrow.  The largest organization and also the one with rules that are deemed the most fair would be those of the CyberAtheleteProfessionalLeague or CPL.  I won't go into all the rules here but you can get a good idea of what they are by reading the rules section of any major CPL tournament like the one coming up at CPL Winter 2006 in a couple of weeks.

So, I thought I'd just clear all the air about why all you noobs suck, and why I'm owning all of you.  Let's just face it, god created q2 so I could play it then he made it good so you would like it, and then he gave me leet talents of logic and computer troubleshooting so I could pwn you all day and make you cry.  Have a nice day.   

Couple minor clerical edits that's it.

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