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Messages - gaudy

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bot Drop / Re: proof once and for all axetogrind walls
« on: February 23, 2011, 09:21:44 PM »
frag 8 to 9, the underwater shot, he had no way of knowing someone was there

Hmm, he shoots two hidden things underwater on that frag.  First a corpse (left), then a player (right).

Not sure why he would aim at the corpse unless he just felt like trying to shoot it.  Or if he was just spamming in that direction.  But the aim is pretty dead-on both objects.

I'll be out of town today, but I'm interested in other opinions on this frag by admins & experienced players.


Is there any way to remove the water texture and analyze his cursor placement with regards to the hitboxes of both objects that were shot?

Bot Drop / Re: proof once and for all axetogrind walls
« on: February 22, 2011, 07:35:16 PM »
No signs of cheating in this demo. The shot was spot-proofed spam (the most likely position for the enemy to be while tactically the best angle to hit for A2G at his current y-axis position) that indicates he heard someone drop down to pick up the Chain.

Another indicator at 16 frags with A2G on the lamp. He makes no attempt to spam for an enemy charging down the stairs from lift while he waits for the Railer to head up the stairs. This aligns with a trend of common play patterns and does not lead me to believe he is using any sort of hack. He's just on his game.

Quake / Mouse Problems
« on: December 19, 2010, 10:30:18 AM »
Got a new mouse (Razer Naga) a while back and tried to play q2 with it.

The cursor seems to jump around or get stuck whenever I lift off the pad, or even at random intervals shooting around. I tried switching out to my older mouse, but even that seems to be experiencing a lack of tracking and jumpiness.

I tried dicking around with m_filter and some of the r1q2 settings regarding mice but with very limited success. Additionally, I don't feel this problem when browsing my desktop or playing other games. (All other games seem fine to my knowledge.)

Any help is appreciated.

General Ownage / Re: How to beat erica on frdm3
« on: August 14, 2010, 06:16:00 AM »
Strategy to beat me on [your map pick here]?

I'd like an analysis, for real.

General Ownage / Re: league for fall
« on: August 11, 2010, 06:31:27 PM »
We don't have enough for 4v4.

General Ownage / Re: league for fall
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:31:21 AM »
Scratch Reclamation and add Q2duel5 in my opinion.

Tastycast - / Re: about king of the hill (KOTH)
« on: July 28, 2010, 07:55:34 AM »
You tried against Barton on Dm1. ;)

General Ownage / Re: LEGIT > HAX
« on: July 25, 2010, 07:06:16 PM »
maybe that's how he wants it and wishes to remain anonymous? I mean idk... I just thought that gaud would say so himself if he wished to be called that. anyway, i called him out as duo after playing with him for a week or so after coming back. (yes misery, nothing gets passed me)

him unaliasing and jehars reaction is recorded and cemented in the tastycast archives of ustream :) lol plus his display pic says his name anyway... >_>

idk about you, i know PLENTY of people were really annoyed not knowing who he was... so him finally unaliasing, of course ima spread that shit like wild fire lol

General Ownage / Re: LEGIT > HAX
« on: July 25, 2010, 07:40:08 AM »

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