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'people bitching in the sg cup' has nothing to do with nadl.a lot of people LOVE dm3, you don't know what you're talking about. q2dm3 IS na. No I'm not particularly fond of the map either, but it throws in a unique factor, like q2rdm7 does. People don't like dm3 because you have to slow down and think a little more, and people don't like q2rdm7 for the complete opposite. A person who can adapt to a more various map pool, is the better overall player. What I'm saying prevents people crutching maps that you speak of. NADL isn't aimed to satisfy a few, including myself. Q2rdm7 was a nice replacement for km I thought to mix up the map pool a little, I'll do a vote between the two eventually though.i can't believe you're saying that removing dm1 will make more people show up, LOL. It's still the most played map in pick-ups, another troll by vae. It's one of the 7 maps, you're just going to have to live with it.