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Messages - z00medho

Pages: [1]
1 / Re: Clemency for the banned?
« on: January 26, 2024, 05:10:05 PM »
FFA and TDM...its both quake 2 is swimming pool, another one is ocean. On FFA you are getting hates for being good or too good , on TDM you getting hates for beeing bad. ON FFA they call you cheat, on TDM they call you n00b. And by "they" I mean all those whose mind is not at ease with just playing the game. Only those with partial or little understanding create wars, those with complete understanding tend to let go and ultimately disappear.

I am all for using cheats in long as it is real war situation. In game...its utter stupidity to use it; would take away all the fun and need for challenge. However for some players, q2 seems to be a real war situation...blaming, hating, accusing...very sad but true.

Few beers and I need to scratch ...

These six points brought here by Costigan, are as true as sad.

Now of course truth does not have to be sad...absorbing more truth into life will result in great paradigm soon as one can go beyond mind and its stories. Yet staying on top of the mind is not as simple as might takes long practice.  Freedom is from inner and outer. Its always easy to write this...especially after few beerz.

I myself love strong actually learn from them! XANA I had maybe two games with and I utterly enjoyed being smashed all over dm1 the edge, despite my many years of everyday practice :D

Trouble Shooting / Re: New PC video issues
« on: January 21, 2024, 11:09:22 AM »
I am so sorry about my previous response. I was blinded by the anger about the accusation post and I completely got lost. Thank you for letting me see my limitations Orb. Hope you found solution to your problem. I could certainly be more helpful if I was not sucha dummy. All the best. Happy fragging on your new PC  :smiley_md_clr:

Trouble Shooting / Re: New PC video issues
« on: January 21, 2024, 12:52:00 AM »
i am all into hearing in the game...i hear and i react ...i can not imagine playing without headphones! I can also predict , assume and give shots based on assumptions that sometimes amaze me and the opponent!!! I love crazy shoots too..just in case! Its me z00m and that is my style man. Good day to you.

Trouble Shooting / Re: New PC video issues
« on: January 21, 2024, 12:32:59 AM »
You can fuck with na!ve people but you can not fuck with God  :forceac: You will not get away with spreading false statements about dedicated players to the game. You will say sorry or your karma will really get you bad in the much for my zen, buddy !  :disgust2:

Trouble Shooting / Re: New PC video issues
« on: January 21, 2024, 12:21:03 AM »
but you are correct! for this once...i am not fooling nobody. and you right about that porn shit too...pity you not right about your judgement in the game Sir! dont listen to yer twelve monkeys! they are bananas! Stay away from your bent stupid judgements! Ya have been warned!

Trouble Shooting / Re: New PC video issues
« on: January 21, 2024, 12:04:01 AM »
Orb you got yerself some nice screen, how about some nice set of headphones? As far as I am concerned you dont have problems with seeing, but serious problems with hearing!!!  :bigcry:

Bot Drop / Re: Biggest hackers of 2023
« on: January 15, 2024, 06:02:48 PM »
Sorry Pepp, but its only Neverloved who has the right to judge and stick fingers :D You need his blessing to get the title :)

Bot Drop / Re: Biggest hackers of 2023
« on: January 14, 2024, 05:30:29 AM »
Just like trying to talk to Hamas about being rational ..hopeless case. And  thats only first half of the spectrum... ;) The tradegy is ...said Jubgalutta !idebtification! with the fata morgana...i meant indentification actually but still makes some sense.

Bot Drop / Re: Biggest hackers of 2023
« on: January 14, 2024, 04:14:20 AM »
"I hope I will be number one on yer list in 2024 bro". I just can listen. and you well..can not. Me mind too big for you ? 2d vs 3d? Your cancer will just go bigger with time and affect many players who are naive enough to swallow your nonsense. I know it is utterly pointles to talk to you so happy new 2024 and well...I gonna give it my best shot! and see how many people you will convert into your you say I will stop drinking booze for you to make sure I am number one hacker on your list! :ilysign: oh...and I can th!nk helps in the game you know ;) OK last one beer and I will take you sober. I will not let it unnoticed because what you doing here is utter absolute BS!  :busted: Now are we into of time with you friendo! I only write it cause I am drinking. Sober I would not give a damn...I know how this world works. And all the best...seriously. May our minds be clear from bs :)

dm / Re: Pasta Ssempa skin
« on: March 06, 2023, 09:35:28 AM »
Absolute Truth

dm / Re: Pasta Ssempa skin
« on: March 04, 2023, 04:35:28 AM »
Wanna test (taste?) your skills? Drop DM and go will know the difference in no time.

dm / Re: Pasta Ssempa skin
« on: March 04, 2023, 04:24:37 AM »
Pasta you have eaten too much 888 poo poo and it is shown in your comment. First of all he is ffa player which is amateur only server and he wont move outside of it because it is too much deep water for his bs.

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