Im pretty sure posting porn on here is a banable offense.
After setting pc to native res then mucking around with it vid_fullscreen then vidmodelist 800x600@60 was perfect got rid of the stretched look
... and then setting q2pro `video mode` to desktop in the video options.
Nicotine has never been addictive to me, whatsoever, no matter how many years I've smoked or how many I smoke a day.
3840 /2160 = 1.7777 (your monitor's multiplier for the x-y ratio)1920 /1080 = 1.77771280x720 = 1.77771024 /768 = 1.3333800 /600 = 1.33333840x2160 and 1920x1080 both have the same ratio, so at least 1920x1080 should run with no problems and fill the screen without distortion.