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Messages - geikram

Pages: [1] 2 3
/dev/random / Re: TASTY FFA II MAP
« on: April 06, 2006, 11:13:12 AM »
4u2map15 is large enough for 20+ players.

Also a map (geikdm6) I made a few years ago might be large enough. It felt too big w/ 12 players on the 4u2server.
attached demo has a couple jumps to get the mega.

/dev/random / Re: Female and Male Sterotypes
« on: March 10, 2006, 03:27:35 PM »
Shopping. It's's so FNTrue!!!! :frustration:

Last time I went shopping with my GF she spent 2 hours prancing around from shoe store to shoe store. She never tried on any of the other shoes she was looking at, she just wanted to hold them.  :dohdohdoh: WTF!? we had already looked at the shoe inventory online and saw many angled shots of everyshoe they have.  :ohlord: Even the salespeople were all  :ohreally: b/c of all the time she hogged from them and only bought one $150 pair of shoes.

I said to her, "Listen. Next time you stay in a store for over 35mins without purchasing something I will go finish my shopping and leave the mall."
I don't need to tell you the outcome of that conversation, just that next weekend I'm going shopping with her again   :raincloud:

If she wants to shop like that she can ask her friends to go with her.


You can fix that. Take her shopping for something you like and she hates. After 4 hrs with me picking through guitars at a music shop my gf said "Please, let's go! I'll never ask you to go shopping again."...and she hasn't.  :yaisse:

Chris Rock is right. guys want 3 things; food, sex, and silence. women want just 1 thing; everything!
Rodney explains it:

art, music, etc. / Re: 1970 Pink Floyd concert- free download
« on: February 22, 2006, 12:41:44 PM »
 :beer: Btw, i have the '74 Wembley stadium recording from that site too if interested. I like it better than the BBC broadcast. linkage:

The links are dead but it does say "Trade Freely. Not For Sale." so if anyone wants it just give me an simple painless place to upload the tracks.

art, music, etc. / 1970 Pink Floyd concert- free download
« on: February 22, 2006, 11:45:19 AM »

This concert recording has been reposted for a short while. If you're interested i wouldn't wait long as it might go poof again. It's really an excellent live performance. Links at bottom of page.


/dev/random / Re: Mya: Currently taking requests
« on: January 01, 2006, 02:30:03 PM »
Mya, how about doing  May This Be Love by JHE. It's a beautiful song.



/dev/random / Re: Crouching lamer, hidden n00b
« on: January 01, 2006, 02:25:58 PM »
The gunship my dad piloted and squeezed the trigger on in Vietnam had 3 Gau-2a mini-guns.

3 "chainguns" firing at max rate = 18,000 round per min or 300 rounds per sec.  :)

art, music, etc. / Re: Guitar tabs.
« on: December 18, 2005, 07:14:34 PM »
FYI, You might want to save to disc any tabs you'd like to keep/use. The MPA is cracking down on tabs sites claiming copyright infringement. Two major tab sites went offline in the last few days (Adams 1st link is now dead).

From a tab site:
"This tab or lyric has been removed over possible copyright infringement. We are currently looking into methods to display this tab or lyric that abide by copyright laws."

BBC Article:

art, music, etc. / Re: Guitar!
« on: December 14, 2005, 02:20:26 AM »
Quote from: {SX}adam on November 21, 2005, 07:59:23 AM
Quote from: {SX}adam on November 21, 2005, 07:59:23 AM
lmao @ n0c.. aight well.. magical pig, i have learnt the d chord, d minor, a chord  and g chord.. coming soon = jimi chord.

If you have "the hendrix chord" down then move on to other Hendrix chords decribed here:

Adam, this is an AWESOME site for beginners!
Dozens of free video lessons. Tons of licks you can learn. I'd strat w/ Beginning -> Rhythm -> Blues/Rock -> Jazz/Blues.

art, music, etc. / Re: Guitar!
« on: November 27, 2005, 03:47:10 AM »
I recently found some pics from 15 yrs ago which have a couple shots of some of my old guitars.

Ibanez RG570

An old school bud playing one of my fender strats.

Quake / Re: Question About TDM & 1v1
« on: November 03, 2005, 03:09:21 PM »
This is a version of Bigwigs weap drop alias which I cleaned up and modded the ammo dropping. Only 1 additional key is needed to drop any weapon and any amount of ammo. It works like this:
The same key used to select a weapon is used to drop that weapon. By holding down mouse3 and pressing the weapon select key you will drop that weapon, an ammo pack, wave, and give a drop message including location (loc needed). While still holding mouse3 each additional push will drop one ammo pack. replace the "*" in 3 places for each weap under:
// bind key to weapon usage
// weapon drop (last part of alias)
// bind key to weapon drop

// weapon usage
alias ubSG "use shotgun; use super shotgun"
alias ubMG "use machinegun; use chaingun"
alias ubGL "use grenades; use grenade launcher"
alias ubRL "use rocket launcher"
alias ubHB "use BFG10K; use hyperblaster"
alias ubRG "use railgun"

// bind key to weapon usage
alias uSG "bind * ubSG"
alias uMG "bind * ubMG"
alias uGL "bind * ubGL"
alias uRL "bind * ubRL"
alias uHB "bind * ubHB"
alias uRG "bind * ubRG"

// weapon drop
alias dbSG "drop Shotgun; drop Super shotgun; drop shells; wave 3; say_team [SSG/SG DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop shells"
alias dbMG "drop Machinegun; drop chaingun; drop bullets; wave 3; say_team [CG/MG DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop bullets"
alias dbGL "drop Grenade Launcher; drop grenades; wave 3; say_team [GL/HG DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop grenades"
alias dbRL "drop Rocket Launcher; drop rockets; wave 3; say_team [RL DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop rockets"
alias dbHB "drop hyperblaster; drop BFG10K; drop cells; wave 3; say_team [HB DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop cells"
alias dbRG "drop Railgun; drop slugs; wave 3; say_team [RG DROPPED] @ $loc_here; bind * drop slugs"

// bind key to weapon drop
alias dSG "bind * dbSG"
alias dMG "bind * dbMG"
alias dGL "bind * dbGL"
alias dRL "bind * dbRL"
alias dHB "bind * dbHB"
alias dRG "bind * dbRG"

// Will drop weapon by pressing mouse3 + weapon key
bind mouse3 +dw
alias +dw "dSG; dMG; dGL; dRL; dHB; dRG"
alias -dw "uSG; uMG; uGL; uRL; uHB; uRG"

art, music, etc. / Re: Guitar!
« on: October 16, 2005, 06:47:24 PM »
I'm going to sell my black les paul, and buy this METAL HOLOCAUST DEATH MACHINE:

I've owned a couple floyd rose trem guitars. I'd suggest Not getting a "licensed" floyd Rose. They work perfectly for a couple/few yrs then the points wear down and wont stay in tune. If you're wanting a floyd style trem, find a model with an Original floyd rose. They're more expensive but well worth it.

/dev/random / Re: Weapons
« on: October 16, 2005, 06:45:36 PM »
Some of my sidearms:

Ruger 357 Magnum

Colt 1911 45 Cal.

Taurus 99 9mm

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