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Messages - WiFi_Man

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Quake / Re: Dear Dr. Console
« on: March 12, 2010, 05:19:12 PM »
The fov variable doesn't directly control render FOV; it's sent in userinfo updates to the server, which echoes it back to the client, which in turn gets lerped for a smooth transition.  baseq2 seems to have a tendency to lose track of userinfo for some players in coop mode, causing incorrect FOV as well as missing name/skin.  (Anyone know what causes this?  Doesn't seem to occur in deathmatch mode, and I've not seen it at either of my coop servers in a long time.)

Also, players don't drop weapons when dying in coop; however, it might be possible to move wallfly onto a weapon item by firing at him, or exploding things nearby.

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: Welcome to quebix.
« on: May 28, 2008, 10:48:16 PM »
I want to create a company that can create/send dvd's of subscripton content. So I have to talk to a lawyer, and it would probably have to be in another country.

Say you get a 5 day trial at X porn site.  Wouldn't it be nice to have all their shit on DVD, where you can access it anywhere?
do you want to buy my software :).  I ran into this, uhmm, trying to do it, and I had create some scripts with wget, to get around the non-standard convention of these sites.  I've been thinking of this for a while.  It has its problems, like someone releasing the software for free.  but the software could be better, we could provide managed services, and already have a customer base.  Most of the problems are legal issues, like what the site says is ok.  but what does it matter if my nation says it's ok?  Not in a moral sense, but in the "can I run a business and not go to jail" sense.

You need httrack.  :)

I don't think you'll find many nations that don't consider mailing people DVDs of third-party subscription websites a breach of copyright - hell, it's probably illegal now in the US to mirror such a site for your own use, or some similar nonsense.  Maybe if TPB were to successfully buy an island, you could set up there?   ;D

Having a service whereby the sites can offer some sort of buy-our-site-content-on-DVD deal would probably be easier, but at that point you're just a publisher.

Tech Junkie Lounge / Re: It 'tis time.
« on: May 28, 2008, 10:02:00 PM »
If someone really spends that much of their life blogging, they probably don't have a very interesting life to blog about.  ;D

Quake / Re: Popular Spectator Myths
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:50:38 PM »
Alright, this is a really silly idea, but I was just thinking...  What if you could have a "delayed spectator feed" or something?  Have some sort of relay that connects as a spectator (or possibly through a special server backdoor), and that the other spectators can connect to.  They'd be able to float around or chasecam as usual, but: 1. would be unable to bother the actual players with chat or [dis]connect messages, and 2. would be significantly less helpful as a cheating mechanism.

Of course, this would just be a pain in the ass for ad-hoc matches, so (in my opinion) it should be reserved for leagues and whatnot.

Quake / Re: Washington DC Server
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:35:28 PM »
I went to the server and all of a sudden my wallet was gone.  :WTF:

Once the sun goes down, all the weirdoes turn crazy!

Quake / Re: Blaster & Teleownage !!!
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:31:21 PM »
anticheat RRR-RZN is not using anticheat.
[Q2Admin] RRR-RZN is using a speed cheat quake2!!!
[Q2Admin] RRR-RZN is using a speed cheat quake2!!!
[Q2Admin] RRR-RZN is using a speed cheat quake2!!!
[Q2Admin] RRR-RZN is using a speed cheat quake2!!!
[Q2Admin] RRR-RZN is using a speed cheat quake2!!!
RRR-RZN was kicked
RRR-RZN disconnected

Did someone notice that is the text file?

Amazing how ppl care more about
noobs on vanilla than haxors.

Most likely he got lagged, and Q2Admin thought it was a speed hack. :(

Unless my memory failed me again, that's the "timescale != 0" message.  Personal experience here.  (I was just testing.)

And tomorrow... I'll be sitting on the commode in nothing but my underwear with poop stains loading my assault rifle while softly chanting the words, "Jesus doesn't like it when you pee on the seat."


Quake / Re: Xfire
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:18:03 PM »
Sorry, your username didn't seem to show up on a search.

Quake / Re: what is this?
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:13:14 PM »
Code: [Select]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Apparently IE thinks it's smarter than the webserver, and in this particular case it actually is - Firefox is treating the file exactly as the server told it to (display it as plaintext).  I'm going to make a wild guess and say console probably only mapped ".pak", not ".PAK", so renaming it, zipping/gzipping/bzip2'ing it, and convincing console to fix the server config should all be valid solutions.  :)

IE7 works great. Microsoft  :thumbsup:

New PC: $400
Copy of Windows XP: $100
A month of cable for downloading updates: $50
That exhausted, pissed-off feeling from spending two hours clicking through updates just to have something blow up in your face: Priceless

Trouble Shooting / Re: Logitech LX700 wireless mouse issues.....
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:53:26 PM »
Are cables really THAT annoying?  On the other hand you have to contend with batteries, less responsiveness, interference, possibly greater potential for eavesdropping, increased price, and increased complexity (and hence more that can break).

Where's the 1000 GBs wireless? Hmm...
Just wait for spatial multiplexing to develop.  :)

Trouble Shooting / Re: Creating a boot menu for optimized gaming.
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:35:51 PM »
Quote from: X'tyfe on May 02, 2008, 09:34:27 PM
Quote from: X'tyfe on May 02, 2008, 09:34:27 PM
don't disable PnkBstrA, Punkbuster has to run as a service to work.  :dohdohdoh:

this is why i dont like punkbuster, when it needs a friggin service spying on my every move making sure i dont CHEAT

That's treacherous computing for you.  Let's hope Vista isn't exploited for "cheat protection".

Regarding the original topic: if you really want to eliminate superfluous crap running, you could set up a minimal Linux distribution and run evilwm or the like... :D

Quake / Re: Could someone please pull the screwed up maps on WODX???
« on: April 27, 2008, 01:37:42 PM »
The parking map does seem like it was designed by someone with a very fast video card - framerate's terrible on my old GeForce 256.

There's another map in rotation which seems to spawn players outside 99% or so of the time, but I don't remember the name.

Trouble Shooting / Re: Why I will never
« on: April 27, 2008, 01:25:06 PM »
For what it's worth, dust is generally non-conductive; the biggest problems with its presence will likely be mechanical failures (removable drives, fans, etc.) and insufficient cooling (restriction of air flow or coatings on heatsinks, in addition to any fan breakage).

Quake / Re: Megaman 1.3 Full download (View Weps included)
« on: April 10, 2008, 03:06:29 PM »
I don't forsee any problems with including the compile fix for g_items.c upstream - all this does is remove the "static" qualifier on the armor *_index variables.  (Does static even have an effect outside a function?)  Here's the patch - and it's probably pretty obvious what it does even if you can't import unified diffs with the MS dev tools.

Copy the Makefile and .depends into the main source tree as well and you'll eliminate a separate Linux source package entirely.

And here's the 1.4a binary along with the updated source-fix zip (due to g_items.c change).  Binary is smaller this time because I remembered to strip it... :oops:

14 / Re: small idea, big win!
« on: April 10, 2008, 01:10:05 PM »
I'm not aware of any means for a client to control weapon auto-switching (like when you run out of ammo) or bind overloading (where using something again will cycle to another weapon), although the latter can be simulated with aliases or toggle.

The map preference system could be more than just auto-goto - as Discoloda said, servers could have maplists based on those playing.  It's not uncommon for a disliked map to cause half the players in a server to leave, and an arbitrary mymap by someone might not be any better.

15 / Re: small idea, big win!
« on: March 30, 2008, 01:54:23 PM »
Having a per-player preference system in place could be useful in other ways, too.  For example, those of us who bound "use Phalanx" for xatrix could instruct the server to honor "use Railgun" properly, and likewise for ionripper and hyperblaster.  I'm sure there are other mods that could use it.  And, hey, here's a thought: configurable weapon auto-switch order.

As far as I know, DM and vanilla are running nearly stock Q2, however the auto-goto feature probably wouldn't be too hard to put into wallfly (note: I'm not volunteering).

The preferences could be put partially or wholly into cvars, or they could reference some sort of config database, in which case there would need to be some sort of secure user-ID or the like to prevent unauthorized modifications.  And while secure user-ID could be useful for other purposes, that would require either client modifications or use of an external program, at which point it'd be easier for many to just use a website... plus, a lot of players already have readonly configs where they can put stuff like
Code: [Select]
set mappref "mapname/minplayers/maxplayers mapname/minplayers/maxplayers ..." u
set ignoreservers "server server ..." u
set ignoremods "mod mod ..." u
I'm not as well versed in Q2 server commands as I should be, but that should be fetchable without modifying the game DLL.

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