stick the binds in an autoexec.cfg text file that resides in the folder of the mod you're playing (eg baseq2 or tourney), and everything in that file will be loaded up automatically. Google around, there's plenty of helpful information
In each mod's folder find a file called config.cfgOpen that file using wordpad or notepad.Insert the commands like bind key "use blaster;use machinegun;use chaingun;use railgun" I think you can also create a file called autoexec.cfg and input your binds/aliases into that file and drop a copy of it into all your mod's folders. these out. Ive kinda commented them out a bit so it may give you some ideas as to the many things you can bind and how aliases work.feel free to copy anything out that you want to use.I have all of these copied into every mod directory and the baseq2, so I'm setup pretty much the same, no matter what.if a certain mod needs certain binds tho, you can just edit the one in that mod's directory.
Check this thread out: (alias)
Hi there ... I know " How To Bind " actions & weapon binds in the console ... But for some reason, I lose them when I exit.??" How do I create a " Config File " for each of the Mods, ie; Wod, Lithium, Chaos etc ... So I don't have to keep typing those binds in the console, on each visit.?? "Will I have to create 1 in every Mod Folder, or can I just put the 1 in the main Quake II Folder.?? - Been playing for over 10 years now, it's getting annoying, re-binding all the time.!!Love some help here guys ... Might even have to move over to " W A S D " keys for playing instead of my Up Down Left Right Arrows 4 more options.?? - I'll work on it ... In the meantime, looking forward to replies, Cheer's.!!