speaking of fake..nice fake irc log of "r1ch" that you concocted as "proof" that he attempted to blackmail you. Are you really so deluded that you can't admit that you were bitter about getting caught for using your disguised ratbot, by him, and you tried your darndest to retaliate? (in the most pitiful manner that I have ever witnessed, for the record)I'm still trying to figure out how decompiling a .dll somehow leaves comment lines intact that were removed when it was built.btw, the door is right over there...Don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out.
I've been playing this game since it came out and somehow i magically pwn the shit out of everyone all the time, even when I use all the new anticheats from q2ace to nocheat to r1q2. the noobs that use this forum just cant admit that there's someone out there that owns them.
Krez stfu i admit u owned me with 3 times my ping i dont deny the truth.
one thing to note is that like a day after i joined feared, they were laughing in the private irc channel about how r1ch tried to extort visa's from him.
then like a week later, both vapid and zebor were 'caught' by rich. They mentioned the visa thing atleast a week before they were supposedly caught.
'cept they weren't just caught suddenly. We had been getting aimbot reports about them from respected players for quite awhile prior. We began coordinating with r1ch to monitor them while they were on our servers, to investigate the nature of the hack being used. When the nature of the hack was discovered and confirmed, they were caught as the result of an ongoing investigation, not some surprise out of the blue.Regards,quadz
* console tries to picture r1ch extorting visas