Total Members Voted: 15
Yes but fortunate enough for me I have a brain and and with your inopportune luck you are lacking in this area. This facilitates knowing the difference between 'general' and indirect statements.
I just wish I could be on your awesome yet incomprehensible level of intelligence and also the incredible skill level of [EoM].Peace!
Lets see vibes, I put and twice and you made it bold along with brain before it, I'm so owned. In fact, I think this totally overshadows the lame and idiotic shit you pull more than 5x a day. Conveying my repeating 'and and' mistake while calling you an idiot really makes me seem so dumb. Especially when you didn't reply to the blatant message that was stated, it was classic. Waking up as you must be like staring into the eyes of God, and him proclaiming me as his most magnificent creation. I just wish I could be on your awesome yet incomprehensible level of intelligence and also the incredible skill level of [EoM].Peace!
OWNED AGAIN and again and again........PUNK
I suggest you STFU.Peace
Vibes, cut haunted some slack.
I've been RConned recently
Quadz lied about his backup capability .... I tried telling the egotistical admins ... what timing, what ignorance by Quadz, what excuse there isn't ... Kingsize is absolutely correct when he slams you for making [rl] an admin while passing on people who could've fixed this server LONG ago, before even BigD (namely me).
There's plenty more I'd like to go into, including the whole 'free service' bull
Anyway, I would like nothing more than for the jump server to be a fun place for everyone, and where everything ran perfectly smoothly to everyone's satisfaction.