}}Wetarded{{, Super_Mario can never join on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and sundays.
There is a console who is there during those times that -boots wetarded, and supermario.... repetitively. This is the same guy who poses as one player and then makes gay sexually-oriented comments towards other players . He has done this to a number of players , and if anyone says anything he boots/bans them from the server.
ok... it will be the other players name. what good will that be?
None, it was nikon{pot} i was just talking to him and then the console working at the time started saying gay things on Nikons name when i said "geeze we have a real mature console i was booted. Console was immitating people, which players get banned for. Ask Nikon{pot}. If i posted the condump it would just look like another player saying those gay things to me and the other players at the server. I was also changing my name to talk to my friends, cause i have some. I was muted and banned 6 weeks ago and then let back on but i have done nothing since but every thursday night i get booted and can't get on until tuesday night, I do not break any rules i just go and play jump with my friends and ax2grind. But i just get kicked for no apparent reason. So the thursday-monday console should grow up. i hate when you have a 10 year old console. He also thinks he is Super Great cause of his admin powers.
You want a condump, heres one with the console present ( I guess crusty is his friend , he can spam and not get warned) And Panjoo should be muted forever ( another buddy of console i guess)
when i try to rejoin the console just sits there and kicks me (}}Wetarded{{ was kicked You were kicked from the game) over and over again
Ok i won't spam (if i ever did).