..and element, if you hadn't gone over there to stir shit up, I'm sure Troll wouldn't have said shit.He's not one to just make shit up for no reason..
why was element over there?hmm?what business does he have in MK servers, other than shit-talkin?He obviously has no respect for anyone who plays there, so I seriously doubt he went there to play.
Quote from: Whirlingdervish(Q2C) on January 25, 2007, 03:10:05 PMwhy was element over there?hmm?what business does he have in MK servers, other than shit-talkin?He obviously has no respect for anyone who plays there, so I seriously doubt he went there to play.correction: Element plays at monsterkill. Just not so much lately... He was even a forum Moderator for a while Whirilingdervish so, I have to disagree with your "he obviously has no respect for anyone who plays there" statement.
I'm not trying to make enemies or start serious shit here, but I know he was over there.I fuckin saw him on my xfire in the MKTDM server with the guys in question.why was element over there?hmm?what business does he have in MK servers, other than shit-talkin?He obviously has no respect for anyone who plays there, so I seriously doubt he went there to play.also,I've never seen any of this behavior you refer to out of Troll, and I play pickups with him 4-5 times a week.I see him on every damn day and I play rails with him for a couple hours every time I can.I really don't think he's just pulling the wool over my eyes.
BTW I talk shit on you and adren too. mostly adren.
well I'm sure troll beats you 1v1 (no offense) - he's one of those lamers like titties where if he can beat you (in laughable railz duels only I might add) he keeps his mouth shut, really what his problem with us is that he doesnt like getting shown up on his own mod by some outsiders, which instead of bitching the newbie should just get his game up, and then get his clan's game up, its not like we practice rails or anything, we just show up and since the skill level of the community being so low from the non-scrimming/constant whining none of them get any better, element being a part of the hated devinersthe bottom line to all this is if troll was as good as he thinks he is he would just beat us and shut upelement might have not went there to play, but the beef we have with those guys has been going on so long that not many of us care, they dont treat their community with any respect or they wouldnt force out the only ones that want to get games played (I was proposing to set up a rails league sort of like we do with the tdm stuff when I was banned BTW) so why should we treat their community with any respect?
Quote from: |D|sean on January 25, 2007, 04:32:35 PMwell I'm sure troll beats you 1v1 (no offense) - he's one of those lamers like titties where if he can beat you (in laughable railz duels only I might add) he keeps his mouth shut, really what his problem with us is that he doesnt like getting shown up on his own mod by some outsiders, which instead of bitching the newbie should just get his game up, and then get his clan's game up, its not like we practice rails or anything, we just show up and since the skill level of the community being so low from the non-scrimming/constant whining none of them get any better, element being a part of the hated devinersthe bottom line to all this is if troll was as good as he thinks he is he would just beat us and shut upelement might have not went there to play, but the beef we have with those guys has been going on so long that not many of us care, they dont treat their community with any respect or they wouldnt force out the only ones that want to get games played (I was proposing to set up a rails league sort of like we do with the tdm stuff when I was banned BTW) so why should we treat their community with any respect?seems plausible. I can respect your opinion, since it was made quite openly and in a very straightforward manner..For the record though, I haven't played a team game against another clan since joining |iR|, so I won't make any judgements on our skill level in relation to other clans... yet. We've mostly just been playing small team games, tryin to see who's better at what. You may be mistaken if you think we spend a reasonable amount of time practicing too...I can't comment on the rest of the MK crowd as I don't know all of them very well, but I'd like to see a |D| railz team, so all this shit talkin can be for a decent reason. I don't plan on getting all caught up in a clan v clan pissing match unless we're gonna be playing a few rounds here and there, and there aren't any other teams currently active.. (except for vF? I dunno.. dames?)on that note, I play railz now, so your bluster from a few months back can be verified now. come out and play Sean! you can bring adrenaline if he wants to hold your hand...
Yeah The Violent Femmes are kinda iffy at this point. there is Maddy , mj , Jessamyn , and myself.