We gave that win to you so u would write a nice poem about it.. and maybe not cut urself this weak :emo:
Krez stfu i admit u owned me with 3 times my ping i dont deny the truth.
I"m not sure what this obsession with evidence is
We won a match to an obviously superior team, that's why I keep talking shit about it! ps. the ss that I posted I finished last in
but seriously..why do you guys get into all this popularity contest bullshit?It doesn't seem to really matter anymore if a team actually beats you, you still throw "owned" around like it's going out of style and act like anyone who thinks you aren't as good as another team is just crazy or a noob. If they are neither, you do the "gang up and discredit" routine.. wouldnt it be easier for all parties involved if you'd just play the game and use the results to gauge your skill?
..i play q2..do you? no you dont..my point = valid