I"m not sure what this obsession with evidence is
It was so funny it actually inspired me to think that they might actually make a few good ones again!!!!I could have done without Cartman screaming "BATHROOM BATHROOM" and the resulting scene, but that is typical Southpark and one of the grossest ones yet!
Umm sorry jagger I must of missed it do to sleep so I can get up in the morning for work , eh you know the important things addicts neglect . Not saying I wouldnt of enjoyed it though . Btw I am sooo sorry your room mate didnt give you the attention you craved from him by playing mmorpg's it must of been a real heart break for you
where the hell would you take a nerd who is entirely consumed by an mmorpg?Certainly not out of the house!People could see you with a total dork, and that would be humiliating.
Plus this is supposed to be THE game that defines MMORPG. jagermonsta, care to join me in my quest of conquering this 10-day trial version?
I have a life!
you're clever. roast beef makes me sick.