Your Help Is Needed!Animated GIF Request!If anybody with teh 1337 video editing skills could help out...[Edit: Thanks R1CH !!!]I'd love to have an animated GIF of the "gren ate daelmun's rocket" sequence from about 3:54 - 4:02. I.e. starting from daelmun's rocket jump, then the camera follows the rocket into the mega room, hitting gren at YA.If the animated GIF could be roughly 120x100 size (doesn't have to be exact, just small so it's not tooo big a download) I want to put it on the home page. See the current as a proof of concept using a 120x100 GIF. (Only Firefox seems to play it at full speed. IE and Safari play it, just a little slow. But it still looks cool... )Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Regards,
Your Help Is Needed!Animated GIF Request!If anybody with teh 1337 video editing skills could help out...I'd love to have an animated GIF of the "gren ate daelmun's rocket" sequence from about 3:54 - 4:02. I.e. starting from daelmun's rocket jump, then the camera follows the rocket into the mega room, hitting gren at YA.If the animated GIF could be roughly 120x100 size (doesn't have to be exact, just small so it's not tooo big a download) I want to put it on the home page. See the current as a proof of concept using a 120x100 GIF. (Only Firefox seems to play it at full speed. IE and Safari play it, just a little slow. But it still looks cool... )Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Regards,