Author Topic: When is it enough?  (Read 5851 times)

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When is it enough?
« on: August 22, 2006, 04:40:31 PM »
I haven't looked at the other subforums for information concerning me or the last thread I started, but I'm assuming - since people are still invisible - the problem on DM hasn't been solved.  Regardless, I find it incredibly hypocritical to support Toxicmonkey in his tirade about vote abuse on JUMP while allowing the current abuse to go unchecked.  People spending all the time on a map voting random changes as soon as the server allows them, then reconnecting after the third vote and giving themselves level one administrator privileges before the current vote times out, preventing them from getting silenced or kicked.  Even if they blunder a kick doesn't keep them off the server, nor is silencing an effective way of dealing with them, since we're trying to play and have to keep tabs on the local ******* at the same time.  Today, there were several.  Cunt ****, Wetarded, Jumper and several others do little other than become a pain to everyone on the server trying to play for more than three minutes at a time.  Even Toxicmonkey has been known to abuse the built-in vote system, but he appears to get his way whenever he posts a complaint.  So, he doesn't just abuse the voting, he abuses the forum; anything to get his way, I suppose.  Well, I've about had enough.

The first thing that should've been fixed on this server is the statistics.  There's no way to have 2,941% of listed maps played, have only 14 of 500 maps listed as good, or have scores from 2002 on a server that - to the best of my knowledge - came online in 2005.  Then there are the other problems with the scores that have yet to be fixed, most - if not all - of which screw me over more than anyone else: deletion of entire time tables from multiple maps that should immediately have been backed up.  Seems the ones which were are ones that didn't have a problem... until they were, deleting my first place with gaps of two or three months between the last old score and first new one - right where my score was.

Now, I'm told the only people who can do anything about any of this are Quadz (Console), Haunted (read below) and Tefh (hired gun).  When's the last time Haunted or Tefh was on JUMP?  Probably only when challenging Ridix or getting a swift kick in the arse, but I digress.  These are the only people who could've placed those 2002 times on the server, or overwritten current scores with backups (deleting my current times), or fixed the deleted scores with the backups that should've been used.  Alright, for a brief period Critter was probably in there, too, but I don't know what the deal is with that so I'm not commenting.  Suffice it to say this **** needs some attention.

Don't give me the 'we're not making money from this server' speech.  If you weren't concerned about reputation then cheating, vote abuse and everything else would be tolerated.  Why is Ghandi chastized for trying to get Toxicmonkey deservedly silenced/kicked but this **** goes unabated and unfixed?  Don't give me the 'are your times your entire life' bull****, either.  From Haunted's standpoint they prove respect is deserved, but only the right times matter.  If times didn't matter then the server shouldn't keep them at all.  If server doesn't matter, and from the looks of the maintenance that may very well be true, then shut it down.  Then again, I've said that before and it's fallen on deaf ears.

I'm not screaming for admin power, I doubt I'd accept unless it actually had some authority behind it, in fact I'm not screaming any more, at all.  I'm practically hoarse from trying to get someone here to actually do something, all for naught up until now.  You have someone with admin who, and I'm paraphrasing here, 'knows more about the Jump community standards than I do.'  Sound familiar?  If not maybe this place needs more help than even I can give it, but if you want informed logical ideas presented then maybe I'm available.  Just prove to me my time won't be wasted if I do, namely by doing something now.

As for Haunted...

Well the stats don't represent skill level accurately being that some do not jump as much as others.

most of all the jump community at ts will agree with me in that the top players =

1. nookie
2. saix
3. israfel
4. me
5. rl
6. stab

people like ax, ridix, dinsum, and b0at are only good on easy/short maps. On these maps, they can keep up with the 6 listed above and it often fools people into thinking that they are good. On difficult maps, as you can see by granny's fear to accept my challenge, they are nothing.

First, let's address the misconception of what I've accomplished.  I've finished over 800 of the maps on Tastyspleen and most of those long ones I did ages ago, it seems.  Yes, that means huge times, but impressing you wasn't my goal.  It was proving to other people the map was finishable, since admins didn't do **** back then.  As for easy/short maps, most of the work in dueling/deathmatch/capture/etc. is small groups of quick movements strung out over and over again.  Do it well enough and you compete with the legends of the game on that map, just as I did.  On the other hand, a lot of those maps are intermediate/medium maps, much to your chigrin, I'm sure.  I've recently taken down aprroximately three dozen top times from the players you listed above, most of them Saix since he got to most of those new maps long before anyone else - which brings us to a bigger issue.

I abandoned this game years ago in favor of Quake 3 Arena.  The only thing Q3A has from Q2 is strafe jumping, and even that isn't the same.  I tried getting Power3d, among others, to help me but he seemed oblivious, so I got around the best I could.  I didn't plan to come back, but my Q3A disc got scratched during a re-install, so here I am.  I'm rusty as ****, but I still kick most peoples' asses in just about every mod I played.  I'm not going to put the effort I used to attain a top rank into this game given it's dead.  It's much too tiring and I don't think I have the strength, but hardly anything anyone now is doing is a surprise, nor is it something I couldn't have handled back then.  I also played Jump, but not as long as other, more-mainstream mods.  Take away the cheating accusations and the disrespect, in general, and what you have is someone who's now playing just to have some fun.  I don't see those long maps as fun, simply put.  They also aren't as completable when the idiots frequenting JUMP threaten to change the map - as they successfully did today at least once on me - while I'm in the last room.  Nothing personal, but if you expect me to deal with poor administration, poor sportmanship and poor attitudes all at once you have me mixed up with someone who gives a damn.

There's nothing in those long maps that aren't in some of the medium ones, or couldn't be made into one.  Your obsession with long maps is disturbing, at least when you're using it to judge other people.  I don't see you on Expert or Acme, even though the former has more hard maps - hence the name.  So, to show that I am what I say, how's my first piece of advice - beyond what I've already said above - to make this a better server:

Collect all the jump maps out there, every last one.  Cull the duplicates that don't offer acceptable alterations.  Categorize them in three areas - difficulty, length and filesize (for download purposes).  List them in three different .cfgs and distribute them to all three American servers - Acme (easy/short), Tastyspleen (intermediate/medium) and Expert (long/hard).  This way none of these servers runs a duplicate map, all share their time tables, and we can ditch the newbies who spam/vote/etc. until they're blue in the face to a server that rarely gets used (not sure if Wurm would agree to that, but...).  Seems like a plan to begin dealing with the real problems plaguing this server.

As for you, the moment I actually see you help anyone become a better player, even at your own expense as I did years ago, is the day you can claim I'm not as good as that list up there.  It's easy to claim you're a better boxer than Muhammed Ali because you can kick his ass now, rather than when he was the champion.  I'd like to see you do as well with partial paralysis, a nervous disorder and extremely poor diet due to lack of job money.  Damn, this economy sucks.
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If I repeat myself it's because people didn't read what I typed before or claim I didn't say it in the first place.
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 05:08:27 PM »

Don't give me the 'we're not making money from this server' speech. If you weren't concerned about reputation then cheating, vote abuse and everything else would be tolerated. Why is Ghandi chastized for trying to get Toxicmonkey deservedly silenced/kicked but this **** goes unabated and unfixed? Don't give me the 'are your times your entire life' bull****, either. From Haunted's standpoint they prove respect is deserved, but only the right times matter. If times didn't matter then the server shouldn't keep them at all. If server doesn't matter, and from the looks of the maintenance that may very well be true, then shut it down. Then again, I've said that before and it's fallen on deaf ears.

well your first mistake was taking anything haunted says seriously. your second was believing that your jump mod stats mean squat to anyone but you. your third mistake was assuming that anyone gives you any respect (considering the way you treat people who are doing you a service).

maybe you should take a step back, and figure out just who the fuck you think you are, before you go and tell
quadz what to do with HIS servers. I'm sure he might have something better to do than reading your 3 page rant.

btw, your bullshit isn't falling on deaf ears, everyone is just trying unsuccessfully to ignore you.
all you ever do on this forum is bitch about the things that you've decided are unspeakably wrong with all of the servers, and try to order those in charge around so they will make everything exactly how you want it. it doesn't matter how great you are at quake and it doesn't matter how long you've been playing it. what matters is that you come at every problem like a jackass on steroids and try to bludgeon everyone into submission with your hate-posts.

and you wonder why no one is willing to help you...

try saying please you fucking asshole!
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 05:37:42 PM »
but I still kick most peoples' asses in just about every mod I played.

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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 06:19:28 PM »
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 06:35:41 PM »
um q3 is like 10 bucks at walmart, and i bought mine like 3 years ago so it could only be cheaper, for all the bellyaching you do about q2 shit why not just unass a few bucks and go back to it
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 07:48:29 PM »
ax is the man  :duh:
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 11:13:28 PM »
I haven't looked at the other subforums for information concerning me or the last thread I started, but I'm assuming - since people are still invisible - the problem on DM hasn't been solved.

A fine piece of deductive reasoning, Holmes.  :evilgrin:

Regardless, I find it incredibly hypocritical to support Toxicmonkey in his tirade about vote abuse on JUMP while allowing the current abuse to go unchecked.  People spending all the time on a map voting random changes as soon as the server allows them, then reconnecting after the third vote and giving themselves level one administrator privileges before the current vote times out, preventing them from getting silenced or kicked.

Yes allowing anyone level 1 admin does seem to have drawbacks, doesn't it?

As for ToxicMonkey, it's really not too complicated.  If there's a problem, I ask people to post a condump.  If what I see in the condump looks obnoxious enough, I take action.  ToxicMonkey qua ToxicMonkey isn't really a consideration.  (Anyone can post condumps.)

Even if they blunder a kick doesn't keep them off the server, nor is silencing an effective way of dealing with them, since we're trying to play and have to keep tabs on the local ******* at the same time.  Today, there were several. 

Local *******?  Players? Whiners? Fuckers? Jizzbags?  Oh, wait, that's 8 letters.  Fuckers, I guess?

Cunt ****, Wetarded, Jumper and several others do little other than become a pain to everyone on the server trying to play for more than three minutes at a time.

Suggestions welcome.  Any particular policy changes implicated here?  I periodically consider making a 'projump' server, where admin is given to the most skilled players.  But if we only have the resources to run one jump server... it seems a challenge to balance one jump server between pro's and beginners. . . . Ideas?

Even Toxicmonkey has been known to abuse the built-in vote system, but he appears to get his way whenever he posts a complaint.

See above about posting condumps.

So, he doesn't just abuse the voting, he abuses the forum; anything to get his way, I suppose.  Well, I've about had enough.

Go to your windows, open your windows, and stick your head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

The first thing that should've been fixed on this server is the statistics.  There's no way to have 2,941% of listed maps played, have only 14 of 500 maps listed as good, or have scores from 2002 on a server that - to the best of my knowledge - came online in 2005.

Weird.  I'm not sure what steps I can take to fix this.  Jumpmod is closed source, so my options are limited.

It's theoretically possible I could write a script to analyze its stored data structures and perform some sort of normalization/fix-up pass on the data.  However, ... It's unlikely I'll find time to go to such lengths unless it became some sort of emergency.

Then there are the other problems with the scores that have yet to be fixed, most - if not all - of which screw me over more than anyone else: deletion of entire time tables from multiple maps that should immediately have been backed up.

I tried to track this down last time you mentioned it.  I did look at backups going back from a week to about a month... but ALL the data I saw was missing whatever times you indicated should have been there.

So, since the times you referred to didn't appear in ANY copies of the data or backups, there's not much I could do.

Suggestions are welcome for how to address this going forward.  All I can think of is to write a script to make more frequent archive backups. . . . Other ideas?

Seems the ones which were are ones that didn't have a problem... until they were, deleting my first place with gaps of two or three months between the last old score and first new one - right where my score was.

Huh.  Well, other than to say that's weird, I don't know what to make of it.  (Jumpmod is pretty bad about logging relevant information that might help diagnose such problems.)  I'm open to ideas.

Now, I'm told the only people who can do anything about any of this are Quadz (Console), Haunted (read below) and Tefh (hired gun).

Most of what you described above could only be fixed by a) someone with the jumpmod source code, which I don't have; or b) not fixed but maybe mitigated by a sysadmin with the ability to write new backup scripts, which would be me.

As far as other issues able to be addressed by the jumpmod admins, that's pretty much relegated to the stuff you mentioned about people calling votes all the time.  As I stated above, suggestions are welcome as to policy changes or other ideas that might address that situation.

When's the last time Haunted or Tefh was on JUMP?  Probably only when challenging Ridix or getting a swift kick in the arse, but I digress.  These are the only people who could've placed those 2002 times on the server, or overwritten current scores with backups (deleting my current times), or fixed the deleted scores with the backups that should've been used.  Alright, for a brief period Critter was probably in there, too, but I don't know what the deal is with that so I'm not commenting.  Suffice it to say this **** needs some attention.

Granted I'm not an expert with jumpmod admin commands... but as far as I know, NOBODY would have the ability to overwrite anybody's scores with backups. 

Well... maybe it is possible to delete someone's specific time, which would leave all their times from their previous completions remaining... which might appear that someone had restored from a backup.  Dunno.

Don't give me the 'we're not making money from this server' speech.

I've got a better idea.  Let's trade places!  How about you start paying the server bills and I'll gladly bitch at you for awhile, instead.
                 :ugly_08:  :nana:

If you weren't concerned about reputation then cheating, vote abuse and everything else would be tolerated.  Why is Ghandi chastized for trying to get Toxicmonkey deservedly silenced/kicked but this **** goes unabated and unfixed? 

Some problems have well-defined solutions, some don't.  If someone posts a condump of some inappropriate behavior, and I reason a ban or a mute might solve the problem... great!  It takes me a few seconds to type in a mute or ban that instantly propagates to all the servers.

But if someone reports a bug about 2,941% of maps played... what can I do?  I don't have the jumpmod source.  I can put it on the TO-DO list as something to investigate...  I don't have a lot of spare time, and in the spare time I do have, I would often rather PLAY q2 than go stress over the TO-DO list.  If you're not completely satisfied, we do offer a full refund!

Don't give me the 'are your times your entire life' bull****, either.  From Haunted's standpoint they prove respect is deserved, but only the right times matter.  If times didn't matter then the server shouldn't keep them at all.  If server doesn't matter, and from the looks of the maintenance that may very well be true, then shut it down.  Then again, I've said that before and it's fallen on deaf ears.

Please don't confuse deaf ears, with ears that hear your mouth noises but don't agree with your ultimatims.

Obviously we all want everything to run perfectly.  Maybe there's some way you could volunteer to actually help out.

As I recall I offered you jump admin many months ago, and you protested something about it being too much work.

I'm not screaming for admin power, I doubt I'd accept unless it actually had some authority behind it, in fact I'm not screaming any more, at all.

It would have the same authority any other admin has.  The authority to execute admin-level commands in a non-abusive manner.  Not too complicated, in a socio-political sense.

I'm practically hoarse from trying to get someone here to actually do something, all for naught up until now.

Hoarse?  I hear it can be less stressful to refrain from yelling at your monitor while you type.

You have someone with admin who, and I'm paraphrasing here, 'knows more about the Jump community standards than I do.'  Sound familiar?

It does sound familiar.  Something tefh said a few months ago?  :exqueezeme:  (Is this still an issue?)

If not maybe this place needs more help than even I can give it, but if you want informed logical ideas presented then maybe I'm available.

Input is welcome, but ideas are easy.  Now, if you're stepping up to actually help in some concrete fashion, like helping sort the top maps from the weak maps or something, that would be great.  That would be actual help.  (And would be much appreciated.)

Just prove to me my time won't be wasted if I do, namely by doing something now.

Don't we get credit for "doing something" on a monthly basis for paying the bills for the server?

But anyway, see above, where I've asked for specific suggestions on various separate issues you've brought up.

Nothing personal, but if you expect me to deal with poor administration, poor sportmanship and poor attitudes all at once you have me mixed up with someone who gives a damn.

"...mixed up with someone who gives a damn." !???

Well it's one, two, three what are we fightin' for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn....

... my first piece of advice - beyond what I've already said above - to make this a better server:

Collect all the jump maps out there, every last one.  Cull the duplicates that don't offer acceptable alterations.  Categorize them in three areas - difficulty, length and filesize (for download purposes). 

Hey, sounds like a good project for you.  I understand you have some spare time.

If you'd like to take on something less ambitious, but still extremely helpful, how about categorizing just the maps we already have?

List them in three different .cfgs and distribute them to all three American servers - Acme (easy/short), Tastyspleen (intermediate/medium) and Expert (long/hard).  This way none of these servers runs a duplicate map, all share their time tables, and we can ditch the newbies who spam/vote/etc. until they're blue in the face to a server that rarely gets used (not sure if Wurm would agree to that, but...).  Seems like a plan to begin dealing with the real problems plaguing this server.

Well if you're willing to categorize the maps like that, I promise I will make use of that information to improve the map list on our server.

...Looking forward to your contributions!

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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2006, 08:10:31 AM »
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2006, 12:36:34 PM »
Wow, I didn't read a thing in this thread.
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 01:39:03 PM »
I read it. Basicly alot of tears and moans from Ax.

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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2006, 03:13:03 AM »
I would like to add a statment.... You said yesterday... I was on alot yesterday and when i got in the server and the few that fuck off where acting like dip shits.. I simple make a thret..

Look piss ant !!!you spam again your gone.. Plain and simple... I have warned these kids enough.... Now as for Toxic^Monkey  I haven't seen his acting like a dipshit as of late... Actually i think toxic has improved alot...

Now i do agree on some part with you grind... a few minor things can be fixed... Your not the only one who has problems... Do oyu realize i have beat gxjump1 over 100 times... I was on the server yesterday and it was on that map and my time was deleted.... The only times that should be deleted are either from>>>>>

When bigD was on the server being a total duetch... or when i make is being fix and the admin clears the score..... This back up file this your talking about doesnt make since.... I believe you can on have 1 server stat file that keeps all this information... If some one did a back up file like you say.....

All my times would be gone.. and so would alot of other peoples... Now they could have merged the file togeather but that would take the forever to do...

Its highly unlikely....

AX2Grind i fully agree with some of the information you decided to prove us with.... But some of it is total non-since...

Breeth deep and say... People arnt out to fuck me over... Because were not....

So chill out man..

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t3h cr1tt3r is here!!

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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2006, 04:54:32 PM »
ya me either. too much words...gosh :rockon:
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2006, 09:27:36 AM »
quit bragging Ax. come get smoked in tdm by average players, so you can finally realize your no good
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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy

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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2006, 01:04:16 PM »
I didn't read any of it besides the paragraph with my name in it. Whirling was very right, and so was I with my rankings of the top jumpers. You are by no means a decent player and anything that you think you have accomplished while playing this game for the past decade is a decade wasted of your life, unless you're playing it primarily for fun. Lighten up and play, or just quit.
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Re: When is it enough?
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2006, 06:24:27 PM »
axe have you finally realized your an ignorant idiot?

 :oksign: :oksign: :oksign: :oksign:
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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy


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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
Just know yesterday is gone and soon tomorrow will be gone too  :)


August 08, 2024, 07:28:01 PM
It's tiem to QuakeCon!!!  ;)


July 26, 2024, 09:34:53 PM
In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
Hey, shout, summertime blues
Jump up and down in you blue suede shoes
Hey, did you rock and roll? Rock on!!  ...QD


July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
Ayer me mato 5 veces para robarme en la vida real hará lo mismo? [img]<iframe src=";show_text=true&amp;width=500" width="500"


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hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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