Author Topic: HI GUYS!  (Read 26044 times)

Offline banes

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« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2005, 09:04:43 AM »
Random thoughts: 

Where's Coldflo when you need him?  Just when you think the bar's been lowered to its nadir, we've now discovered a new fad:  subterranean limbo.  No amount of Pilates will help.  This calls for X-Men theatrics.  Speaking of theatrics, word of the day:  histrionics.  Pages of them.  As I look back, I regret to say I missed my favorite time; to ring the bell and say "last call for coherent conversation!".  Seems that train has left...the universe. 

All I can say is that you guys owe me for this rope-a-dope yeoman's duty, which has successfully provided the distraction you've all wanted from your own threads., lol.   Visa and Mastercard accepted.  Get a free pocket fisherman with your  payment.  Wait until it's discovered that  this was part of a huge Tasty conspiracy.  I drew the short straw.   Stupid straws! 

haha what the hell, i cant believe this, youve...youve become a complete joke now, youve obtained all the absurdities of a cartoon
well its time to bring out the logic meter stick once again

i think the word of the day is still, and will always be when dealing with you, hypocrisy
its becoming more and more apparent that all you do is project all your weaknesses onto me, and this is why your accusations are so unfounded, you must be reading your own posts before replying to me, stop attacking yourself, thats my job
lets get back to a few words you had to look up in a thesaurus in order to make yourself look better

coherence - you say that i lack coherence in my posts, yet i have alot of coherence in my arguments, in fact i doubt i could see as much coherence in other posts half as long as mine, yours which is actually half as long as mine does lack coherence so here is a good example not only of your hipocrisy, but that youre not even that good of a writer, lets take your first paragraph if we can call it that(marked only by a division of a space really), you originally start of by ridiculing me by saying i am worse than coldflo, no amount of pilates will help....? right...cause having usher style abs will really make this all go away...ok...anyway then coming from me being worse than coldflo, which not even pilates could save me from, then you move on to the melodramatic nature of comics, and then how i resemble them(TING omg you actually have two sentences together that are related, congratulations youve achieved semi coherence), and then you ridicule me again saying i lack coherence, which really has nothing to do with being melodramatic, and once again you return to your usual incoherence, and this is just in your first paragraph, maybe you need to look up what coherence means again, i think youre getting coherence and incoherence confused

theatrics - you go for the zaniest approach in this post, you use a vocabulary youve never used before, whether you feel comfortable with it or not, it is not your usual posting style which makes it distinct, and adds emphasis to it, you also make rather random comments, pilates? x-men theatrics? then the absurd informercial style of figuratively accepting gratitude for taking the burden of dealing with me, which of course im sure no one will find funny or witty as with any of your posts(except maybe someone else who has something against me and would like to say so jus to prove me wrong), as for that tasty conspiracy, thats pretty off the wall, and i actually have no idea what you mean, how am i theatrical? because im long winded? because i have an analytical mind and i use it in my posts while being thorough and methodical? because ive been hounding you for so long when it is supposedly you who is "kindly returning the favor, and then some," and "for one who likes to dish it out, you sure seem to have a hard time taking it," when its obvious youre the one who cant take it

one more quote "So, here's another bump to shine the light of truth on ya. Remember, ad hominem attacks are a sign of weakness and demonstrate a lack of strength in one's arguments." thats kind of funny, because in all your posts all you do is attack me, the last thing you do is defend, since you never address any of my points, why could this be? oh i think youve hit the nail on the head once again, projecting onto me what you truly are, your arguments are weak, and if you did try to logically defend from my points, you would obviously be in fault, so it wouldnt be a very good strategy to defend and address my points now would it? well let me give you some strategy, dont make faulty arguments, and i wont be able to poke holes through your posts

if you continue to argue in the same absurd way(which i dont think youre doing seriously, i know youre stupid, but i have a little more faith in you than that), i will be forced to look to your previous posts to show what a dumb ass youve been, atleast then you took it with a little more seriousness, and stepped in it with all your might, and if you plan to wear me out, you'll find that persistence is my strongest quality, on top of that i am returning to school shortly, writing coherent replies to you(yes coherent is where everything gels together, not where everything is out of place as in incoherent like in your arguments, just had to clear that up for you in case you still were unsure) is only giving me practice, so thanks, you accept visa right?
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

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Offline banes

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« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2005, 09:07:17 AM »
Where's Coldflo when you need him?

?? You! Mean! He's! NOT! Here! In! Cog! Neat! O!?



i really dont think you want to get into this

yes qd, i am not coldflo, this may not be apparent to the more simple minded members of this forum, but i am alot smarter than coldflo, i talk shit twice as good, and i would own him so bad at q2 hed cry more than slik does everytime he reads one of my posts

of course this is all assumptions, i dunno how smart, how good he can talk shit, or how good he is at q2, but if any of you see him online, you let me know, i will make him leave the server faster than i made slik leave my "i am the best" thread
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

Pictures and things that I've done before
Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that

Offline Gene

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« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2005, 10:10:40 AM »
Banes your a funny guy, but try using a period in some of your ramblings from time to time. Those comma-only sentences are getting a bit annoying
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« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2005, 10:11:53 AM »
Guys, guys...stop those payments for a bit!
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 10:16:50 AM by Slikkster »
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« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2005, 10:13:29 AM »
Banes your a funny guy, but try using a period in some of your ramblings from time to time. Those comma-only sentences are getting a bit annoying  ;D

I think someone said something about being an "Engrish" major.  All your Banes are belong to us...
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Offline banes

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« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2005, 11:35:47 AM »
Banes your a funny guy, but try using a period in some of your ramblings from time to time. Those comma-only sentences are getting a bit annoying  ;D

ok, ill use a period just because i love you so much gene, even though there isnt much point to using them in forums, but im not exactly writing forum style anymore so anytime i churn out another essay it'll have all the punctuation you need
and i dont ramble

yes i am an english major slik, i see that youre going to continue on with your tiny toons posts, so as promised i will hit you with some posts you had in the past, as soon as i 1v1 laurelin
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

Pictures and things that I've done before
Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that

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« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2005, 11:40:54 AM »
As a famous moose once said, "What's this, fanmail from some flounder?"
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« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2005, 12:11:17 PM »
Where's Coldflo when you need him?
?? You! Mean! He's! NOT! Here! In! Cog! Neat! O!?


i really dont think you want to get into this

yes qd, i am not coldflo, this may not be apparent to the more simple minded members of this forum, but i am alot smarter than coldflo, i talk shit twice as good, and i would own him so bad at q2 hed cry more than slik does everytime he reads one of my posts

of course this is all assumptions, i dunno how smart, how good he can talk shit, or how good he is at q2, but if any of you see him online, you let me know, i will make him leave the server faster than i made slik leave my "i am the best" thread

Geeze dude... It looks like others aren't the only ones who makes assumptions.... I can't find anywhere in any post I  where I made any hint of any reference to you being coldflo.

And as far as me getting into this - I was part of this community a long time before you got here, I'll be part long after you are gone, and even if you were standing face to face with me, you have NEVER seen the day when you could intimidate me. You might be able to wax my ass in Q2 but DON"T EVER think you could even come close in a real combat situation even taking into account the shape I'm in now.

Again, as far as me getting into this - just because I don't spend my time back and forth in every little "trash" conversation doesn't mean I can't hold my own if I want to.

Again, as far as me getting into this - if I can't post in a thread and make a comment concerning someone I DO know about and as you say you don't, then I think it's time for YOU to  take your tent some place else my friend 'cause I'll post anywhere and anytime and enter any conversation I want - until console boots me off, of course (props to the console) :)

Seems like I remember most (again, I don't have much memory anymore so I'd have to sift thru the crap) of the posts I've made even offhandedly concerning you I make mention of the fact I usually respect people until they give me reason to do otherwise - hmmm....

Oh, one last thing - I've known slikk a long time, and you didn't *make* him go anywhere .. He just gets tired of repeating himself.....

See what you've done? You've got the old man pissed and now I've got to go repent.....

Wait, I think that's what you had in mind huh?  :) :D :) ::)


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-- There's a reason I live on a hill.....

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« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2005, 12:18:27 PM »
You're the man, QD!     You're the classiest guy around.   How ironic that there's a cool guy named Punk, and a so uncool kid that should be named the same. 
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« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2005, 12:53:17 PM »
As a famous moose once said, "What's this, fanmail from some flounder?"

Rofl you're hilarious. I would watch you if you were on Cartoon Network.

You are seriously my biggest fan. I used to think it was Omega, or that one dude who goes around as banes student, but now it's obvious it is you. Look at you. You've modeled your whole profile after me. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd be seeing a senab account soon enough. It's really bordering on the creepy.

Anyway, let's take it back to the days when you thought you were hot shit and you knew what you were talking about even though you really didn't.

Looking back, I see that you used to atleast try to argue in a logical fashion.  That is until around the time that you quoted this:
"you dont know shit about me, think about it before you post again, you dont know anything about me, you only make assumptions based on my posts," which you didn't understand but that's because it wasnt a very clear thing. After that you basically lost it and slowly declined to your current nadir of absurdity which is comparable to cartoons. Well let me explain what I meant, you dont make logical assumptions based on what I say; you make far fetched ones. A fair assumption based on what I had posted previously would be that I am a dick.  An assumption that falls into your usual dumb assumptions would be, "With your attitude, you'll never enjoy life because you'll always be in search of some unbegotten skill.  You need to find some satisfaction along the way, man.  Have fun!  Enjoy the ride, as the expression goes.  Enjoy the social aspects of the game." This is not a fair assumption and you jump to conclusions. I enjoy the game, and I socialize quite a bit in it.  Of course none of this you know because you had never seen me play the game when I posted any of this(you still haven't really). You make assumptions based on my posts on things you cannot assume from my posts. They give no substantial evidence. You just make up a fantasty world, just like defending nayms. This is what I meant by "you only make assumptions based on my posts [about things that are not relevant or implied by my posts]." I should have appended that last part in, and maybe today you wouldn't be looking to Looney Toons for inspiration on your next posts.

Well that's all for now.  I anxiously await your next zany and wild post, and hope I get the expected amount of laughs out of it from you being such a joke.
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

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Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that

Offline banes

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« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2005, 01:14:25 PM »

Very well then. Maybe I have jumped the gun a bit. People have been accusing me of being the newb coldflo for some time. The fact that your post implies that you believed he was here in disguise seemed like an indirect accusation to me. It's true you made no reference to me being coldflo, but what you said could imply me, and that is not too wild of an interpretation, is it? But I guess you have more sense than that (to think I am coldflo), or maybe you're just lying about what you really meant in order to back up your friend slik. So tell me the truth QD, what makes you think coldflo is here, and why do you think he would have to go incognito?  Is this just a random thing you wanted to throw into mix because coldflo was mentioned?

I really dont care how long you have been in the tasty spleen community, or if I can intimidate you, or if your burly Texan physique could take me down.  All I care about is if you were accusing me of being coldflo, but apparently from your last post you did not (or maybe you did and you just put your tail between your legs and backed up a bit). You can post wherever you want QD, no objections there. You can even post up that I am coldflo and that I am a newb and any other garbage. But I'll be there if you trip up and say something stupid about me. But you're a nice old man ^_^ You would never do that. Youre sensible enough, unlike slik.

"Oh, one last thing - I've known slikk a long time, and you didn't *make* him go anywhere .. He just gets tired of repeating himself..."
Whatever, that is crap. I have never seen him have to repeat himself very often. The only thing I have seen him repeat was the part about desperate competition. That is hardly grounds for getting "tired of repeating himself," especially given the fact that he went on for two more pages without having to repeat himself again. In fact all he did throughout those two pages was avoid my points. He never addressed any of them, and honestly he would never have to repeat himself by addressing those points. If that's really what you believe, I suggest you read any post with reply again (not every single one, just one set). You'll see what I mean.

I didn't want to piss you off, you don't have to repent. If you're truly just a nice guy, then none of this crap will matter. Just dont leave implications lying around.
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

Pictures and things that I've done before
Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that

Offline Slikkster

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« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2005, 02:17:39 PM »
Someone needs to teach the young'in the meaning of "parody", lol.  Could this individual actually be  that dumb?  One would think an EngRISH major would get it.

Link for the lazy:
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« Reply #57 on: June 07, 2005, 03:00:49 PM »
Someone needs to teach the young'in the meaning of "parody", lol.  Could this individual actually be  that dumb?  One would think an EngRISH major would get it.

Link for the lazy:

hence why you are a cartoon, can someone teach this old dumb ass some reading comprehension?

btw dont stop the antics now, the shenanigans are about the only thing you can do well
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 03:04:08 PM by banes »
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Is it sweet and pure and true?

Pictures and things that I've done before
Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that

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« Reply #58 on: June 07, 2005, 06:05:14 PM »
hahaha I fixed that drawing and got the "be freindly to banes straw" hehe j/k. You guys crack me up!
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Its not just about my dream of doing nothing, its about all of us.

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« Reply #59 on: June 07, 2005, 06:44:47 PM »
hahaha I fixed that drawing and got the "be freindly to banes straw" hehe j/k. You guys crack me up!

there are alot more people who drew the be friendly to banes straw, than the amount who drew the be the silly newb who trys to change banes because they suck in q2 (thank goodness too, can you imagine multiplying morons like slik, they would spam me to death with their cartoons, oh im sorry slik, PARODIES, whatever childish crap you come up with, while trying to justify im the one still stuck in the 'highskool' mentality)
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    Whoosh! You done missed the joke thar Cletus!
    Obvious Troll Is Obvious
    Factually Challenged
    Preposterously Irrational Arguments
    Blindingly Obvious Logical Fallacies
    Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
    Amazing Conspiracy Theory Bro
    Racist Ignoramus
Is it sweet and pure and true?

Pictures and things that I've done before
Circling around me, out here on the floor I'm dreaming this and I'm dreaming that Regretting nothing, think about that


El Box de Shoutamente

Last 10 Shouts:



February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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