To me, there is nothing I've ever done that was more challenging, demanding and life changing as being a parent. I've tried to be as good a one as mine were. Hopefully, I came close. There are powers and emotions associated with having and raising children of your own that you'll never know otherwise, and I believe this IS the secret of life... I'm sure not everyone is cut out for it though. Unfortunately, there is no way to know without starting the process.Oh one more thing ... Being a parent is something that NEVER passes.
Mya sweety I faught with my parents steady as a teen. As a result I told my parents I fucking hated them, and that I was leaving home because I couldn't stand to live with them. I was 15. I left home a dozen times.I did go home a few months later and stayed there while going to school ( grd. 11 ) but soon it all started again and I finally moved out for the last time at age 16, right befor my 17th. I was in no way prepared to be on my own, I had a lame minimum wage job, i dropped out of school and I lived in a trailer with my best friend. LIFE SUCKED. I felt like a big piece of shit because of how I made my parents cry ( many times ) So I was broke, depressed, starving, on drugs, shitty job, drunk all the time. Man all I can say is at the time it all seemed like the right decition. But now I feel huge remorse for how I treated my parents. when all they ever did was love me.... I try to make it up to them, cause its been just about 8 yrs since then. But I cant make up for the time ( 3 yrs ) that I barely talked to them. No matter what your fighting about with them, remember, they love you more than anything. and nothing is worse than making your father and mother cry because your being selfish and a bitchy little teenager <--- me not you, I just cant get that image of my dad out of my head.... the only time I ever saw him cry was when his mother died, and when I told him I hated him. take my advice.... dont do things as a teen that will make you hate yourself later in life....... good luck sweetheart. Brandy