(note: this password will change periodically?
Just like I thought
Like I knew all I you forward and just give me the right fucking password and you fucking coming intoo your fucking servers unsing my fucking player name .. well Sir You are the worsest fucking form of a server leader I have ever met in the 15 years on online gaming I wish you and your fucking all the worse in life ya fucking asshole!
Like I knew all I you forward and just give me the right fucking password
Tr.Crawler. Slipknot, TrenchYou have yet to post 1 shred of evidence for all your haxor this haxor that, script this script that, BTF this BTF that claims, whines etc. You are a 100% certified troll and will henceforth be treated as such.The only thing hopeless around here is you and your ability to remain unmuted much longer.Feel good in knowing you have fully earned what is coming and have done a most admirable job as a troll and treat this as a last warning if I see anymore of your current behavior you will be perm-muted on the spot (as the "warn first" has been given above and many times in the past).