Author Topic: UFO SPACECRAFT CONFIRMED BY USA  (Read 20177 times)

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« Reply #90 on: June 13, 2023, 12:53:01 PM »
Aw hell yeah, because fuck knows what I'm doing is defending Russia's GOD GIVEN right to enter another nation and start killing people. You seemed to be of the opinion that the US had NO CULPABILITY in the issue. I was informing anyone reading this mess that that is simply NOT TRUE.

The fuck are you talking about? Major military superpowers are not neighbors in a suburb subdivision - that comparison is fuckin retarded. These are countries with plenty of history of questionable moves on both sides that have nuclear weapons at their disposal. It's a bad idea to have opposing superpowers bordering each other. It's the reason why the French built the Maginot Line after WW1. "Buffer states" is how the Soviet Union addressed the issue during the Cold War period. You don't "stare down" a military power that can strike and destroy your assets in less than an hour. In modern war, blitzkrieg tactics pioneered in the 1940's with mobile armor are still the gold standard in land based warfare. If you want to win, you strike first, you strike hard, and you crush them before they can regroup.

MANY TIMES, Putin said that if Ukraine continued pursuing membership in NATO, he would be forced to take action. The US continued offering NATO membership to Ukraine. A few more times, Putin continued to warn of what would happen if they continued. He began amassing forces on the border, we all watched it happen slowly but surely in real time. The opportunity was there for diplomacy to work out some kind of deal acceptable to Russia where Ukraine didn't join NATO, but the US and Ukraine chose to NOT seek any further diplomacy over the matter. So if you want to pretend that Ukraine had no reasonable expectation of such an outcome - that's not true at all. Looking at the facts on paper, it's quite obvious that they WANTED Russia to attack them and start a war.

Again, I'm NOT defending Russia's actions. The war they've started is killing people and destroying the country. They're bringing in Chechen mercs (and various other Islamic fundamentalists) who are DEFINITELY committing war crimes - war crimes and atrocity is just what they do for fun on a normal Friday night. Then again... Ukraine and coalition forces are doing their own damage as well. It's been shown that some elements of Ukraine forces display Nazi associated symbols in their insignias and are steeped in Nazi philosophy. This whole shit's a clusterfucked knotted-up disaster no matter which angle you view it from.

All I'm saying is... WAR is the effect, and Ukraine possibly joining NATO is the cause. The US is not a blameless non-participant here. We've been actively setting them up as a puppet state since the Obama administration. This outcome was virtually inevitable.
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« Reply #91 on: June 13, 2023, 03:15:52 PM »
MANY TIMES, Putin said that if Ukraine continued pursuing membership in NATO, he would be forced to take action.

I never understood this. NATO is protective and defensive, they are not aggressive.  If Russia / Putin didn't act like Hitler trying to take over other countries, they / he would have nothing to worry about. (Hi Godwin)

" The Guardian Angels is a non-profit international volunteer organization with the goal of unarmed crime prevention.  "

" NATO is a collective security system: its independent member states agree to defend each other against attacks by third parties. During the Cold War, NATO operated as a check on the threat posed by the Soviet Union. "

Every action taken by NATO was a result of some previous action before. NATO is a reactive entity, NATO is not invasive or a first-strike entity. The objective is not to create war. It is to prevent war.

Also, good job Putin, you actually created another member of NATO due to your actions. Finland. Keep it up, maybe you will entice more countries to join and have even more guns pointing at you.
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« Reply #92 on: June 13, 2023, 06:52:05 PM »
I never understood this. NATO is protective and defensive, they are not aggressive.

It's pretty simple to understand. NATO is the US. We can pretend like the other nations can decide to gang up on us, but that'll never happen because WE give them all their best weapons. Without us, they're fighting everyone else on even terms, and they will lose.

And it's not just NATO itself that Russia objected to. Like I said, Ukraine has been being set up as a US puppet state since the Obama administration. It IS an aggressive move in and of itself. For some fuckin' psycho reason, these people WANTED war with Russia, and it's probably for the same reason that Bush-era republicans wanted war in Iraq: MONEY. We pay it every year, they invent ways to try to get us to actually vocally support the way they essentially steal it. "Support the troops!" "Support Ukraine!" Remember to virtue signal, kids!

But these days, the US government is less and less the ones in control of shit. We're turning into an oligarchy where the corporations are the ones pulling the strings of the government puppet. So many of our politicians and CEO's are involved in shit like the World Economic Forum which is trying as hard as it can to shift the world to a global economy. The shit they tried in Russia after they invaded Ukraine is further proof of that. They pulled all of their participating companies and corporations out of Russia hoping to completely cripple their economy. It sort of worked for a little while - the Russian ruble crashed. But Russia's a big place, and as it turns out, they can get by just fine without all the shitty WEF influenced multinational corporations fleecing them. It created opportunities for more Russian-owned businesses, and now they're doing just fine.
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« Reply #93 on: June 13, 2023, 08:33:39 PM »
Scott Ritter and Patrick Lancaster intensifying...

Alternative universe:  Russia doesn't invade Ukraine, many more nations join "USA" / NATO , then what happens?  ...... *crickets*.  Nothing.  Russia loses nothing, USA gains nothing other than a sense of security. Life goes on.

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« Reply #94 on: June 13, 2023, 11:00:00 PM »
Scott Ritter and Patrick Lancaster intensifying...

Alternative universe:  Russia doesn't invade Ukraine, many more nations join "USA" / NATO , then what happens?  ...... *crickets*.  Nothing.  Russia loses nothing, USA gains nothing other than a sense of security. Life goes on.

No clue who those two assholes are.

Alternative universe? Oh, you mean a fuckin fantasy land? You go dreaming of that bullshit, meanwhile I'm gonna be back here in reality where the World Economic Forum exacts economic war on countries like Russia that refuse to play ball. If at any point you want to refute my statements with any contradictory facts you can find, feel free to do so, because honestly the whole "you must be a conspiracy theorist" shit is not an actual refutation of anything, it's just a convenient shortcut for ignorant dickheads to save face and dip out of an argument before they're required to present any valid evidence.

Let me put it in terms that even liberal lemmings can understand, mkay? If Donald Trump continued to call Kim Jong Un a "fat stupid rocket man" on Twitter every day for 3 months, and then finally a known psycho like Kim Jong Un shot a small nuclear missile at Japan in retaliation, would NO ONE be blaming Trump? Hell, Trump said "fight like hell" in a context that had nothing to do with any kind of insurrection, yet it's the primary piece of evidence people want to use to blame him for "The Insurrection of January 6th".

So for the 3rd or 4th time now, YES, the United States (by way of assholes like Joe Biden) is measurably culpable for the war in Ukraine. When you taunt a notoriously vicious animal until it bites you, you can't act like a blameless victim when it does.

Personally, I'd prefer it if Russia called the whole thing off, went home, and left Ukraine the hell alone from now on. But that's not going to happen. He can't do that. And the US knows it. The corporate exodus didn't succeed in crushing Russia financially, so now the game is to mire them down in an ongoing unwinnable war and bleed them slowly.

Furthermore, not sure if you really know what "many more nations join USA/NATO" truly entails. The World Economic Forum is not a conspiracy theory. The global economy they're chasing is like a monopoly. It doesn't compete with anything, therefore it has no incentive to serve YOU. YOU serve IT. A great example... Amazon has now successfully killed off enough of their competition that they can start charging fees for returns now. Don't wanna pay it? Shop somewhere else. But... the number of places you can shop for your kitschy bullshit is shrinking, isn't it.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2023, 11:19:21 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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« Reply #95 on: June 13, 2023, 11:57:04 PM »
When you taunt a notoriously vicious animal until it bites you,

Nobody understands what taunting is happening. Name the taunting. What, building up defensive forces nearby an already proven hostile nation?  Sorry, that's not taunting. That is THEIR taunting.

Russia called the whole thing off, went home, and left Ukraine the hell alone from now on. But that's not going to happen. He can't do that.

Sure he can. As easy as not starting this in the first place. It's just a couple communications with some generals. Something along the lines of "pull back, come back home, stop attacking!"

Putin will probably be killed by his own people to end this anyhow. The oligarchs and the common people are hating him more and more.  He has to change his security and food staff constantly out of fear of being killed.

Much like DJT, Putin was respected until he went insane. The ISS is a beacon of collaboration and professionalism between Russians and USA people. Putin was respected back when this was being constructed. Now, he's ruined his reputation forever. Sad stuff.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 12:16:16 AM by pepp5 »
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« Reply #96 on: June 14, 2023, 12:57:56 AM »
Much like DJT, Putin was respected until he went insane.

Yeah, it's positively insane to admit that China is fucking us hand over fist with their slave labor created imported goods that intentionally undercut American produced goods and then try to level the playing field to a degree. It's positively insane to make the US completely oil independent for the first time ever, no longer beholden to the middle eastern oil mobsters.

What was it that did it for you? Was it all the mean tweets? Bless your little heart. God forbid you should actually pay attention to whats really going on.

Challenge: Name 3 Trump policies that you think are "insane".
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« Reply #97 on: June 14, 2023, 01:32:58 AM »
I have no disagreement about the China thing.

Challenge: Name 3 Trump policies that you think are "insane".

None I can think of at the moment. I never said his policies were insane.

It's the reactive hypocrisy to his communication style and communication that would have launched a firestorm for either Clinton or Obama, and especially the whole birther nutjob thing that started this. 

Also the ineffectiveness - how is that wall doing? I think it's 49 miles built out of 1954 miles needed, paid for by Mexico? How did that go?

Why didn't that wall get built as promised?

Where is some reasonable gun control?

Why did medical science rights get taken away by judges he put in?

Why did a failed businessman-turned-reailty-dork-weirdo get made into the second coming of Jesus Christ?  Like literally Jim Jones style.  And then he was then voted in to be made the leader of the USA, how?

I know Reagan conservatives that hate this guy.

If any (other party) person uttered the statement "grab them by ...", republicans would have roasted them alive.  Yet they are okay with this guy. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

"I will work hard to be your champion. And I won't be playing golf...."  yet he played more golf in one term than Obama did in two terms.

Trump Golf Count: 298*
Cost to Taxpayer: About $144,000,000**

Thanks, Trump. Trump sticker: " I did that! "


Look I really thought this guy was interesting and intelligent a long time ago.  He just started to go bonkers after his first divorce and when life was starting to fall apart for him. 
« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 10:46:12 AM by pepp5 »
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« Reply #98 on: June 14, 2023, 09:50:02 AM »
Challenge: Name 3 Trump policies that you think are "insane".
None I can think of at the moment.

Yeah, that always seems to happen with you people.

Why did a failed businessman-turned-reailty-dork-weirdo get made into the second coming of Jesus Christ?

The same reason why someone like Quadz voted to re-elect him. I didn't vote for him either the first time around. I abstained because I viscerally hated the idea of BOTH candidates becoming president. I figured Richie Rich the reality star could know NOTHING about what the average american wants or needs, but his policy decisions proved otherwise. With only a couple of exceptions, I liked his "America first" philosophy and every single one of his policies (exceptions being anti-consumer shit like repealing the net neutrality act - the chickens will come home to roost on that one before the end of the decade - additionally, the covid stimulus checks were a HUGE mistake that precipitated inflation and the Feds currency printing spike).

Where is some reasonable gun control?

Define "reasonable gun control". Does this "gun control" violate the US Constitution at all? If so, please your anti-American anti-Constitution opinions and shove them into your shit hole where they came from.

Because to the rest of America, it's VERY REASONABLE that one has to submit to a background check when purchasing a firearm. It's reasonable that not everyone is eligible to legally purchase, own, or possess a firearm.
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« Reply #99 on: June 14, 2023, 10:06:24 AM »
Who is "us people"?  I think there is some assuming going on here.

Famous line from The Bad News Bears film:

When you ass/u/me, you make an ass out of u and me!

The America First thing is all fakery. It's a grift. He doesn't care about you. He is laughing at the people that vote for him, smiling as he gets more money from his "base". Trump is an atheist democrat, grifting his voters for more money to fuel his lifestyle and gold plated toilet. It's a pretty effective scam actually.


Ack it looks like this gag was used before The Bad News Bears, by Felix Unger from The Odd Couple!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 10:48:23 AM by pepp5 »
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« Reply #100 on: June 14, 2023, 01:33:42 PM »
Who is "us people"?  I think there is some assuming going on here.

It's not an assumption. It's a well defined and well established pattern of behavior by a certain segment of the opinionated public on social media. "YOU PEOPLE" are everyone (like Punk-FAS who used to post here) who insist on discussing his personality traits rather than his track record as president. His personality largely sucks. He's an incredible asshole. Sometimes I find his asshole-ish statements to be humorous though, and it is easy for me to look past his assholery, primarily because his presidency has been beneficial to America. In fact, you even admitted this much, right before you proceeded to bash his media projected personality faults like the lemming that you are:

Yeah, it's positively insane to admit that China is fucking us hand over fist with their slave labor created imported goods that intentionally undercut American produced goods and then try to level the playing field to a degree.

I have no disagreement about the China thing.

And yet...

The America First thing is all fakery.

You don't disagree that balancing the scales with import tariffs on cheap near-slave-wage produced goods from overseas is a good thing... but America First is bullshit? If you're gonna have a position,... consistency is all I ask for.

He is laughing at the people that vote for him, smiling as he gets more money from his "base". Trump is an atheist democrat, grifting his voters for more money to fuel his lifestyle and gold plated toilet. It's a pretty effective scam actually.

When he became President, I didn't vote for him. In fact... when he got elected, I laughed sardonically at how stupid I thought half of America was for voting for him. But then people (like Quadz, which I think SAYS SOMETHING IMPORTANT) who actually pay attention to things discovered that he was not just another carpetbagging corrupt-o. Gas prices stabilized and we were energy independent, we began forcing Chinese and multinational corporations to COMPETE FAIRLY in the US market, drug prices came down, employment went up, purchasing power increased, we had no new wars, affairs in the middle east between Israel and Palestine were finally looking promising, and for the first time EVER a US President met face-to-face with the leader of North Korea. I expected him to be a terrible president. He proved me wrong.

"Grifting his voters for money." Let's examine that though. As far as I've seen, the only thing anyone's been able to possibly link him to is a couple of rather small sums of possible campaign funds given to a cum-guzzling porn star and one of the most notoriously slutty gutter trash Playboy Playmates of all time. Yeah, do you remember the shit with Clinton back in the day? I didn't much give a shit about that either. Pretty fucking irrelevant, dude. It's funny how democrat supporters can suddenly pretend like that kind of shit matters AT ALL only when it is politically advantageous to have a little bit of old-timey conservative morality. Understand that I'm not a bible-thumping loyal republican. If Trump's an atheist... so what, so am I! I HATED W. Bush (didn't vote for him the 2nd time, I abstained that year because I didn't like the Democrat option either). I'm entirely independent. If there is an actual "independent party", that is not what I mean. I mean NO PARTY. I may be a "Trump supporter", but I have a seething hatred for the "Republican party". I hate BOTH of the Bush's. Even Jeb, fuck him too. While I think Reagan did a few good things and he was the charismatic leader we NEEDED at that point in history, I'd still score him considerable lower than where others might. For all his talk about "Morning in America", it was the beginning of China undercutting the viability of American goods with their underpaid labor, and Reagan had plenty of time to address the obvious trend, and he DIDN'T.

Other than that, I've yet to see any of Trumps opposition produce any proof of financial "grifting." They dug HARD into his kids business dealings while he was president, going through everything with a fine tooth comb, looking for ANY hint of corruption. They didn't find jack shit.

As for the current president... various members of his family have received very large sums of money for undisclosed reasons from off-shore banking sources such as Cyprus that are notoriously used for laundering money. There is evidence of money laundering schemes on the notorious Hunter Biden laptop, which that same group of "YOU PEOPLE" insist only has a few dick pics on it. Uh... no. But it's not surprising that EVERYONE hasn't learned the full extent of the contents of the laptop... seeing as how mainstream media coordinated with social media at the behest of the FBI and Justice Dept to suppress the story.

And since we're on the topic of money... and YOU brought it up...

he played more golf in one term than Obama did in two terms.

Trump Golf Count: 298*
Cost to Taxpayer: About $144,000,000**

I'm sorry if I find it hard to give a shit about golf when the country is doing so well. Meanwhile the current administration has proposed to spend 9 TRILLION FUCKIN DOLLARS in addition to the billions of dollars sent to Ukraine that isn't being accounted for (which is significantly more than what Trump spent playing golf, but you don't seem to mind), in addition to the billions of dollars worth of equipment and CASH that was left behind in the reckless mad dash to exit Afghanistan just so that he could more easily justify the 9 TRILLION DOLLAR spending proposal to Congress.

Where is your "give a fuck" for this?
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« Reply #101 on: June 14, 2023, 01:51:33 PM »
You libtards are really weird.

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« Reply #102 on: June 14, 2023, 02:54:42 PM »
You libtards are really weird.

We completely fucking agree.

And now that we do, I'm done with this pointless time consuming bullshit. This is the exact same argument I've had with 50 other ignorant fuckin people, where I'm making the same points, and I'm getting the same non-answers and strawman arguments in response.

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« Reply #103 on: June 14, 2023, 03:10:44 PM »
This pointless time consuming bullshit that is not related to the original subject of UFO spacecraft,  was started on reply #1, reply #41, and reply #58 (the first reply I noticed and I responded to, thinking I was only making a brief observation) by forum user |iR|Focalor, and these replies were completely unrelated to this thread's topic.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2023, 04:23:13 PM by pepp5 »

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« Reply #104 on: June 15, 2023, 04:03:08 AM »
Did you expect anything different from the dink? No you didn't.
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I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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