Author Topic: Nerd call-out (the sequel)  (Read 9500 times)

Offline haunted

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Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« on: January 27, 2021, 12:30:45 PM »
I suppose it's time to call the bluff(again). Someone pinged me in discord because apparently vae sits in chat all day talking shit about me after all these years.

LiOntRkToday at 3:05 AM
@kyuSs what is this lol
bak2basiksToday at 6:46 AM
@LiOntRk  thats called haunted, who only talks shit from the forum and hates me, blood, kyuss, and lots of other players better than him, was admin. IE he used official competition to just talk shit because hes a baby and cant let his gameplay speak for itself.
kyuss can correct me if i'm forgetting anything
PunkeeToday at 10:07 AM
Man, I suck at quake.. I was much better in the 90s at multiplayer. I think all the console play fucked up the bit of skill I had. :joy: So I'm still in here and haven't played in a few weeks. :woman_shrugging:
exToday at 10:19 AM
Hmm... that's not how I remember the haunted-Vae/kyuss thing
I remember watching demos of Vae hiding and refusing to advance on haunted in quite a few games.. one in mega room on q2dm1 in particular where Vae stood on a light post and refused to move until haunted came in and attacked
It was literally like 2 minutes + of not moving in a 1v1 just to slow the loss down.   Tons of other demos are out there too with this tactic displayed, and not just vs. haunted either
@bak2basiks if you're gonna lie, at least make the lies believable and not something others who know better can call you on
and not even gonna get into kyuss other than that pic is funny as shit and spot-on to his personality
bak2basiksToday at 11:53 AM
@ex  why yes, haunted did play me in my first year to the game. I also was destroying him on dm1 consistently upwards of 20 frags by the time he gave up playing :smile:
which was probably 5 years before I had a huge skill bump for some other reasons
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 11:54 AM
all about 2021 yo
bak2basiksToday at 11:55 AM
Yeah, and in 2021 haunted does nothing but talk shit about games played 10 years ago completely forgetting all the losses he incurred with no intention of backing anything he says up and zero understanding that time does actually move forward and people get better as they continue playing.
 just showed up!
Today at 11:56 AM
senz_Quake2Today at 11:57 AM
guys, talking about 10+ years shenanigans, really ? just get your ass on servers on saturdays and let the frags talk.
fucking chatters :slight_smile:
bak2basiksToday at 11:57 AM
Couldn't agree more
hauntedToday at 11:58 AM
Raped idiot
senz_Quake2Today at 11:58 AM
haunted are you looking for a life, joinin in and trashvtalking already ? cmon where the “hello” guys
bad manners killed tha game, partially
bak2basiksToday at 12:01 PM
Some people have no intention of playing and would rather remember the "goold old days" :frowning: it makes me feel really bad for their mental state that they cling to being of average skill at one point in time many years ago in a game they no longer play to be happy... Such a sad thing to see, like some ones happiness in life is gasping for air well below the surface of water.
hauntedToday at 12:02 PM
What's up buddy @senz_Quake2 . Vae over here typing novels about me I'm just fucking with him
senz_Quake2Today at 12:04 PM
im good, reinstalled in october 2020 on my laptop. lifes good.
hauntedToday at 12:04 PM
Plus I read what he said about me, why even lie vae? Jesus christ, it's a video game. :rofl::rofl:
I got ya.
I'm reading farther up
Jesus christ this nerd
bak2basiksToday at 12:06 PM
:smile: lie, yes, of course! Something I said is something you disagree with because you lack any basic understanding of the game as it has been played in the last 10 years, so i must be lying. Man you are a sharp one!
hauntedToday at 12:07 PM
You post demos, I post my demos. I have tons of you getting wrecked, you have a handful of beating me by 1 pt 3am drunk. You seriously rehashing this? Anyone can lie
Lying to yourself ain't healthy. Erica ain't taking you back homey
bak2basiksToday at 12:08 PM
I'll play you right now
hauntedToday at 12:08 PM
Post your demos. You lied. Calling you out.
bak2basiksToday at 12:09 PM
I think you've managed to wander onto the servers once, maybe twice in the past 4 years or so. Made you ragequit both times, on my worst map and the only one you'll play.
Score line somewhere north of 20 frags in my favor
But hey, even back in like 2013ish or a little before that when you last were playing for a few months and not rusty, you were losing on my worst map by a lot and just stopped playing me
Biggest reason kyuss > haunted, kyuss has the balls to hop on and play and does so because the game is fun and not because he wants to relive some memories of being somewhat average many years ago unlike haunted.
Please keep your forum shit talking and lack of playing the game or knowing anything about it somewhere else. This channel is for active players to talk about playing the game and get games organized and started.
hauntedToday at 12:18 PM
Just quit vae. You're pretending that I connected and aliased against you? Pretend victories, no wonder. Jesus christ have you thought about me 24/7 after I left? Apparently so
You didn't beat me idiot
bak2basiksToday at 12:19 PM
Nah, I beat you plenty playing as your normal names that everyone recognizes. Your memory is going to? :frowning: I feel even worse for you now.
I hope your situation improves so you can be happy and your memory problems can be medically solved. Must be a tough life.

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 12:19 PM
how about this coming weekend?
who cares what happened yesterday :slight_smile:

bak2basiksToday at 12:23 PM
I kind of forget haunted exists until some one brings him up or he injects himself into a conversation on the forums where he always has nothing of value to add. Very forgettable foot note in quake2 history. Do have to say though, I get some entertainment out of chatting with all the people who are better than him that he seems to be fixated on in a game he doesn't play lol
Maybe medication would help... I don't really know anyone else in any situation that will try and inject themselves into conversations and groups for a game they don't play just so they can constantly lie through their teeth and try to justify their self worth via being somewhat average (not even good) at a video game they quit playing many years ago. Definitely a personality disorder in there somewhere and it makes me feel bad for him :frowning: Must be a depressing life being lived to require going to such great lengths and manipulating reality in their mind with revisionist history just to have something they can feel good about.
Normal people just play the game they like, and the shit talk comes from playing the game better or worse than some one. Whether that be trolling to goad people into playing, or more banter to set up importance in being competitive in the hobby they enjoy.
I quit playing MMO games over a decade ago, and I can't say at any point since then have I felt the need to hop on those forums and talk shit to the players I used to compete against.
@haunted  I hope you get better man. I am legitimately worried about you. Can I help by getting you AA meeting locations in your area or anything like that? And of course if you want to duel some quake2 for old times sake I'm always up for it, though just be aware I won't go easy on you to give you a chance just because your mental health is teetering on the edge of a cliff.
@kyuSs I have seen the errors of my ways, and we should really be nicer to haunted. I didn't realize until just now how much he was impacted by not being liked in a game he quit playing a long time ago. If hes constantly reminded about how some people who he didn't get along with were better than him at a video game he doesn't play anymore, some bad things may happen and I really don't want to push anyone to that point.
OH! Just had a great idea, wonder if we can scrounge together enough active duel players to have a little charity duel cup to help raise money and awareness for haunted's mental illness struggle. Need at least 8 I'd say which should be doable, but scheduling might be a nightmare. Might be able to get Jehar to cast it because its for a good cause.
bak2basiksToday at 12:46 PM
A bracket of like kyuss, blood, nitro, me, senz, chk, slugs, and naymlis would be pretty awesome. Thats 8 just like that, but we also have lion, dirk, nate and a handful of others. Think we could do it :slight_smile: I don't think anyone has enough time to properly focus on running something like that though, with everyone working too much or having kids to take care of these days it does make things difficult... Idea is there at least, all I can do in the mean time is wish him well with his struggles


Vae, post your wins against me. All of them. You already did this back in 2013 and you only had 4 or something compared to my 12(which wasn't all of them mind you), but post these 20+ point wins you have on me. Also, I challenge you to post ANY time you have beaten me by more than 1 pt. ALSO, I challenge you to post any time of you beating me from 2012 to 2014.

I'm nearly certain that every time you have beaten me was when I was on DSL island ping that was constantly changing from 80ms-200ms like when I went all nades against you, seen here:

And, on top of the unplayable connection I was drunk AF and I recall you NEVER beating me by more than 1pt. Go ahead. Prove me wrong. Still doesn't change me having 5x more demos than you, but I'M NOT WRONG. Find ones where I'm not named "EmmaWatson'sBF" with a 180 ping, and post all of the times you have played aliases thinking it's me. You have not beat me an any legitimate fashion ever. Post your proof.
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Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2021, 12:53:47 PM »
bak2basiksToday at 12:23 PM
I kind of forget haunted exists until some one brings him up or he injects himself into a conversation on the forums where he always has nothing of value to add. Very forgettable foot note in quake2 history. Do have to say though, I get some entertainment out of chatting with all the people who are better than him that he seems to be fixated on in a game he doesn't play lol
Maybe medication would help... I don't really know anyone else in any situation that will try and inject themselves into conversations and groups for a game they don't play just so they can constantly lie through their teeth and try to justify their self worth via being somewhat average (not even good) at a video game they quit playing many years ago. Definitely a personality disorder in there somewhere and it makes me feel bad for him :frowning: Must be a depressing life being lived to require going to such great lengths and manipulating reality in their mind with revisionist history just to have something they can feel good about.
Normal people just play the game they like, and the shit talk comes from playing the game better or worse than some one. Whether that be trolling to goad people into playing, or more banter to set up importance in being competitive in the hobby they enjoy.
I quit playing MMO games over a decade ago, and I can't say at any point since then have I felt the need to hop on those forums and talk shit to the players I used to compete against.
@haunted  I hope you get better man. I am legitimately worried about you. Can I help by getting you AA meeting locations in your area or anything like that? And of course if you want to duel some quake2 for old times sake I'm always up for it, though just be aware I won't go easy on you to give you a chance just because your mental health is teetering on the edge of a cliff.
@kyuSs I have seen the errors of my ways, and we should really be nicer to haunted. I didn't realize until just now how much he was impacted by not being liked in a game he quit playing a long time ago. If hes constantly reminded about how some people who he didn't get along with were better than him at a video game he doesn't play anymore, some bad things may happen and I really don't want to push anyone to that point.

Thanks for proving my point? Completely serious, I'm worried about you man. Do you need help finding resources to get better in your area?

I'm just gonna drop it as I'd really hate to see you spiral out of control. It would probably take me awhile to dig through the thousands of demos even with grep in cygwin, and that is time much better spent trying to help you overcome the challenges you are facing in life right now. Let me know if you need to talk.

If you want to play any time though you know where to find the active crowd, always up for a duel and I like helping the lesser skilled players in the community get back into it. Could spend time teaching you how to duel and help you feel better about yourself. Offers on the table.
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Offline haunted

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2021, 01:09:17 PM »
No demos. Just lies. Ok.
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Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2021, 01:40:14 PM »
No demos. Just lies. Ok.

Here is some more for you:

bak2basiksToday at 2:35 PM
@haunted  it maybe made a tiny bit of sense when you would shit talk me in like 2010 when I started playing q2 as you were still kind of around and had interest in playing, but if you are saying the last time you really played was 2014? That is 7 years ago. You can get a masters degree in that time. You can have a child and they would be old enough to be going to school. That is enough time for an 11 year old kid to graduate high school. I'm still around the q2 community and still partake in the normal shit talking that is expected because I played 2 days ago. I played more than 10 duels in quakelive just last night. It is one of my favorite hobbies. The other people on the tastyspleen forum such as quadz and focalor play every day (on dm). When I bring up people like slugs and naymlis, its because I talked to them on the servers within the past couple of weeks. You really need to reconsider how you spend your free time.

I am honestly worried about you. This isn't healthy or normal.

If you want to play quake2, even a grudge match which I can almost guarantee with enough advance notice I can get some one to broadcast, I am more than happy any time to play some games with you. The problem is that you clearly have no interest in playing quake2, let alone in what is actually reality. The more this goes on, the more I am convinced that you need professional help.
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Offline haunted

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2021, 05:16:05 PM »
bak2basiksToday at 3:56 PM
Its always the people who refuse to play who feel they are required to interject with completely worthless shit talk that does literally nothing :/ I just want to play quake and I'm surrounded by people in their 30s who act like bickering grade school aged children.
@ex  come play tdm with us when we get games going next time. I know you may struggle to compete in tdm, but warm bodies are appreciated and your aim isn't too terrible so that should help compensate for your lack of experience in the other aspects of the game.
exToday at 4:07 PM
I don't mind a good game.. just most of the time no one's on when I am
I tend to like CS GO nowadays tho, or QC/QL
if it's q2, ra2/ctf is what I do now
bak2basiksToday at 4:11 PM
I know, but you used to play tdm until you stopped playing. Its fine man, you don't have to be good to play tdm you just have to put in a little effort. Hence inviting you to play tdm.
Even if you are a toxic person who contributes nothing, warm bodies are appreciated. More people means more games. Just because most everyone doesn't want you around doesn't mean you can't play tdm with us.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:13 PM
Ex let’s 2v2 with them sometimes
I wanna learn
I need a newb on other team so it’s fair
We both need to be carried
Wanna try out some other maps beside edge
exToday at 4:15 PM
lol @ Vae
"toxic person" defines you Vae.. just ask any of the old people, or god forbid let's ask Erica :smile:
hauntedToday at 4:18 PM
Lmao. I'm the only one he thinks about more than Erica
He has convinced himself that I connect aliased and he beats me till this day. Christ. If I'm on he'd know because he'd get wrecked. Mr. No demos
bak2basiksToday at 4:21 PM
aliased? Didn't know "haunted" was an alias.
hauntedToday at 4:21 PM
Still crying years later and can't produce any proof. Lol. Post it then vae
Playing aliases then jerking off thinking you beat haunted :rofl::rofl:
All these years later
bak2basiksToday at 4:22 PM
And nah I have demos, but I am actually worried about you haunted. You are actually obsessed with people who aren't your friends in a game you haven't played in years. Thats not healthy or normal.

hauntedToday at 4:22 PM
You're killing me
Post them
You're lying, everyone knows it
What I thought
Go message Erica again
bak2basiksToday at 4:23 PM
Projecting too :frowning: what area are you in? I'll help you find a good therapist.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:23 PM
Let’s all be nice and organize some games
exToday at 4:23 PM
10 years and nothing has changed
bak2basiksToday at 4:23 PM
@ex  I see you still enjoy drama more than playing, so yeah nothing changed.
exToday at 4:24 PM
do you still have the little blond pony tail, Vae?
bak2basiksToday at 4:26 PM
@haunted  I'll duel you any time man, I'm not worried about it. Even putting your very unhealthy and abnormal obsession to talk shit in a game community you left many years ago, I have zero idea how you can sit there and convince yourself that time stands still and nobody can improve at the game ever. Just because you haven't improved since 2005 doesn't mean there hasn't been many players who put in a lot of effort and practice to climb the ranks.
Being stuck in the past is not good for you.
@ex  I have never and will never have a blonde pony tail. The crazy shit you people make up about me is so random.
LiOntRkToday at 4:32 PM
Do you guys have a LAN party picture from past?
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:35 PM
We should all plan on meeting at a future quake con
bak2basiksToday at 4:35 PM
@haunted  it maybe made a tiny bit of sense when you would shit talk me in like 2010 when I started playing q2 as you were still kind of around and had interest in playing, but if you are saying the last time you really played was 2014? That is 7 years ago. You can get a masters degree in that time. You can have a child and they would be old enough to be going to school. That is enough time for an 11 year old kid to graduate high school. I'm still around the q2 community and still partake in the normal shit talking that is expected because I played 2 days ago. I played more than 10 duels in quakelive just last night. It is one of my favorite hobbies. The other people on the tastyspleen forum such as quadz and focalor play every day (on dm). When I bring up people like slugs and naymlis, its because I talked to them on the servers within the past couple of weeks. You really need to reconsider how you spend your free time.
hauntedToday at 4:36 PM
Are you still talking. You lied and got called out and you won't post any demos. Get over it
Save the paragraphs for Erica
bak2basiksToday at 4:37 PM
@!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuh count me out, I respect individual players on a case by case basis. The quake community as a whole is not worth respecting or wanting to interact with as evidenced by the two people who have just made it their mission to ruin this discord channel with their needless drama when they don't even play tdm or duel.
hauntedToday at 4:37 PM
Post demos.... You won't.
You got wrecked every time dude... Zzzz. Get laid and stop lying
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:38 PM
I think haunted houses plans on playing again and I’m happy that meet whoever at q con
Let’s not be quick to make assumptions
You guys probably best friends if you get to know each other
hauntedToday at 4:41 PM
Pretty simple to understand, vae has been lurking in discord for years talking about me and he just got called out
And he has no demos or screenshots

Go ahead vae, post them
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:42 PM
I want to see a re match
bak2basiksToday at 4:42 PM
@haunted I have demos, I have screenshots. A lot of them actually. That is beside the point. There are two main problems here:
 1. Even if you beat me more when I started playing q2, I put a lot of time and effort and got noticeably better, and not just against rusty q2 pros like naymlis. I play more than just quake2 for duel.
 2. You are really strangely obsessed with a game you don't play. I'm really worried about you because nothing about your behavior is normal or healthy.

hauntedToday at 4:43 PM
All talk no demos. Have fun being the big fish in a small pond nerd
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:43 PM
@haunted you re install yet?
bak2basiksToday at 4:43 PM
Your mind set is what you see from the really depressed people who end up offing themselves, and thats not okay. I already know how much you like overdoing it when you drink, so the markers are all there to be concerned about you.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:43 PM
@bak2basiks hungry for some luvin
Focus on solutions
Best of 3
When you guys playing?
bak2basiksToday at 4:45 PM
@haunted  just remember, just because people like me who you obsess an unhealthy amount over won't be sad if you off yourself, some one will be. Keep a level head okay? You really should look into some therapy, because everything I see from you is so far away from normal and healthy that it does concern me.
Like i've said many times, I'm always up for games. I have way too many hobbies, but quake is easily the one I can sink the most time into at the drop of a hat. I'm not gonna dodge anyone if they want to duel, even if I'm a bit out of practice at the moment.
Just want to be clear, there are some times I legitimately just can't play though. Full time job and other life responsibilities like anyone else here as everyone is an adult. If it is a grudge match of some sort then scheduling definitely is the best route.
hauntedToday at 4:56 PM
I'm on a friggin phone dude. I have no means to play. You say you have demos, I say you don't. You won't post them.
You got called out, like I said get over it. Why are you pretending you didn't refuse a best of 3 from me hundreds of times? The threads are still there..... Ex remembers

Why do you think he pinged me to come here dumb fuck? :rofl:
exToday at 4:58 PM
you know what's weird is I didn't ping you haunted
hauntedToday at 4:58 PM
Oh I figured you did
exToday at 4:58 PM
I thought somebody else send you a message
hauntedToday at 4:58 PM
Someone did
Look at this kid dude
exToday at 4:58 PM
hang tight haunted, turbo nerd is typing us a book
hauntedToday at 4:59 PM
Used to pound 20 beers and style all over this kid and he hasn't gotten over it
Da fuq?

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 4:59 PM
No one needs to play right at this moment quake 2 can be installed in under 2 minutes on any computer all jokes and fun aside let’s be nice mature adults here let’s organize some games in the future
This weekend could be the perfect time
bak2basiksToday at 4:59 PM
Ex hasn't been active in tdm in the past 5 years at least. Nobody who has played in recent years cares because they know a few things that you two don't. I'm not wasting my time digging through a decade of old demos when I just don't care. If you want to play me then play me, if not then don't.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 5:00 PM
I think if we can all forget about the past and try to be nice civil people right now going forward we can get some good games with new screen shots and demos to lul at
bak2basiksToday at 5:01 PM
What does concern me is how unhealthy and abnormal haunted's behavior is. I don't think you realize that I'm not joking. This behavior, is not normal. I am here because I played q2 a couple of days ago and plan to play again at least a few more times this week. If you haven't played in 7 years, and have just spent this much time arguing about the game, then you really need to take a step back and rethink your life decisions.
exToday at 5:02 PM
Vae you were the one that was talking about haunted many times over the years.. countless times you'd mention his name
if anyone is obsessed about the past, it's YOU
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 5:03 PM
We are all more alike than we think let’s stop trying to dehumanize people and be nice
Europe has 10 active TDM servers online per a day and 30-40 concurrent players because they are organized nice civil and can have fun together
Let’s be more like Europe
bak2basiksToday at 5:04 PM
As I stated previously, I forget haunted exists until some one brings him up or he interjects into a conversation saying something stupid on the forums. Recently both have happened, hence why I said something about him. Haunted isn't a quake2 player to me because he just hasn't played q2 in so long that I've seen new players join and surpass the level he was at multiple times.
Haunted doesn't even make the list of notable players I've beat because he just isn't notable. He isn't relevant in quake2 past or present. The fact he keeps trying to make himself the center of attention points to the possibility of several additional mental health problems that stack on top of the already concerning obsessive behavior he displays.
This shit started because some one was digging around the old nadl page and found a dumb joke that haunted posted on an official tournament page poking fun of me and kyuss, so I provided context that it was haunted who did it because he doesn't like me or kyuss, and is absolutely obsessed with both of us for some reason. I didn't just bring him up out of the blue because he doesn't occupy any of my mind space when it comes to quake. The only association in my mind with haunted is that hes a forum troll with some mental health problems and today I started connecting dots and have become very concerned about him.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 5:12 PM
I pinged or invited haunted here because people were talking about him for someone who hasn’t played in a while people still remember him he must be memorable to come up in conversation
bak2basiksToday at 5:13 PM
He gets brought up in conversation because he constantly lies to people on the forums, and inviting him here only furthered his platform. If haunted would just leave the quake2 community that he isn't even a part of, then he'd never be brought up again.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 5:13 PM
Anyway you guys can measure your dicks from 10 years ago all you want but the rest of the world wants to see you play and no one cares about the past
Well that’s nice you think that way
I’d like to see you both play against each other 1v1 also like to see you collaborate and 2v2 vs some other team and do some 3v3 or 4v4 against each other or on same team
Let’s get over your school girl rivalry
It’s 2021
@haunted  let’s install someday when you have the time
Let’s give the man some time to get setup
He will play if we are gentlemen
Let’s stop bad mouthing
Let’s be the bigger one
bak2basiksToday at 5:18 PM
@!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuh I love how optimistic you are, but at some point you gotta realize that some people just want drama because they miss high school. Cutting them out would be better than letting them sit there and pretend they may play one day, because all it does is let them randomly drop in to cause additional drama which gets in the way of playing games.
You get some people in here who don't play or rarely play that don't cause drama which is fine because they aren't a hindrance and maybe they work up the courage to play one day. You get some people in here who don't play (or just don't play with us like the EU guys) but contribute to a quake tdm/duel focused conversation and we can have great discussions about maps, or strategies or w/e. The people who don't play and only cause drama are only serving to drive people away who may have played.
I don't give a shit about who was better 10 years ago or whatever, most of us are here because we want to play quake. The whole point in talking shit is so you can play right now and prove a point. If you aren't playing, then there is no point in talking shit. I don't think people who talk shit from how the game went so many years ago even realize how pathetic they sound. The nerd equivalent of the guy who played football in highschool constantly talking about how he was a football player in highschool despite the fact hes 40 and out of shape. Its so pathetic that the stereotype has been made fun of in media for decades.
hauntedToday at 5:28 PM
Jesus christ another 20 page  manifesto of excuses. Everyone knows you got beat every time, demos or STFU. All excuses.
bak2basiksToday at 5:28 PM
^^ perfect example of what I just said
hauntedToday at 5:29 PM
No wonder Erica broke it off
She probably got migraines from all the paragraphs
bak2basiksToday at 5:31 PM
@haunted I'm sorry that my profession has required me to be able to type quickly, be able to read and comprehend large amounts of text, and explain things in great detail. Maybe one day when you grow the fuck up you'll realize that 10 lines of text is not a novel.
!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 5:32 PM
So is the re match on Friday or Saturday @bak2basiks vs @haunted ?
I will record a demo
bak2basiksToday at 5:32 PM
If you get winded reading a few lines of text in discord, then you have obviously never finished reading an actual book and I feel really bad for the education system of where ever you grew up.
As I said I'll play when ever.

So the tally is:

Paragraphs with excuses: 32

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2021, 05:58:06 PM »
Jesus Christ.

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2021, 11:55:33 PM »
 :secret: :whistling:
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2021, 04:45:58 AM »
I know that's a massive TLDR but pretty much the entire time he's been saying this:

"why yes, haunted did play me in my first year to the game. I also was destroying him on dm1 consistently upwards of 20 frags by the time he gave up playing"

Can't believe these shenanigans are still happening  :dohdohdoh:
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2021, 10:20:26 AM »
Haunted been lying about me for many years. Pretty normal for him to refuse to play me now as well. Nothing new. Hes pretty much a giant hemorrhoid on the q2 community. Takes some special kind of mental illness to care so much about a game you admit to not even playing in the past 7 years, a different kind of mental illness to revise history to erase what actually happened, and even another type of mental illness to think time stands still and nobody can improve at something over the period of YEARS. Once he offs himself, I'm sure some one will find his brain abnormally interesting enough to study. His behavior is so far from normal and healthy it makes me feel bad for ever arguing with him.

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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2021, 04:55:40 PM »

Your skill level may be as good as you say it is and that is fine  :bananaw00t:

But if you make claims about all of these wins and say you have the demos to back it up :?:

I think the saying goes "Demo or STFU"
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2021, 05:16:20 PM »

Your skill level may be as good as you say it is and that is fine  :bananaw00t:

But if you make claims about all of these wins and say you have the demos to back it up :?:

I think the saying goes "Demo or STFU"

My quake folder on my computer is 40G. That has at least 6 different installs of quake2. Haunted played under so many dumb names over the years as well with some of them being 3 letter strings (horrible for grep).

I'm not even going to begin wasting my time to find demos of beating a player who I don't even think is that good. The people who need that proof because they just have no idea are people who either don't play quake at all, or don't play tdm/duel and why would I care about their opinion?

I started playing q2 in 2010. I didn't start getting to the point I could beat good players until like 2013. I continued to get better for years after that and in 2017 when naymlis was last active I was beating him consistently on some maps and giving him 1 point games on maps I didn't really care of. To be clear, I think naymlis is still overall a better duel player than me, but thats the level I reached. I had a total mental shift about how to duel around 2016 and 2017 and spent a great amount of time in quakelive playing against top players (and getting wins) which I then pulled back into Q2.

If haunted is going to sit here and say he was better than me in 2012, probably safe assumption. If he is going to say he was better than me in 2014, I don't think so but maybe an argument could be made (if the person arguing that is retarded). Past 4 years? Not a chance. I offered to play him and beav even tried setting up a scheduled grudge match kind of thing for fun. Haunted isn't a quake2 player and has no interest in reality.

Again, nothing about haunted's behavior is normal or healthy. He is acting like a 40 year old man stuck in high school. He admits he hasn't played in something like 7 years and he still not only frequents these forums, but shit talks active players. 7 years is longer to not play a game than most people will ever play a single game. 7 years is long enough to go get a masters degree from scratch. You can have a kid and they would be in grade school after 7 years. Most of the people who still post on these forums ACTUALLY play once in awhile or have some involvement such as modding/mapping, and that is why they are here. His behavior is so far from normal and healthy that I am legitimately concerned about his mental health, but everyone seems to refuse to listen to that so I'll just sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

EDIT: Out of "demos or stfu", I'll choose the "stfu" option cause I don't care to shit talk some one with clear indicators of mental illness who may do something irrational if proven wrong. I both do not want blood on my hands, and am too fuckin lazy to dig through 40g of files with grep until I find what I'm looking for. I think haunted should also stfu because he posts obvious lies about me on here all the fuckin time for people who aren't part of the duel community, because everyone who has played duel in the last 5-7 years knows hes full of shit. He should probably stop frequenting the quake2 community hubs, learn to move on, and seek therapy. He won't get brought up again because he isn't even note worthy outside of how much drama he insists on causing for people who just want to enjoy the game.

EDIT2: second edit just cause I forgot to add this tidbit but I feel it is very relevant to point out the absurdity of this circus. If haunted hasn't played in 7 years, I have almost twice as many years of demos and screenshots AFTER he quit playing than when we played at the same time.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2021, 05:35:41 PM by VaeVictis »
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2021, 05:52:01 PM »
All of these are lies(wasn't present for first handful, i got them from the chat history):

bak2basiksToday at 11:53 AM
"@ex  why yes, haunted did play me in my first year to the game. I also was destroying him on dm1 consistently upwards of 20 frags by the time he gave up playing :smile:
which was probably 5 years before I had a huge skill bump for some other reasons"

bak2basiksToday at 12:09 PM
"I think you've managed to wander onto the servers once, maybe twice in the past 4 years or so. Made you ragequit both times, on my worst map and the only one you'll play."

"Score line somewhere north of 20 frags in my favor"

"But hey, even back in like 2013ish or a little before that when you last were playing for a few months and not rusty, you were losing on my worst map by a lot and just stopped playing me :slight_smile:"

bak2basiksToday at 12:19 PM

"Nah, I beat you plenty playing as your normal names that everyone recognizes. Your memory is going to? :frowning: I feel even worse for you now.
I hope your situation improves so you can be happy and your memory problems can be medically solved. Must be a tough life."

bak2basiksToday at 4:22 PM
"And nah I have demos, but I am actually worried about you haunted. You are actually obsessed with people who aren't your friends in a game you haven't played in years. Thats not healthy or normal."

bak2basiksToday at 4:42 PM
"@haunted I have demos, I have screenshots. A lot of them actually. That is beside the point. There are two main problems here:"

bak2basiksYesterday at 8:47 PM
"I have demos, but why do I need to waste my time going through them? I'm playing quake right now, which is an infinitely better use of my time than proving I'm better than some one who no one who has played tdm in the past 4 years thinks is better than me."

100% falsehoods. You already got called out for all the other lies, seen here, so we don't have to rehash your old lies:

Where's the demos/screenshots of you making me rage quit and beating me by 20+ in the past 4 years? Where's the demos/screenshots of you beating me in 2014 when you were clearly scared shitless to play me?
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2021, 06:01:54 PM »
I'll dissect these larger drama filled garbage posts so there a little more easy on the eyes. I was lazy and just pasted vae's rage volumes in their entirety before. This kid is an admin of the new q2 hang out on discord, and he has the community event organizers believing this about me(granted, i've only been in this channel for a day):

hauntedToday at 10:48 AM
I am on a phone

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:48 AM
Quake II Starter - Download and play Quake II online
A quick start Quake II installation package for new and returning players.

hauntedToday at 10:48 AM
How can I play?

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:48 AM
Click on that when you have time

hauntedToday at 10:48 AM
I know what it is, I'm on a phone

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:49 AM
When you have time to get setup click on that link

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:52 AM
When you get installed let us know
I can see clearly you are avoiding it now
In time you may work up the courage
Take all the time you need
Vae is currently installed ready to go
If you can’t match that I guess he is the better player

hauntedToday at 10:55 AM

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:55 AM

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:57 AM
Okay well right now today vae is ready to play are you ?

hauntedToday at 10:58 AM
He refused to play me for 3 years straight, how is saying he's ready knowing I don't play anymore in a game that is dead mean anything
What a joke

!uPlayQuake2?q2servers.comBeavuhToday at 10:59 AM
If you don’t want to play or are afraid today or anytime this year that’s fine
No big deal
Get tired of avoiding some fun you know where the install link is

hauntedToday at 11:00 AM
Jesus christ.... :rofl:


The q2 tdm scene has sunk to record lows, and that's saying something. I'm done with that circus of a channel. It's literally "HAUNTED BAD" instead of "ORANGE MAN BAD" in there  :lolsign:
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2021, 06:22:31 PM »
The q2 tdm scene has sunk to record lows, and that's saying something. I'm done with that circus of a channel. It's literally "HAUNTED BAD" instead of "ORANGE MAN BAD" in there  :lolsign:

Why would you join a discord channel specifically made for organizing tdm/duel games and talking about tdm/duel? You don't play quake2 and obviously have no interest in playing quake2.

You are gonna go on about people being obsessed with you, but the only reason you were even mentioned before you joined was because some one linked to some bad (ie unfunny) jokes you made about me and kyuss ages ago and I had to provide context that you are the guy who sits on the forums of a game you haven't played in YEARS and still obsessively talks shit on active players. Clearly you need professional help.

All you have done since you joined is stir up drama when everyone in that channel just wants to play quake and doesn't care for your bullshit. The only backup you had in that channel was from another player who doesn't play tdm/duel and has also only caused drama since they showed up, but at least that person plays ra2 and ctf.

Even the more civil players in that channel got tired of your shit and asked you to man up and play if you wanted to keep talking shit because the channel exists to get games going. Do you actively hate quake2 so much that your mental illness is forcing you to stop other people being able to play?

Nobody wants you around because you don't contribute ANYTHING.
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Re: Nerd call-out (the sequel)
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2021, 06:49:06 PM »
All of these are lies(wasn't present for first handful, i got them from the chat history):

bak2basiksToday at 11:53 AM
"@ex  why yes, haunted did play me in my first year to the game. I also was destroying him on dm1 consistently upwards of 20 frags by the time he gave up playing :smile:
which was probably 5 years before I had a huge skill bump for some other reasons"

bak2basiksToday at 12:09 PM
"I think you've managed to wander onto the servers once, maybe twice in the past 4 years or so. Made you ragequit both times, on my worst map and the only one you'll play."

"Score line somewhere north of 20 frags in my favor"

"But hey, even back in like 2013ish or a little before that when you last were playing for a few months and not rusty, you were losing on my worst map by a lot and just stopped playing me :slight_smile:"

bak2basiksToday at 12:19 PM

"Nah, I beat you plenty playing as your normal names that everyone recognizes. Your memory is going to? :frowning: I feel even worse for you now.
I hope your situation improves so you can be happy and your memory problems can be medically solved. Must be a tough life."

bak2basiksToday at 4:22 PM
"And nah I have demos, but I am actually worried about you haunted. You are actually obsessed with people who aren't your friends in a game you haven't played in years. Thats not healthy or normal."

bak2basiksToday at 4:42 PM
"@haunted I have demos, I have screenshots. A lot of them actually. That is beside the point. There are two main problems here:"

bak2basiksYesterday at 8:47 PM
"I have demos, but why do I need to waste my time going through them? I'm playing quake right now, which is an infinitely better use of my time than proving I'm better than some one who no one who has played tdm in the past 4 years thinks is better than me."

100% falsehoods. You already got called out for all the other lies, seen here, so we don't have to rehash your old lies:

Where's the demos/screenshots of you making me rage quit and beating me by 20+ in the past 4 years? Where's the demos/screenshots of you beating me in 2014 when you were clearly scared shitless to play me?

Anything to say about all these lies you've been spreading about me?

 :lolsign: :busted:
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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