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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2021, 04:46:43 PM »
TURN - Washington's Spies on Netflix.

For someone who liked John Adams on HBO, this depicts the other side of the story. It's all based on a true story too. After watching it I researched the story and I was blown away from the historical accuracy.

Fully recommend. This is up there with Outlander and expanse for our favorite series we've ever watched.

Saw it a year or so ago on Netfooks, Fuckmooks, Nartflunks, whatever.

Yeah, pretty decent show. One of the most watchable shows on there. They have a vast selection of odorous fetid turds with a sparse assortment of gems buried amongst it. Doesn't take long to watch all the decent stuff, then you're left with the crap. For this reason, I tend to purchase the netflix gift cards from Publix. I use a new email to get the first month free, then the card pays for about 3 extra months. By the time those 4 months are over, I've pretty much seen everything I want to and have no need to keep on paying for some shit I won't be using much anymore.

I am starting to consider the idea of ditching Dish Network, getting some fiber optic internet and a Roku and going all streaming. I could save.... very many muches of dollars.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #31 on: May 11, 2021, 04:59:16 PM »
Really you should have roku to get the most of your dish subscription so you can enjoy everything on demand in 4kUHD, plus everything the apps offer. As far as ditching dish, you just need one family member to have a dish subscription, then all of you get the benefits from roku lol. In a perfect world split the costs etc etc
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2021, 04:44:51 PM »
All my tvs are lower res except the big one in the great room which is trashed. One of nephews chucked a video game controller at it and fuckered the guts to where the colors are all washed out like its an old 256color monitor, and theres a faint blueish black line all the way across the screen.  :ohreally:

Perhaps later this year if the economy doesn't diarrhea itself to death I can afford a replacement for the big screen. Certain types of UHD tvs have gotten much cheaper. I think I paid about 3k 10 yrs ago for this one. Saw some at walmart at xmas time for about 500-600, with Roku onboard, I forget the brand, something unique, not Samsung or Panasonic... Amazon brand maybe, i caint 'member.  I will NEVER spend that much on a tv again unless I become a billionaire. It was stupid.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2021, 05:08:09 PM »
Was browsing around and came across something I'd never heard of before. It got sort of high scores, 84 by Metacritic, 7/10 somewhere else I forget.

You Were Never Really Here (2017) - Rated R - 1h 29mins
Synopsis via IMDB =
A traumatized veteran, unafraid of violence, tracks down missing girls for a living. When a job spins out of control, Joe's nightmares overtake him as a conspiracy is uncovered leading to what may be his death trip or his awakening.
Uhhh.... "dark". Jolting. Pretty fuckin' dark and cerebral. Kinda deals with childhood abuse, trauma/PTSD and mental illness. Plenty of "subtext" I guess you'd call it, if you're into movies like that. Pretty good though. Refreshingly different. Not an uplifting movie, even though it "helplessly" tries to be at the end. (You'll see what I mean if you watch it.)

Maybe worth a watch though. Like I said, it's definitely "different".
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2021, 12:19:20 PM »
Atlas Shrugged - parts 1, 2, & 3

I've been a pretty big Ayn Rand fan since I first discovered her works in high school.

Several years ago, they made an adaptation of Atlas Shrugged. I "think" it was in theaters, although I don't really remember it being released. According to Wiki, part 1 had a 20M budget and only made less than 5M at the box office... which is really bad for a movie obviously.

Anyway, they did the whole book as 3 parts, and in each movie they recast all the characters, which is kinda strange. And the story doesn't precisely follow the book, but it was "adapted" for modern times, and the basics are pretty close.

Kinda strange and prophetic. Because in the films, the government meddles in business with regulations and laws that promote collectivism and "equity". And... politicians (especially on the left) have a whole lotta talk about "equity" and other such BULLSHIT these days.

All three parts are available for free on Tubi right now.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #35 on: August 12, 2021, 01:29:24 PM »

Suicide Squad (2021) - 2hrs 12mins - rated R

Rented this on Xbox last night. Eh.... 7.5 out of 10, maybe better, I dunno.

Agh. I kinda hate to recommend these comic book/superhero movies because they make SOOO many of the fuckin' things these days. Seriously, it's something like 50% of all the movies that ever get made now. And some are worse than others. Some are watchable at least once or twice, and then you never wanna hear about it ever again.

This one.... I dunno yet. It's definitely worth watching once. Not a kids movie. Pretty fun watch. Funny as hell at times. And believe it or not, John Cena doesn't ruin this movie.

And the Weasel kinda looks like my dog.

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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2021, 02:36:10 PM »
Fuckin dirt poor at the moment, living on rice and chicken a la king damn never every night of the world now. When my old lady came home from the hospital the other week after her surgery, my aunt brought us some BBQ from a place in Athens. I joke that I wanna break her other arm to get more BBQ. :D Seriously, I'm sick of fuckin chicken ala king dude. I need some income, this shit sucks.

Anyway, that explains why I'm downloading shit from torrents. Don't be like me, kids. God hates it when you're basically starving and then you have the unmitigated gall to go and steal from these poor Hollywood actors.

Came across this Al Capone movie I hadn't heard of, released in 2020 I guess. Starring Tom Hardy, and I've liked a couple of his movies that I've seen, and I like true crime/gangster films, so what the hell, I snagged it.

EH... If you're into true crime/gangster films too... maybe give this a nice big ole PASS. If you're not familiar with Capone, here's the quick overview of him: He made shitloads of money during the 20's importing/distributing liquor from Canada and parts around the south, and in 1931 he was sentenced to 11 years (for tax evasion of all things, not MURDER, not bootlegging, lolwut?) which he served in Atlanta, San Fransisco (Alcatraz) and Terminal Island near Long Beach CA. Shortly after his sentence began in Atlanta, he began suffering from neurosyphilis, which is a brain degenerative thing kinda like dementia.

So the story in this movie doesn't cover any of the interesting shit that happens in the 20's or during his incarceration in the 30's. Nope, it's just the last year of his life at his mansion in Florida, where he turns to a vegetable and shits himself... and then the movie ends.

Why did I watch this? Glad I stole this movie from piratebay, otherwise I'd be wanting a refund.

Capone (2020) - 2/10, disappointing and pointless.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2021, 06:04:50 PM »
Downloaded the new Clint Eastwood movie, Cry Macho.

Meh. Not a horrible movie. But not a good one either. Pretty weak effort. But kinda reeks of woke-ism subtext, as in it's seeming to make the statement that perhaps Eastwood laments his entire career of being typecast as the rough 'n' tough-guy because it's little more than the sin of toxic masculinity. :sarcastic: The woke Hollywood rot has infected Clint Eastwood. Sigh.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2021, 07:49:55 AM »
Dune (2021)

Just watched the new Dune movie this morning.

If you saw the old one with Kyle MacLachlan and Sting,... it's NOTHING like that. The 1984 version is cheap and shitty. Forget that shit. Pretend it never happened. This one is actually pretty good. The old one has a bit of a cartoony and cheesy feel to it. This one is epic, serious, and dramatic. Beginning of the movie, the title says "Dune, part one" so I guess this is going to end up being a probably 3-part thing... or more, who knows, I haven't really followed much about this movie at all, so I dunno what the future plans are. But honestly... I'll be anxiously awaiting the next part, so obviously it was pretty decent. It was kinda weird though. The main character, Paul Atreides has these prophetic visions about the future, and supposed he's some kind of "chosen one" or something, your typical sci-fi fantasty storyline, whatever. But apparently the book by Frank Herbert was hugely popular... I never read it myself.


8/10, would recommend. :thumbsup:

However, I'm more into the sci-fi kind of movies these days. Like the last two sci-fi movies that Tom Cruise did, Oblivion and Day After Tomorrow, I liked those. So if you're just one of those people who find it hard to like sci-fi movies, maybe you'll get kinda bored by this one. It's presented pretty well though, the story flows nice and probably anyone can follow it even if they are half tuned out.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #39 on: November 09, 2021, 10:37:51 AM »
Quirky but great old spaghetti western.

Was surprised to find it on Youtoob. There are probably better quality copies there too.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #40 on: November 09, 2021, 11:55:20 PM »
I saw that one on there the other month when I watched Rio Lobo (see below) and thought about watching it. Didn't know it was a Sergio Leone movie. I'll have to watch that.

A couple months ago, I watched an old John Wayne movie on there, Rio Lobo, one of his better ones in my opinion.

John Wayne made TONS of movies, and I liked him as an actor, but I'm not very fond of his earlier movies from the 30's. My favorites are his later ones from the 60's and 70's. McQ (1974) and Brannigan (1975) were good ones where he took off the cowboy hat and play a modern (1970's) cop.

(If you want to watch lots of old John Wayne movies from the 1930's, Tubi has TONS of them, perhaps ALL of them, not sure, but it's a LOT: )

Over the last year, I've been watching a lot of old Charles Bronson movies on Tubi. Just now saw this one in the suggestions on the side of the page of Rio Lobo. Haven't seen it before. Gonna drop it here so I don't forget it.

Red Sun (1971)

Some of the ones I saw on Tubi were the Death Wish movies - which were okay I guess, the first and second ones, I think they made 5 or 6 total, and they got cornier and cornier with each one.

Rider on the Rain was kinda cool. Made in 1969 I think, released in 70, and has a very "1969" hippie kinda feel to it. Love and Bullets, Breakheart Pass, and Cold Sweat are 3 others I watched at some point this year. Pretty good.

I see they've added some more Bronson movies since last I checked. These look interesting:

Borderline (1980) - After his partner is killed by a human smuggler, a tough border cop decides to take matters into his own hands to avenge his death.

The White Buffalo (1977) - Wild Bill Hickok and Crazy Horse, two legendary figures, head out on a quest for the demon albino buffalo in this haunting western tale.

Chato's Land (1972) - A half-white, half-Apache man dodges a vengeful posse after he kills a sheriff in self-defense. Both sides pay a heavy price in this Western.

Machine Gun Kelly (1958) - The notorious bank robber shoots up the 1930s in this drive-in flick following the criminal exploits of America's Public Enemy No. 1.

Gonna add one more here so I don't forget it. This guys got a lot of westerns. I'll have to subscribe to him when I get back on my xbox to use the youtube app.

Ride the Whirlwind (1966) (w/ Jack Nicholson)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2021, 12:11:16 AM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #41 on: November 10, 2021, 02:36:32 PM »
 I know I've watched the Duke's movies, but I was really little. The one that always stuck out to me though, was "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", and this scene in particular.

"Warlock" is another great one I watched recently. Even got a little watery in the eyes at the end with Anthony Quinn and Henry Fonda's last scene, but I was at least half in the bag at that point so it's ok.

My Name is Nobody was directed by Tonino Valerii, with some parts directed by Sergio Leone. Which parts are whose is disputed somewhat and it's not a typical Leone movie. I love the music in this one (most of it) and it's definitely  got some quirky "comedy", but I saw it as a  kid so for me it's an epic to this day. Call me crazy, but Fonda > Eastwood in westerns.


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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #42 on: November 10, 2021, 04:35:09 PM »
I know I've watched the Duke's movies, but I was really little. The one that always stuck out to me though, was "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance", and this scene in particular.

Not sure if I've ever seen that one. I know I did see Wayne's last movie alongside James Stewart, The Shootist, which was decent.

"Warlock" is another great one I watched recently. Even got a little watery in the eyes at the end with Anthony Quinn and Henry Fonda's last scene, but I was at least half in the bag at that point so it's ok.

Saw that one a year or so ago, DVR'd it off of the Encore Westerns channel that I get as part of my Dish America's Top 250 package. Every so often I'll scroll down the guide as far as it'll let me go and look for any movies on there (and maybe any other movie channels as well) that I haven't seen or that look interesting and I'll set the DVR to record it. It's not too often that anything particularly interesting comes on the Westerns channel. Usually it's TV shows like Gunsmoke or Bonanza ( :zzz: ) or some musical crap with Gene Autry.

Call me crazy, but Fonda > Eastwood in westerns.

 :oksign: Crazy.

Older westerns like the ones Fonda did have a nicer, fluffier storybook feel to them, whereas they type of westerns that Eastwood and others around that time were starting to put out were grittier, more violent, and trying to be more realistic. I like plenty of older westerns, but I like the newer ones better because the stories and dialogue make more of an attempt to be realistic.

Perfect example is the old 3:10 to Yuma movie. The original one... eh it's okay. But they did a remake back in 2007 with Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. It was excellent, one of the best westerns ever made in my opinion. They had vastly different feels to them.
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2022, 06:01:36 PM »
I was looking for something strange and weird. This was supposed to be very strange and weird and perverted.

We Are The Flesh (2016) (Spanish, English subtitles)

Weird, check. Strange, check. Perverted, definitely check. Good? Eh... I can't call it that. And usually I like weird shit like this that seems to have lots of "subtext", but to me, it seems like this movie is trying too hard to give you the impression that subtext is there... but all of the perceivable subtext is complete nonsense. It makes no sense. I'll post the wikipedia plot synopsis and then comment further...

An unknown apocalypse has devastated the globe, forcing siblings Lucio and Fauna to forage for food and shelter in a hostile environment. They happen to come across Mariano, a man who offers them both of these things, but at a cost: they must help him turn an abandoned building into a cave/cocoon-esque structure. He also demands that the siblings have sex with one another while he watches and masturbates. With few other options the two comply, only for this act to be the start of many strange and horrific things they must do in order to survive.

Yeah, there's a scene where the sister blows the brother, quite explicit, although I can't really tell if it's a prosthetic or not, it kinda looks like it. None of it makes any sense. It's like it's trying too hard to convince you that they are slipping deeper and deeper into insanity. I dunno. To me it isn't really as genuinely "strange" as much as it's just silly and pointless.

Sometimes it's good to watch a bad movie though. It helps you have more some appreciation for the mediocre ones. "Hey, it might not be good, but at least it's not {insert shitty movie name here}."
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Re: Whatcha watchin'/streamin'...
« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2022, 03:50:40 AM »
I had Netflix just before covid hit, but money got tight and I had already watched just about everything on there that I cared to watch, so I had to let my subscription run out. But just because I was particularly bored one night, I re-upped my subscription for 2 months only to find out - GASP! - STILL (almost) NOTHING WORTH WATCHING ON THERE!

Watched all of Ozark. Thought I had mentioned it in this thread before, but apparently not. But it's a really good show, keeps you glued to it and invested in it. Start of episode 1 is slow and kinda uninteresting... but it ends with a huge bang and you're hooked from then on. I'll try not to spoil it, but I felt like the ending was a little... flat... and a little unimaginative. Apparently most of the show was filmed here in Georgia. I recognize many places. The riverboat casino exterior is the paddlewheel riverboat ride on the lake at Stone Mountain Park. There's a scene in an abandoned shopping mall where they're shot it inside the old now closed North Dekalb Mall which is not far from Stone Mountain.

Ozark - 9/10. Trust me. It's good.

Had this one on my list before covid but never got around to watching it. They've done two more seasons of it since then, and from the way season 3 ended, I don't think they're going to do a 4th.

After Life (3 seasons, 6 episodes per season, 30 min episodes) - Ricky Gervais - 10/10 MUST SEE!

Holy crap, this show is so good. Absolutely BRILLIANT! At times it'll have you rolling in the floor pissing your pants laughing because it's so funny. And then literally 10 seconds later, you'll be crying because it's so sad. Not gonna lie, this show actually had me crying real tears. This is the most brilliantly genius comedy series I've ever seen. I'm not kidding either: you will cry. Beautiful writing. Just watch it! You'll see what I mean.
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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