Author Topic: Clemency for the banned?  (Read 18501 times)

Offline Zeppelin

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2020, 05:37:40 PM »
Clemency for the banned?

How about that Quadz? it's been a nice polite uneventful entire year on my part but my account is still functionally crippled because you didn't like that i spoke Spanish to a Spanish speaker on 'El Box de Shoutamente' saying hello to said Spanish speaker and telling them that you'd let me be back on the forum.

Did i miss anything? did i paraphrase that too much?

Please pardon my mountain of disbelieving salt, there's just been a massive landslide on it.

p.s. Didn't Spawngirl contribute an ultra fuckton of high-quality Xatrix override material (still in use to this day?) only to have it taken away or dismissed or abused in some manner that apparently a large amount of people found highly amusing?

p.p.s. My offer still stands on me happily doing any/all shit work to eradicate all trace of my old dead accounts on your forum, just pm me and i... oh right... my pm functions are still off...

Oh, another big troll thats spent his time spamming this forum! Hey Vamp Nacht!  :dohdohdoh:
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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2020, 05:44:11 PM »
omg my thoughts brought spawngirl costigan back! how ya been! even just 1 more person back makes me happy! check my server!
« Last Edit: April 25, 2020, 06:06:10 PM by Golgo13 »
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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2020, 06:04:47 PM »
not that i have to speak for quadz but i will try to get a headstart on a possible response. (so this can go amicably as possible)

Clemency for the banned?

How about that Quadz? it's been a nice polite uneventful entire year on my part but my account is still functionally crippled

p.s. Didn't Spawngirl contribute an ultra fuckton of high-quality Xatrix override material (still in use to this day?) only to have it taken away or dismissed or abused in some manner that apparently a large amount of people found highly amusing?

yea you did alot of good work. yes they were a lil mean.

p.p.s. My offer still stands on me happily doing any/all shit work to eradicate all trace of my old dead accounts on your forum, just pm me and i... oh right... my pm functions are still off...

sure that would probably be easier. thanks for the gesture

Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2020, 06:07:06 PM »

Please don't use that name, it's just and only 'Costigan' now.

My days of reacting to negativity within the Q2 community are long gone, my first post in this thread not withstanding.

Unless Quadz posts in reply to my first post in this thread i will not be posting again in this thread under any circumstances.

that's great to hear! i hope he puts you back on the roster.

Offline Zeppelin

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2020, 06:46:35 PM »
Golgo whats with that gay glowing text? it makes difficult to read your posts and it looks ugly
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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2020, 06:51:10 PM »
i dunno i thought it would have the opposite effect. guess not. makes it stand out more for me.

Offline |iR|Focalor

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #21 on: April 26, 2020, 02:26:10 AM »
p.s. Didn't Spawngirl contribute an ultra fuckton of high-quality Xatrix override material (still in use to this day?) only to have it taken away or dismissed or abused in some manner that apparently a large amount of people found highly amusing?

No one found her highly amusing. She was treated cruelly by plenty of people, including myself, and she deserved it. People tend to receive the treatment they give to others. I'm not a big fan of the guy, but when Jesus said, "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.", it was one of the best pieces of advice he ever gave.

And if what Zep said is true, that what set her off was was someone recoding the xatrix traps to be killable, then WHO CARES HOW SHE FELT ABOUT IT. A couple of the xatrix players did and still do rely far too much on the traps. While that aspect of gameplay might be "fun" for the individual who relies on it (trolls do it for the lols), it completely ruins the fun of the game for others. Traps last a good 30 seconds and respawn at about the same rate. So the person whose entire strategy is to collect and control all the traps like TDM players collect and control armor have a clear advantage... which in and of itself isn't a problem. The problem is that the other players who get stuck in the pull of one without getting fragged by it are glued in place, unable to move, and have to WAIT for 30 seconds to pass before they can begin playing the game again. It's like forcing the other players to be put on pause. There is no competitiveness with it, as the victim has no recourse but to sit and wait for someone to come by and take pot shots at them, or for the trap to expire. With killable traps, the victim must expend a large amount of ammo to kill it, so once they are free, they likely have very little ammo to defend themselves. It's a fair trade that keeps the game competitive and eliminates the endless boredom of being caught in traps and forced into pause for more than 50% of any game per map.

It's not that I have a problem with the traps themselves, it's how they work to STOP the gameplay that I find so annoying and game-breaking. If the pull of them were eliminated and all the traps you ever were within range of would instantly suck you in and kill you, that would still be far better than being forced to STOP and stand there with nothing to do for 30 seconds.

The people who use the traps as a primary strategy KNOW how annoying and unfair the practice is, as evidenced by their trolling behavior while doing it. The inclusion of so many powerups in her overrides, like multiple megahealths, multiple adrenalines, power armors, always a quad and double-fire, etc, was mainly because she wanted to access those items to gain more of an advantage over other players. In the beginning, she made the overrides, so she knew where all the best items were, and knew all the secret teleporter locations to the hidden items, and she had a clear advantage over everyone else, and she liked the attention that garnered. But eventually people learned where everything was and how to access it and how to absolutely crush her again. And when she no longer had total control over the server and it's players, she lost that unfair advantage she enjoyed... and her fucking mind.

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Offline haunted

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #22 on: April 26, 2020, 07:01:35 AM »
I'm unfamiliar with xatrix, but the traps sound even lamer than that aspect in tdm. TDM is funny and kind of player oriented. Not to go off on a tangent but I'll explain my views. I really never saw myself as one of those players which is the only reason why I can point this out, although you're still 100% right about tdm. At least for me there was a stark contrast in what's happening vs the two guys I've played the most in my life (adrenaline and playboy) opposed to the snoozefests that frequently occurred. There was no hoarding items because it would be a waste of valuable time. Item denial is a far more relevant strategy(the traps seem particularly bad to me, because there probably isn't a skillful/viable way to combat the lameness, in turn adding a fun dimension to it). The mindset in a nutshell would be, "Ok, playboy is just as fast as me, going on his route he has time to grab one item. Instead of me collecting an item I will be extremely quick and position myself with an angle to hit him at said item". I point out "as fast" because when two people are of the same good speed and movements, the match becomes dictated by constant subtle instances where he's thinking 'if I'm a half a second faster, he won't get that shot off, and paralleled to me if I'm a half second faster I will get that shot off.' This would just be happening non-stop, a fast game of chess. Then there's many players who think it's just as smart to camp the whole time, collect/hoard items, and are scared to interact....which has way less depth, fun, less watchable, etc. It makes them more predictable too. I think players from different mods would definitely see the difference in 'watchability'. Adrenaline told me not long ago that I read him better than anyone else, as in this whole 'fast paced game of chess' becomes predictable, so he had to deliberately start doing dumb things to throw me off. Do not take that as me tooting me own horn, I was surprised and laughed at it.

I honestly think vae has always had the power to beat the better players. He should have. We've always seen the potential, but it was wasted. If you combine the ego/attitude with the very defensive(limited) play style it causes a plateau, and also causes one to be far better on some maps than others, hence the map complaints.

Attitude matters. There are many times as I was improving myself that I could've squeaked out a win against someone better than me by being lame as hell. Instead, I felt that if I'm going to beat my opponent I gotta truly beat them. It applies in reverse to players from another mod, I'd think they'd be fine with someone truly beating them even if they get smashed, opposed to losing against someone who hoards all the items and camps. In tdm players cases, the players better than you respect you for it, you play and practice more, and you benefit by improving faster. Fader is the other young buck example, but the complete opposite. He could've played way smarter at times. It was actually too much of the opposite and had other issues, but he'd go all in and was very fast, and his improvement curve in turn was sharper than vae's.

Boy I did go off on a tangent. It's nostalgic to talk about it.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 07:20:16 AM by haunted »
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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2020, 10:41:29 AM »
The inclusion of so many powerups in her overrides, like multiple megahealths, multiple adrenalines, power armors, always a quad and double-fire, etc, was mainly because she wanted to access those items to gain more of an advantage over other players. In the beginning, she made the overrides, so she knew where all the best items were, and knew all the secret teleporter locations to the hidden items, and she had a clear advantage over everyone else, and she liked the attention that garnered. But eventually people learned where everything was and how to access it and how to absolutely crush her again. And when she no longer had total control over the server and it's players, she lost that unfair advantage she enjoyed... and her fucking mind.


 :lolup: :lolup:

we're not running tournaments costigan. we're not playing for prizes. we're just having fun, win or lose. xatrix is more of a fun mod, not a competitive one. take it for what it was worth.  that was a good explanation he laid out in that quote. sure we can all be dicks. if you see the big picture, we just react to the environment around us most of the time. it;s not about who's right or wrong. just got to put on the  big pants, admit mistakes and suck it up eventually. we all said some shit that was out of line at one point.

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2020, 11:18:13 AM »
Clemency for the banned?

How about that Quadz? it's been a nice polite uneventful entire year on my part but my account is still functionally crippled because you didn't like that i spoke Spanish to a Spanish speaker on 'El Box de Shoutamente' saying hello to said Spanish speaker and telling them that you'd let me be back on the forum.

Did i miss anything? did i paraphrase that too much?

Folks who have been here awhile probably have some idea the level of shenanigans required to achieve a full ban on these forums.

That you're posting at all again now is, let's say, enough for me for the time being.

I don't blame you for posting in the shoutbox. As I believe I'd explained on Discord, it's a separate system that requires tweaking the source code to effect bans/unbans. But yes it's true that seeing your post there, regardless of intent, caused me to reconsider whether I'd made a grave mistake allowing you provisional access again, because I don't want to be spending time doing the very thing I'm doing right now, taking up my Sunday morning replying to your cloying obsequious chicanery.

p.p.s. My offer still stands on me happily doing any/all shit work to eradicate all trace of my old dead accounts on your forum, just pm me and i... oh right... my pm functions are still off...

You know you're already in contact with me on Discord. Why are you pretending like your forum PM's being disabled are somehow an impediment?

FFS, the nerve.

p.s. Didn't Spawngirl contribute an ultra fuckton of high-quality Xatrix override material


only to have it taken away

Absolutely not.

(But she did have varying levels of reservations/objections surrounding the question of whether her overrides should be allowed to be added to the map list on other xatrix servers.)

« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 11:44:55 AM by quadz »
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"He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, bathos, puns, parody, litotes and... satire. He was vicious."

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2020, 12:05:01 PM »
...replying to your cloying obsequious chicanery.

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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #26 on: April 26, 2020, 06:44:45 PM »

Golgo13, |iR|Focalor - Both of you began replying to me in this thread in a bizarrely off-base way and continued to diverge from the reality of what i actually wrote and meant as the thread grew, there is absolutely no way i can sufficiently respond to your replies in any meaningful way because you have both had a conversation with me, in my absence, that has no real relation to what i actually wrote and meant and you have both brought up subjects and points that have no real relation to what i actually wrote and meant, i can't fathom at how you actually managed to arrive at the places and positions you did in light of the fact that what i actually wrote and meant couldn't, in any rational way, have led you there, frankly i'm genuinely shocked that this thread has gone where it has.

Costigan, i played xatrix with you on a regular for a couple of months. i remember our solo matches. where have i sad anything negative? all i did was partially agree with focalor that you altered the map(s)as to have an advantage over other players rather than balance out the map for other players. that's not a bad thing.

you know, focalor is going to poke fun at everything. doesn't mean he's 100% right all the time.  :headbonk: you should know better. i'm suprised at you. plus you don't even remember me. i thought we were acquaintances. i even tried to advocate for you by making this post. we need more players. not less. it's up to you though, if you don't want to play. we welcome you. i think you're taking some of these comments too personally? don't be like that. just come and enjoy the games.  :smiley_abae:

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #27 on: April 26, 2020, 07:00:28 PM »
You do seem to be handling whatever this is poorly. Ive only skimmed through the posts, but I did notice this:

No reply was requested quadz, in future please do not think or feel that responding to me is in any way anything that you need to or should do at any particular time or at any time at all.

Whatever blame you're placing on people for whatever that I don't care about, you gotta be crazy if you think saying and acting like that to quadz is going to benefit you at all.
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Offline Golgo13

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2020, 07:07:35 PM »

Please don't use that name, it's just and only 'Costigan' now.

My days of reacting to negativity within the Q2 community are long gone, my first post in this thread not withstanding.

edit: Golgo13, i've been back posting for a year and i'd try your server if you actually advertised the IP anywhere.

well i guess i'm mistaken? who are you then? my server is on qsb.exe, you have to download it. but i'll post the IP

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Re: Clemency for the banned?
« Reply #29 on: April 26, 2020, 07:15:13 PM »
you're not fooling anyone. if quadz wanted to find your country of origin, he could. it would probably trace back to argentina. you want someone to beg you to play or something? so much drama sigh* nobody is being particularly mean to you.


El Box de Shoutamente

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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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