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Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« on: April 20, 2018, 10:37:00 PM »
Over the last year I have been watching video's on youtube related to police misconduct and at the forefront are videos regarding the right to take out your camera and video record or take pictures of the government, whether it be government employees, government facilities, or law enforcement.

I have been absolutely blown away by what the video's depict and these video's have totally changed my perception of what police officers really are and what is going on in the united states of america.

All of the allegations about living in a police state may seem like hyperbole but after watching these videos it is clear that something is really wrong in america.

I invite all of you to scour youtube by simply typing 1st amendment audit and watching the interactions. While a minority of these video's are performed by citizens trying to instigate officers for a lawsuit, the vast majority of the video's depict over reactions, civil rights violations and a flagrant disregard of the law.

The video's delve into citizens rights during a police encounter, for instance, do you have to identify yourself to an officer on public property if you have committed no crime? Do you have the right to record in police stations, libraries, city hall, the united states post office? When can an officer detain you? Was their detainment / arrest illegal?

It really is fascinating the more videos that i have watched, the more addicting it becomes. Americans from sea to shining sea are going out in force auditing police officers and taking back our civil rights while placing officers in check with the constitution.

There is a grass roots movement gaining traction, and if you are interested, some youtube channels to look at that do a good job are: News Now Houston. Jonny five 0, James Freeman, and News Now Patrick, News Now California, San Juaquin Valley Transparency, and High Desert Community Watch.

Ill post a video every now and again, it really is fascinating. The police are legally allowed to lie to you, and it is amazing watching police lying to identify you vs citizens knowing their rights and stopping them.

Heres a sample:

<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

Action on this video starts at around 4:00 into it, the cop is insane.
<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 10:40:14 PM »
This officer was straight out of the looney tunes:

<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2018, 12:04:15 AM »
Action on this video starts at around 4:00 into it, the cop is insane.

Is there anything illegal about filming near an airport? Not usually, no. But use common sense, it IS a little suspicious to some people, and they're gonna call the cops to investigate it if they see it happening. The whole "If you see something, say something" thing after 9/11.

That guys just an asshole. From the moment the cop first makes contact with him, he takes a confrontational (ie ASSHOLE) tone with him. There's no need for that shit.

These kinds of videos are nothing new. They've done the same kind of shit with the 2nd Amendment for 10 years or more, people walking around open carry states with a fucking AR slung across their back and just ITCHING to have a cop roll up and give them some shit about it so they can go off on them about "Am I being detained sir!?! I don't have to show you my god damn ID, sir!!!" These assholes aren't helping things by intentionally baiting cops into violating their rights by being total dicks to them. They ARE people too. And anybody who is the kind of person that walks around all day being a complete asshole to everyone they meet, like many of these YouTube jerk offs... they deserve to have the living shit beat out of them once or twice. No one has the "right" to be an asshole. If you can always back up your words being an asshole with your fists, who the fucks gonna stop you? Just so happens cops have been trained somewhat in going hand to hand with people. And they tend to be on the favorable end of things in court when gunplay occurs. Knowing that... you gotta be the worst kind of asshole to taunt a cop like that: a STUPID asshole.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2018, 03:10:02 AM »
I agree. Some videos are legitimately bad. Some will even make you sick to your stomach because someone died for no reason. But the vast majority are people with a complete lack and disregard for authority or trying to bait cops to make a video(being assholes).

Here's a story from South Florida where I'm working currently.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2018, 11:34:53 AM »
It’s called confirmation bias. If you go looking for cops acting bad videos you’re going to find cops acting bad videos.

The post office video above is an example of an instigated incident. They swooped in with obvious intent to attract attention to their video with the purpose of causing a confrontation. Secondarily, the post office workers don’t know what you intend to do with the video. Is it a pre-assault survey? One premise of the video was “taxpayer money”. The post office receives no taxpayer money. Those days are long gone. Faulty premise leads to faulty conclusion.

If you’re going to run around like an asshole, you’re going to be treated like an asshole.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2018, 11:41:15 AM »
Yeah, those videos have been around for a while. I didn't know that a news station had actually pursued the story though. Good for them.

I posted a video a good while back of a cop that was called out to a house erroneously, entered a fenced area with signs CLEARLY posted saying "beware of dog", encountered a dog, and shot the dog dead.

That is the kind of shit that makes me mad. Certain cops are of the opinion that they ARE the law, not that they are within it and charged with upholding it. The cops in Florida have an MC that's WORSE than any of the 1% MC's in Florida with a bad reputation. They've shot and killed members of other MC's and somehow none of them have served ANY jail time for it.

My advice to anyone having an encounter with the police in Florida: comply and survive.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2018, 12:35:41 PM »
If you’re going to run around like an asshole, you’re going to be treated like an asshole.

Exactly  :bananaw00t:

Certain cops are of the opinion that they ARE the law, not that they are within it and charged with upholding it. The cops in Florida have an MC that's WORSE than any of the 1% MC's in Florida with a bad reputation. They've shot and killed members of other MC's and somehow none of them have served ANY jail time for it.

My advice to anyone having an encounter with the police in Florida: comply and survive.

I think I am in agreement with your comments, but I do need to clarify what MC means  :?:
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2018, 12:37:27 PM »
It’s called confirmation bias. If you go looking for cops acting bad videos you’re going to find cops acting bad videos.

I once thought as you do, but after a solid year of watching these guys do this, its more than bias. The best outcome they look for is basically to be left alone. That's kind of what it was like pre-9/11. Now a days every government employee or security officer is on a paranoid trip trying to figure out your intent, when our civil rights are ignored.

If i want to, I should be able to take out my camera and record anytime in public without harassment. The youtube channels i offered in my first post go out litterally every single day to a different public facility and the response is unacceptable. The department of homeland security released a document in 2010 saying it was ok to record federal buildings and public spaces within them, yet the personell continue to think everyone is a terrorist who busts out a phone. It's everyday, and everywhere, and thats a culture that we've self brewed that needs to be changed.

The lack of accountability and erosion of rights is contributing to these police shootings and abuses. We are closer to Nazi Germany than we think
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2018, 05:38:27 PM »
I think I am in agreement with your comments, but I do need to clarify what MC means  :?:

MC= motorcycle club

I won't mention the name, but they're a relatively new big one with chapters in many states as well as a few other countries.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2018, 06:46:56 PM »
It’s called confirmation bias. If you go looking for cops acting bad videos you’re going to find cops acting bad videos.

I once thought as you do, but after a solid year of watching these guys do this, its more than bias. The best outcome they look for is basically to be left alone. That's kind of what it was like pre-9/11. Now a days every government employee or security officer is on a paranoid trip trying to figure out your intent, when our civil rights are ignored.

If i want to, I should be able to take out my camera and record anytime in public without harassment. The youtube channels i offered in my first post go out litterally every single day to a different public facility and the response is unacceptable. The department of homeland security released a document in 2010 saying it was ok to record federal buildings and public spaces within them, yet the personell continue to think everyone is a terrorist who busts out a phone. It's everyday, and everywhere, and thats a culture that we've self brewed that needs to be changed.

The lack of accountability and erosion of rights is contributing to these police shootings and abuses. We are closer to Nazi Germany than we think

The term confirmation bias refers to the bias in you, the observer, not the observed. I’m not surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept.

That being said, cops generally start out as idealistic young men who want to help and do good in the world but over time, after being soaked in the muck that is dysfunctional humanity, they become cynical about everything they encounter or see and everyone is a suspect or potential assailant. I even had a negative experience with a cop when I stopped at road side to give my contact info to the police officers as a witness. I also had a positive experience with a CHP officer as a witness to a car vs motorcycle accident many years prior. I remember the negative incident more vividly than the other.

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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2018, 11:41:33 PM »
The term confirmation bias refers to the bias in you, the observer, not the observed.

But im not anti police or law enforcement. Im not seeking these video's out to give police a bad name or because i had a negative experience with police and want revenge in some way, even if to demonize them online.

I do not a have a fundemental belief that i am trying to reinforce, but you are just assuming that i do, and dont really understand MY intent.

I genuinely watch the 1st amendment audits because its fascinating to see what the reaction is going to be. Im perfectly fine if the audit goes good or bad.

The state of american police is so bad, that they dont really even need to instigate the cops, the cops go haywire all by themselves and thats where the problem lies.

Not all audits result in chaos or police lunacy, some audits go very well. And i confessed that some of these guys do go out to instigate, but the majority of them are not. They bide their tongue, stay respectful and point the camera. It's the cops who go ballistic and its entertaining yes, but its scary.

<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href=";t=0s&amp;index=19&amp;list=LL1OckMAh_M6_Z7dXExGxk6Q" target="_blank" class="new_win">;t=0s&amp;index=19&amp;list=LL1OckMAh_M6_Z7dXExGxk6Q</a>

check out officer 1 then officer 2. these guys baited no one and the reaction is wow. I will agree with you that the police probably do deal with trash on a daily basis and can easily become cynics, but thats no excuse to willfully violate people's rights or use your power to get the uninformed to do what you want them to do.

They took an oath, first and foremost, an oath to the constitution of the united states. Our rights are the first thing they must uphold
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 12:28:22 AM by 2d »
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2018, 07:25:08 AM »
Many people do not like being filmed even if they are doing nothing wrong.  You have no idea how the footage will be used or possibly doctored to make it seem like something that it is not.  Look at the news we see today, many times the footage is cherry picked and put together to support a certain point of view.  It is one thing to be at a theme park with hundreds of people and someone is filming, it is another if you are the main subject of the filming. 

Here is one for you - Your at the beach and you walk up (say 10 feet) away from a woman laying out in a bikini and you start filming her.  See tells you to stop, but you say (I'm not breaking any laws) and you continue to film her.  The ladies husband walks up from the water and says stop filming my wife but you say (I'm not breaking any laws) and continue to film her.  She is at a public place and you are not breaking any laws, but you are definitely causing problems.

As far as the police, there are and will always be some bad cops.  I wonder if you would feel any differently if you had there job.  If the majority of you day every day was dealing with negative situations, it would wear on you (I know it would me).
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2018, 10:52:42 AM »
Well the beach analogy is pretty personal, but i am more interested in public officials, and government employees. They have no right to privacy and we have every right to film them in the course of their duty since the taxpayer funds their paycheck and benefits.

When you leave your home, you have no expectation of privacy. absolutely 0. It is not the cameraman's fault that you feel uncomfortable, and while it can be rude or annoying, it is protected activity that people in wars have died for.

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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2018, 01:30:54 PM »
Well you only make a habit of watching these videos BECAUSE confrontation happens in them. So the excuse of "I don't care if it goes good or bad" doesn't really hold water. If every cop in all the videos said, "Sure, you can film anything you want, friend! Have a great day, buddy!", you'd get bored as fuck after 3 videos and go look up street fights and beheadings on LiveLeak instead.

Technically, you don't HAVE to tell a cop what you're doing filming in front of a courthouse. But be real here, if 3 people walk up to the front of your house and start filming it, aren't you gonna be worried what the fuck they're doing? It's strange behavior, and the cop has no idea what these peoples intentions are, so he asks them to leave and stop filming the front door area because he doesn't want any problems. He doesn't realize these people are looking to bait him into doing something crazy that they'll be able to catch on camera so they can post it online and get a bunch of people to visit their youtube channel so they can get monetized.

Sorry, but these dickheads are NOT helping to protect my 1st Amendment rights by filming a courthouse, because I'll NEVER be in a situation where I'll be filming a courthouse or an airport or a post office myself. They're serving themselves.

And the 2nd Amendment audit videos are really no different. I don't give a fuck if it IS an open carry state, there's really no reason to be walking around town with a rifle slung on your back. A rifle is a long range weapon. Carrying one everywhere you go is fucking absurd! You can't really claim self defense shooting someone who is more than 60 feet away from you because they really aren't in any kind of a range to physically threaten you... unless they have a rifle too. These idiots need to leave their play-purty shiny new AR's at home and carry a pistol like a FUCKING REASONABLE PERSON.
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Re: Police Encounters: 1st Amendment Audits
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2018, 10:47:46 PM »
Well you only make a habit of watching these videos BECAUSE confrontation happens in them.

You are 10000% correct here, with the exception of beheadings, i stopped watching ogrish years ago, i cannot stomach that shit, its beyond bad.

Also, the confrontations are happening because there is a problem with police and government officials letting power get to their heads. There is a disconnect between police and regular people. The police are mostly former military, and they are running the streets like its afghanistan or iraq.

Technically, you don't HAVE to tell a cop what you're doing filming in front of a courthouse. But be real here, if 3 people walk up to the front of your house and start filming it, aren't you gonna be worried what the fuck they're doing? It's strange behavior, and the cop has no idea what these peoples intentions are, so he asks them to leave and stop filming the front door area because he doesn't want any problems. He doesn't realize these people are looking to bait him into doing something crazy that they'll be able to catch on camera so they can post it online and get a bunch of people to visit their youtube channel so they can get monetized.

The cops have a right and a DUTY to investigate, but as in the video above, most cops exceed their mandate and their authority. They do not have the right to tell you to leave, they do not have the right to ID you! They can ask a million questions but you do not have to answer a single one. There are plenty of good officers on these videos that know their limits and they show RESPECT and its great to see. But when you see that respectful attitude and then another cop willfully tries to violate you, its another story. If every cop does it the right way, i have no problem watching it at all or helping to monetize their channel.

This audit down here was fucked. Airport employees are so fucking stupid

<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>

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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!


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I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


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December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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