It seems to be some clever social engineering on behalf of whichever browser you're using.
Mercy is for the weak. Here, in the streets, in competition: A man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.
If you haven't already, contact support at softlayer and see if you can get a discount. One of my old servers I ordered in 2011 at another provider started getting a bit expensive for the price and I was able to negotiate a 40% discount to the point where the price was good enough that I only had to replace it in December. Dedicated providers make a ton of profit on old hardware that would otherwise be unsalable, so they usually prefer giving discounts vs losing the customer entirely.
I've had good success using the FREE SSLs provided by Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt.org) for most of my recent SSL needs. My server setup has a daily cron job that checks the SSL status for all running domains and adds/renews security certs as needed. You can run the script manually when a new site comes online as well so that it's not waiting for the cron to setup the SSL.
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
i do noticed for some time now that there are instances that it takes a bit long to open the forums page
Quote from: yahoo on April 10, 2017, 09:38:45 PMi do noticed for some time now that there are instances that it takes a bit long to open the forums pageHmm. I hadn't much noticed that here. So it would depend on what the actual problem is. But the new server will have faster disks, as well as more RAM.