You are not iR-joe. No, you are not. You never were, and you never will be. You really really truly are? No. The only answer is no. No today, no tomorrow, no next fucking week, no next fucking year, and no for all of the rest of forever. You aren't fooling anyone. They have these things called ip numbers, and it allows people to trace your history as well as your geographical location. So cut the shit. No one is fooled. If you keep insisting on attempting to impersonate other members of the community, don't be surprised if the owner of the forums/servers decides to restrict your access until you come clean.
How sure can you really be?
Why so tense? What if it actually is him, and you just look like an asshole for nothing? I mean, what if the guy did move locations? Is that really unbelievable to you? Just sayin'
I guess you're right and it's not him, but you don't have fly off the handle trying to explain why you think it isn't him. Perhaps going outside and getting some fresh air would get rid of some of that intensity, sir.