Presumably that would be the server at 'GOTO XTRA'
Xatrix as a whole and the FOX server in particular are very community based, and the community is centered around him. Unless he himself plays on it, the other players that always play with him when he's online will not bother with it; you'd be sitting on an empty server. It's not a matter of a community being divided under 4 or 5 servers, it's a matter of the one server that he (exterminader) chooses to play on and invite people over to. There's very little that you, as one single person who isn't a regular can do about it. This is just from what I've personally observed and experienced before, and I'd say that I know how the community works inside and out. If you aren't willing to to conform to a playing style, attitude, or skin that he doesn't like, you won't be playing xatrix at all, even if he didn't have his own server. People just started focusing on him kicking and banning people, even though he could easily do the same thing if he really doesn't like you before he got his own server. His influence in the community will make sure that everyone will be playing on a server that you're not on at all times. Personally, it's not something I agree with or condone, but you're going to have to live with it. There is no xatrix community without him.