[BTF]Defiant$'s deaths:[BTF]Defiant$'s suicides: total(12) rl(5) lava(3) cratered(2) grenade(1) squished(1)[BTF]Defiant$'s deaths: total: total(285) rg(89) rl(73) ssg(47) cg(17) grenade(13) bfg(12) gl(11) hb(8) sg(7) blaster(5) mg(3) Elysium: total(105) rg(45) ssg(25) rl(20) cg(5) blaster(3) bfg(3) grenade(2) sg(2) [BTF]Jehar: total(44) rg(17) rl(11) ssg(7) sg(4) cg(3) gl(1) bfg(1) Booya: total(33) rg(11) rl(8) cg(5) ssg(5) gl(1) sg(1) hb(1) grenade(1) Feckless Lummox: total(32) rl(12) grenade(9) ssg(7) rg(2) mg(1) hb(1) MerryXmasNowStf: total(12) rg(3) rl(3) gl(3) hb(2) mg(1) Stinger: total(11) rg(3) hb(2) rl(2) gl(2) ssg(1) bfg(1) theCraft.com: total(9) cg(3) rl(2) rg(2) blaster(1) ssg(1) Lilom: total(8) rl(3) grenade(1) cg(1) gl(1) bfg(1) rg(1) nom: total(7) bfg(4) rg(2) rl(1) Rachet: total(6) rl(4) bfg(1) rg(1) nobotpingwin: total(5) gl(3) rl(2) tehSandwich: total(5) rl(2) ssg(1) bfg(1) rg(1) MaBeL: total(3) hb(2) mg(1) RODOMATIC: blaster(1) total(1) SamudraSuraksha: rl(1) total(1) bullboy: rl(1) total(1) cRash: total(1) rg(1) doctor frog: rl(1) total(1)
Thursday 26 December 2013 at 12:00am Eastern (11am Central, 10am Mountain, 9am Pacific), I'll be on various Tastyspleen servers with a
sad I won't be able to make this one I really enjoyed the last couple
i probably have a 1% chance of ever winning in duel against you
Quote from: VaeVictissad I won't be able to make this one I really enjoyed the last coupleCraZyPanDa isn't gonna show up?
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
IIRC, Vae pings 60-70 to Texas, crazypanda pings 35-40.