Author Topic: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.  (Read 7119 times)


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Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« on: September 15, 2013, 10:34:44 PM »
Just read this small article: .  What are your thoughts about a possible Quake 5?  What would you like to see changed or changed back after the all so successful Quake 4?  What would you like to see added?  Discuss.

I know it is reaching reeeeeal far, but it would be so cool to be able to somehow include all the engines into a Quake 5 to where you could 'pick' which Quake(1-5)'s interface ect that you could play with, hell, I don't even think that would be possible?  Unless of course you had servers for each of the quake's interface's only as I'm sure that would be a coding nightmare or just impossible to somehow implement em to where you could pick which one from the game menu kinda deal.  I know Raven screwed the pooch on Q4 and if id took it over, that it wouldn't be such a giant failure.  If they were to make just a completely new Quake etc I'd just hope it wasn't made so horribly bad that you feel like you wasted your money on it as I felt I did the SECOND I played Q4 after buying/installing the best quake of the series.  I don't know how I really felt about the whole "sliding" thing that was in Q4, as I literally only played it 2 times, uninstalled, took the cd and smashed it into a gazillion different pieces with a hammer on my asphalt outside, but I really would hope it didn't make a return to a new quake. 

Also q3's/qlives "easy mode", is real dumb imo.  Any horrible person can actually hit rails all day long in q3/qlive whereas in q2, your forced to actually aim a lot more.  I do like the hit beeps from q3/qlive and would like to see that added to q2 and just pretty much re-release q2. 

Oh, and FUCKING KICK LG, and give us back chaingun, PLEASE.  LG is so stupid, haha.  And yes I'm bad with it and don't care.  It's dumb and CG will always trump LG in quake's weapons, always.

Oh, AND add BACK realistic rocket splash damage for fucks sake.  Hitting someone for 1hp or 1 slice of armor with a rocket splash is a god damn joke, rofl.  Also when people RJ, it barely even hurts them verse how it did in ra2/q2.  Depending on the route they take(if they are working on q5 or the equal, that is), would have to kinda wait and see what their plans were and the direction they were wanting to head in before I could say rather or not to increase rail damage back to 100 or keep it where it's at.  Other thing I kinda did like bout ra2 over CA was that you only had a 100/100 in q2 and could die in 2 hits verse CA where you can hit someone 90 times and there's a possibility that he could still take a rail and live.  Kinda almost made people aim more and spam a 'lil' less in ra2 then they do in CA since you have to hit someone 4? times with a rail to kill them verse 2 so you've just gotta do sooo much damage to them and if it turns into a 1on1 with 2 baiters on each team, it could last forever(thank god for draws, but they still take too long) while they just +back and slowly pick at each other.  Least in ra2, if it were 5on5 say, you could almost bet that if you're the last alive on your team verse another, that they could be railed or a lil lowish, you can check hps easy and if you're low say, you just gotta hit 2 good rails and you know that, to win.  In CA, someone with low hp say 25ish with the other person knowing they are low, has nearly no chance of winning as long as the other person can hit the broad side of a barn or is able to easily sneak up close enough to LG for a split second to kill em.

Dunno, just a bunch of random shit in no particular order that I've thought of when playing each of the quakes and after q4 was such a huge flop to possibly make the next quake better and a success. 

/rant off, discuss if you feel like it and share your thoughts and/or ideas.  or simply call me a faggot (bundle of sticks) and tell me to fuck off :D
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 05:00:18 AM »
ID software needs to fuck off. They are no longer the game developer they used to be and should just be dissolved.
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2013, 01:01:27 PM »
Firstly: calm the fuck down, it unlikely has anything to do with Q5. My guess is yet more trouble in D4 land! Probably reshuffling, or large sections of the disgruntled team quitting over the huge mess it has become.

Zenimax/Bethesda realized the uncoordinated disaster id has become, hence why they cancelled Rage 2 so id could focus all its manpower on D4. Apparently, the bombshell to the whole story is that if the D4 project doesn't have anything to show for by next year then they might shut down id for good. It wouldn't come as a surprise, what with Carmack fapping around with his rockets instead of managing his studio.
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2013, 01:36:41 PM »
He's "fapping around" with VR headsets more than rockets. And his "fapping around" with rasterizers and raycasters is what brought us DOOM and Quake. The guy is an engineer and a genius. He's not a game designer -- or, more accurately, that's not something he feels like spending his genius on. The mundanity of producing AAA game titles for 12 year olds surely bored the pants off of him.

BDR, I can't believe the inanity of your "feature requests" and "must haves" for some rumored Quake sequel. Thanks for the dictionary example of "can't see the forest for the trees." You seriously have zero creativity.

(I'm only lambasting you because you specifically asked for it ;))

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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 01:50:52 PM »
^gotta agree with this guy
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 02:12:17 PM »
He's "fapping around" with VR headsets more than rockets. And his "fapping around" with rasterizers and raycasters is what brought us DOOM and Quake. The guy is an engineer and a genius. He's not a game designer -- or, more accurately, that's not something he feels like spending his genius on. The mundanity of producing AAA game titles for 12 year olds surely bored the pants off of him.

I never suggested that he was a game designer and there is indeed no doubt that he is a genius. My point is that his (and Todd's) neglect and oversight of id Software's position in the industry has caused it to become increasingly irrelevant. If he's bored of the whole gaming scene then it's only fair to hand over the reigns to someone else with the passion for it instead of watching the company implode.

As for VR headsets, that's destined to follow the same demise as the wholly unmarketable/overrated 3D TV.
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 02:52:44 PM »
Quote from: X'tyfe on September 16, 2013, 05:00:18 AM
Quote from: X'tyfe on September 16, 2013, 05:00:18 AM
ID software needs to fuck off. They are no longer the game developer they used to be and should just be dissolved.

I fired up RAGE again the other day, after not having seen it for about 1.5 years. The passage of time only left me feeling more impressed with what the engine + art department had actually accomplished. Granted the actual gameplay doesn't feel any more inspired than it did at the time. The gameplay isn't horrible, just sort of middle-of-the-road. But the look of the game is still impressively unique.

Recently I've been drooling over engines like ArmA III with its 270 km2 map Altis. The expansive vista in the screenshot (attached below) occupies one miniscule corner of this sprawling environment. And as stunned as I've been by ArmA III, when I booted up RAGE again, I kind of went, "....oh." Because while RAGE can't handle environments as big as A3, each location in RAGE can look impressively detailed and unique in a way that still sets it apart from other engines, even two years later.

So I empathized with how the RAGE dev. team must have felt when the game on release day was plagued with problems (some of which were out of id's control, like the ATI driver debacle) leaving them with a flood of 1-out-of-10 star reviews on metacritic... I don't think the general buzz about the game ever recovered from being dragged down by the initial technical snafus in the first few weeks of release.

Which is unfortunate because it's an impressive work, even with the gameplay being kind of average.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 03:20:25 PM by quadz »
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2013, 04:48:34 PM »
I think I see your house...
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2013, 05:41:48 PM »
I think I see your house...

I was thinking the same thing. :lolup:
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 06:53:38 PM »
Q4 was a good Quake game.  It felt like Q2 with good graphics to me.  I wasn't disappointed, except in MP, I wanted a new Q2 mp, not Q3A with Q4 graphics. 

id needs to get back on the "we know hard core shooters so we make hard core shooters" bandwagon.  Doom 3 should of been an action packed frag fest like Doom 1/2.  Can't play rage so I can't comment, but I've heard it's gunplay is good.

Q5 is rumered to be a sequel to Quake 1, which would be awesome, but I want Quake 1 style gameplay, not Half Life style.  I want the action back then Wolf3D/Doom1/2/Quake1/2 had. 
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l33t hacz over yonder.  ;) :)


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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 08:01:07 PM »

BDR, I can't believe the inanity of your "feature requests" and "must haves" for some rumored Quake sequel. Thanks for the dictionary example of "can't see the forest for the trees." You seriously have zero creativity.

(I'm only lambasting you because you specifically asked for it ;))

I thought about deleting the thread the next morning after I saw what I had typed out but oh well, I shouldn't be allowed to log onto the forums after I smoke 5 bowls of critical mass.  Shit apparently made me a bit more stupid than I actually am and I see I typed a nice novel about my thoughts or what should be added and/or removed.  No need to be a meanie, jay  :sadsmiley:

Also mr. muffincunt, I worded my topic/start of my post wrong.  Yea I clearly understand that the article doesn't mean jack shit about a quake 5 in the works, it being worded the way it was, just got me a bit excited thinking about what a new quake could be.  As soon as I heard the words "Quake 4" in an article way back before it came out, it got me excited thinking that my favorite FPS series is going to be putting out another badass game hopefully.  Since Quake 4 again was horrible, I'd really like to see/know what kind of direction a Quake 5 would be taken in and by who, that is if there ever will be a 'next' quake or if quake 4 was the end of the quake series altogether.   I dunno, was just something to talk about with like minded individuals and to see who else had any ideas or things they would like to see added or removed.  But they would have to be creative, as apparently I am not :(.  Just figured this was a quake forum and I posted it in the quake section.  Didn't realize nobody could care less if another quake came out or not or gave a shit to add their opinions and/or discuss the possibility of a quake 5 in the works and what they would like to see or not see if it were actually true about them making q5.   :raincloud:
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 09:30:15 PM »
q4 was very good... the problem is they think they have a winner with quake3, so quake3 is just changed to be everything now... it simply is the most popular because it is the most dumbed down quake :/

think how different damages, movement, scaling, armors, spawn times, and weapons are between the first 3 quakes.... that is what made each one great, they were trying to re-invent deathmatch, not replicate it

q4 was great, but had some technical problems limiting its potential... but it wasn't AMAZING because it was basically just the same armor, spawning, and weapon system as q3 :/ even if they did slightly change the movement (which turned out great)

i say bring cpm movement stock into quake5.. and i'll love the damn thing... and give us some  fucking awesome guns that do shit tons of damage... and give us tiered armor back even if you have to work it into a new system because the q3/q4 armor/mh system is fuckin terrible

make rail hard to hit again... like a 95 damage (100 just won't ever be the same again....) really fast projectile... meaning you have to lead and shit

idtech5 is an awesome engine... i would LOVE to see quake on it, but the modding/mapping is pretty much impossible to pick up as a side hobby since it is too complex, so custom maps would be very scarce :(
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2013, 04:13:05 AM »
I'm guessing when you compare Q3A to Q4 you're comparing MP, right?  Q2 was primarily a SP game with MP for fun, which is why the MP was so fun imho.  Q3A had everything "balanced" to the point that, in many respects, it was boring.  I enjoyed Q3A MP but Q2 was more varied and more creative in gameplay situations imho.
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l33t hacz over yonder.  ;) :)

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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 04:34:26 AM »
I hope they come out with a new one and it totally sucks just to piss you people off.
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Re: Possible Quake 5? Discuss your thoughts.
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2013, 04:59:58 AM »
Wouldn't piss me off, I'd laugh my ass off
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