Total Members Voted: 9
Voting closed: September 19, 2013, 12:39:45 PM
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
Mercy is for the weak. Here, in the streets, in competition: A man confronts you, he is the enemy. An enemy deserves no mercy.
Piggybacking on Foc's comment...I'm sure you've all heard the phrase "They say that the two best days of your life are the day that you buy your boat, and the day that you sell your boat."
Why can't you have both? I don't know what kinda budget you're working with or what kinda price line you've come to, but there are all KINDS of boats listed on craigslist for not a whole lot at all and with winter approaching, boat prices will be plummeting. Then again, I do live only 10 mins away from Lake St. Clair so everyone and their mom has a boat in my area so they are easy to find for steals. Get yourself a decent boat then go buy your hotroad and put more money towards the car than the boat imo. Problem solved
Thought I'd mention it.. There's always the wonderful 4th option... a 20 year old girlfriend with big tits. Those are always nice.
Like my old mans always said, a boat is nothing but a hole in the water that you continuously pour money into. Maybe not if it's some little john boat with a trolling motor that even the crappiest 4banger truck can pull around on a little rickety trailer. But anything else, yeah, a headache waiting to happen.And cars aren't nearly as fun as motorcycles.The new Harleys are out now and they have tons to choose from to satisfy most anyone unless you want some kinda crotch rocket. But those are for fags anyway.
better ideasummer home in the woods, because you aren't rich until you have a fucking summer home
Get the Boat. Take women out for nude sunbathing.