joy_advancedupdatejoy_name "joystick"set in_joystick "1"notargetset nostdout "1"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////set joy_forwardsensitivity "-0.0316" //"-0.03927"set joy_forwardthreshold "0.012"set joy_yawsensitivity "-3.6"set joy_yawthreshold "0.025" set joy_sidesensitivity "0.07" set joy_sidethreshold "0.5"set m_pitch "0.0237"set m_yaw "0.0237"set cl_forwardspeed "72000"set cl_sidespeed "900"set cl_upspeed "2000"set logfile "0"set lookspring "0"set lookstrafe "0"set m_filter "0"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////set name "PalaceGerbil 7"set skin "cyborg/kw_aqua"//set skin "devestator/dev2"//set name "Katrina"//set skin "female/metallica"//set skin "female/gwyn"//set skin "male/misfits"//set skin "male/grunt"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////alias "+grap" "use grapple ; wait ; +attack"alias "-grap" "-attack ; weaplast"alias "+huk" "-hook; +hook; wait; +moveup"alias "-huk" "-hook; wait; -moveup"alias "+jump" "-movedown; +moveup; wait; +movedown; -moveup"alias "-jump" "-movedown"alias "+righthand" "hand 0; +attack; set crosshair 3"alias "-righthand" "wait; -attack" alias "+br" "set hand 1; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; hand 0"alias "+lefthand" "hand 1; +attack; set crosshair 1"alias "-lefthand" "wait; -attack"alias "+bl" "set hand 0; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; set hand 1"//alias "+center" "hand 1; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; hand 0; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; hand 2; wait; wait ; +attack"//alias "-center" "wait; -attack"alias "+center" "hand 2; +attack"alias "-center" "hand 0; -attack"alias "+nade" "hand 1; use grenades; wait; +attack; hand 0"alias "-nade" "hand 1; +moveup; wait; wait; hand 2; wait; wait; wait; -attack; weaplast; -moveup"alias "+shot" "+attack"alias "-shot" "wait; -attack" alias "+stepleft" "-moveright; +moveleft" //"-moveright; +moveleft" alias "-stepleft" "-moveleft" //"+moveright; wait; wait; wait; +moveleft; " alias "+stepright" "+moveright; -moveleft" //"-moveleft; +moveright" alias "-stepright" "+moveleft" //"-moveright; wait; wait; wait; +moveright"alias "+hop" "+moveup"alias "-hop" "wait; -moveup"alias "+jumpback" "-forward; +back; wait; wait; wait; +moveup"alias "-jumpback" "-moveup; -back" alias "+mr" "+moveright; -moveleft" alias "-mr" "-moveright" alias "+ml" "+moveleft; -moveright" alias "-ml" "-moveleft; +moveright; wait; wait; -moveright" //alias "+mr" " -moveleft; +moveright" //alias "-mr" "-moveright" //alias "+ml" "-moveright; +moveleft" //alias "-ml" "-moveleft"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////bind AUX10 "+jumpback"bind AUX5 "+center"bind AUX6 "+righthand"bind AUX7 "hand 1"bind AUX8 "+lefthand"bind AUX9 "+nade"bind JOY1 "+shot"bind JOY2 "+jump"bind JOY3 "+hop"bind JOY4 "+movedown"bind MOUSE2 "+stepright"//"+moveleft; -moveright"bind MOUSE1 "+stepleft"//"+moveright; -moveleft"//bind MOUSE2 "+moveright"//bind MOUSE1 "+moveleft"//bind MOUSE2 "+mr"//bind MOUSE1 "+ml"bind SPACE "use power shield; use silencer; use power screen; use quad damage; use rebreather; use invulnerability"bind F2 "score"bind SHIFT "set fov 121; set sensitivity "1""bind z "set fov 108; set sensitivity "1""bind x "set fov 90; set sensitivity "1""bind c "set fov 60; set sensitivity "0.8""bind p "set cl_run "1""bind w "set cl_run "0""bind KP_SLASH "allow_download 0"bind KP_INS "wave 1"bind KP_ENTER "wave 2"bind KP_END "wave 0"bind KP_PGDN "wave 3"bind KP_DOWNARROW "wave 4"////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////set gl_drawbuffer "GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"set msg "1"joy_advancedupdatejoy_name "joystick"set in_joystick "1"+mlookjoy_advancedupdatejoy_name "joystick"set adr0 ""set adr1 ""set adr2 ""set adr3 ""set adr4 ""set adr5 ""set adr6 ""set adr7 ""set adr8 ""//set adr8 ""//set adr9 ""set allow_download "0"set allow_download_maps "1"set allow_download_models "1"set allow_download_players "0"set allow_download_sounds "1"set anticheat "1"set bob_pitch "0.000"set bob_roll "0.000"set bob_up "0.000"set cd_nocd "1"set cheat "0"set cheats "0"set cl_anglespeed "1"set cl_blend "0"set cl_drawfps "0" set cl_maxfps "199.99996" set r_maxfps "1000"set cl_nodelta "0"set cl_predict "1"set cl_run "1"set cl_stereo_separation "0"set cl_vwep "1"set con_notifytime "20"set crosshair "1"set crosshair_scale "0.55"set exponential_speedup "0"set flushmap "1"set fov "108"set freelook "1"set gender "male"set gender_auto "0"set gl_bitdepth "2"set gl_driver ""set gl_dynamic "0"set gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"set gl_ext_multitexture "1"set gl_ext_palettedtexture "0"set gl_ext_paletted_texture "0"set gl_ext_pointparameters "1"set gl_ext_swapinterval "0"set gl_finish "0"set gl_modulate "2"set gl_particle_att_a "0.02"set gl_particle_att_b "0.02"set gl_particle_att_c "0.02"set gl_particle_max_size "7"set gl_particle_min_size "2"set gl_particle_size "2"set gl_playermip "0"set gl_polyblend "0"set gl_round_down "1"set gl_saturatelighting "1"set gl_shadows "0"set gl_showtris "0"set gl_skymip "0"set gl_stencilshadow "0"set gl_swapinterval "0"set gl_texturealphamode "GL_RGB5_A1"set gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"//set gl_texturesolidmode "GL_RGB16_SNORM"set gl_texturesolidmode "GL_RGB4"//set gl_texturesolidmode "GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8"//set gl_texturesolidmode "GL_RGB32I"set gl_triplebuffer "0"set gl_vertex_arrays "1"set gl_ztrick "0"set hand "1"set hostname "Palace of Gerbil"set in_dgamouse "1"set in_joystick "1"set in_mouse "1"set joy_advanced "1"set joy_advaxisr "3"set joy_advaxisx "4"set joy_advaxisy "1"set joy_dev "/dev/js0"set gl_drawbuffer "GL_FRONT_AND_BACK"set nostdout "0"set msg "1"joy_advancedupdatejoy_name "joystick"set in_joystick "1"+mlookset r_fakeFullscreen "0"set r_fullbright "1"set r_lerpmodels "1"set rate "15000"set run_pitch "0"set run_roll "0"set s_khz "44"set s_loadas8bit "0"set s_mixahead "0.16"set s_primary "1"set scr_centertime "0"set scr_printspeed "600"set scr_conspeed "600"set sensitivity "1"set skill "2"set sv_airaccelerate "10"set sv_maxvelocity "5000"set sv_reconnect_limit "50"set sw_stipplealpha "0"set v_centermove "0"set vid_fullscreen "1"set vid_gamma "0.32"set vid_ref "glx"//set vid_xpos "800"//set vid_ypos "1200"set viewsize "100"set win_noalttab "0"//set cl_railtrail "2"joy_advancedupdate //bind AUX9 "+attack; +moveup; +movedown" //bind AUX9 "+grap" //bind AUX9 "+huk"//bind AUX17 "+back"//bind AUX18 "+forward"//joy_advaxisr 0//joy_advaxisu 20//joy_advaxisv 18//joy_advaxisx 4//joy_advaxisy 1//joy_advaxisz 0//joy_forwardsensitivity -1.0//joy_forwardthreshold 0.15//joy_pitchsensitivity -0.25//joy_pitchthreshold 0.0//joy_sidesensitivity 1.0//joy_sidethreshold 0.15//joy_upsensitivity 1.0//joy_upthreshold 0.15//joy_yawsensitivity -0.5//joy_yawthreshold 0.0//set _windowed_mouse "0"//set adr6 ""//set adr7 ""//set adr8 ""//set cl_showmiss "1"//set cl_shownet "1"//set gl_3dlabs_broken "1"//set gl_mode "9"//set gl_modulate "0"//set gl_modulate "1"//set gun_x "2.85"//set gun_y "-2.5"//set gun_z "4"//set intensity "3"//set joy_advaxisu "1"//set joy_advaxisv ""//set joy_advaxisz "3"//set joy_pitchsensitivity "1"//set s_mixahead "0.1"//set s_primary "1"//set s_volume "0.300000"//set showclamp "1"//set showdrop "1"//set skin "female/gwyn"//set skin "male/misfits"set gl_mode "19"
Seen you playing on Gumbys and Vanilla I think. WELCOME!set nostdout "1"What in the great googly moogly is that for?
VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim