Author Topic: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...  (Read 18741 times)

Offline 2d

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2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:42:03 PM »
Ok, for all you cooks out there who have ever made Fettuccine Alfredo, please put in your 2 cents worth:

Haunted wanted to try to make me look like an idiot, so he asked me for my recipe because i told him I had just cooked it. Rather than catching me or trapping me, his drunk ass trips over himself in an epic FAIL:

[21:55] <[2d> chicken garlic fettucinni
[21:55] <[2d> a la 2dum
[21:55] <[2d> rofl
[21:55] <[2d> i put like 1/2 a head of garlic
[21:55] <[2d> this shit is potent
[21:57] <haunted> what was the recipe
[21:57] <haunted> tell me exactly
[21:57] <haunted> i know how to make that dish exactly
[21:57] <haunted> so lets see
[21:58] * haunted slaps [2d around a bit with a large trout
[21:58] <[2d> rofl
[21:58] <haunted> waiting
[21:58] <haunted> while you google
[21:58] <haunted> zzz
[21:58] <haunted> you are a lame ass
[21:58] <[2d> wtf
[21:58] <[2d> ok
[21:58] <haunted> tell me how you made it
[21:59] <[2d> boil water with salt and butter

[21:59] <haunted> wrong
[21:59] <[2d> drop noodles after boil
[21:59] <haunted> zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[21:59] <haunted> already wrong
[21:59] <[2d> seperate pan, sautee chicken in butter salt pepper garlic
[21:59] <[2d> chop garlic and flat parseley
[21:59] <[2d> once 15 min pass, drain water
[22:00] <[2d> put garlic and parseley in
[22:00] <[2d> put some butter

*as i proceeded step by step to  tell haunted my recipe, he throws in this line real quick, as if he had it on standby rofl....JUST so he can say that he told me about heavy the douche that he is

[22:00] <haunted> legit white sauce for an alfredo, fettuccini, or whatever requires heavy cream and not butter, you are a complete newbie
[22:00] <[2d> add heavy cream and half and half

[22:00] <[2d> again ur an idiot
[22:00] <haunted> half and half and butter, yeah
[22:00] <[2d> wait til im done
[22:00] <haunted> you are a newb
[22:00] <haunted> heavy cream like a good restaurant does it
[22:00] <haunted> idiot
[22:00] <[2d> let noodles soak cream mixture
[22:00] <[2d> then add parmesean / romano cheese
[22:00] <[2d> add salt pepper and nutmeg
[22:01] <[2d> and sugar

[22:01] <haunted> you don't let noodles ever absorm the "cream mixture"
[22:01] <[2d> melt cheese
[22:01] <haunted> again, you are an idiot
[22:01] <[2d> gg
[22:01] <[2d> u want the noodles to absorb
[22:01] <[2d> not to coat it
[22:01] <[2d> noob

[22:01] <haunted> any idiot can add half and half and butter to something and have it taste good
[22:01] <haunted> gotta be shitting me
[22:02] <haunted> heavy cream and limit the fat otherwise, and you let the ingredients merry WITHOUT the noodles absorbing them
[22:02] <[2d> rofl
[22:02] <haunted> hence why you keep them separate
[22:02] <[2d> ?
[22:03] <[2d> noodles soak the milk / cream
[22:03] <[2d> makes them better
[22:03] <[2d> softer
[22:03] <haunted> marry**, ingredients marrying is a term cooks use
[22:03] <haunted> you are an idiot...
[22:03] <haunted> lol
[22:03] <haunted> go eat a mcd's double cheeseburger

[22:03] <[2d> classic alfredo
[22:03] <[2d> u dont even put cream
[22:03] <[2d> its just butter .cheese
[22:03] <[2d> ive done both
[22:03] <[2d> haunted failed
[22:03] <[2d> rofl
[22:04] <haunted> dude, you obviously don't know what i mean by "heavy cream"
[22:04] <haunted> please just stop talking

[22:04] <haunted> work at a restaurant for once in your life
[22:04] <[2d> heavy cream from the container
[22:04] <haunted> be a head cook like i have
[22:04] <[2d> im not going to make heavy cream
[22:04] <[2d> rofl

[22:04] <haunted> what else would it come in?
[22:04] <haunted> other than a container
[22:04] <haunted> you fucking idiot
[22:04] <[2d> [22:04] <haunted> dude, you obviously don't know what i mean by "heavy cream"
[22:04] <[2d> wtf is that then
[22:04] <[2d> i used part heavy cream, part half and half
[22:05] <haunted> all you said is "the kind that comes in a container".. everything fucking comes in a container
[22:05] <haunted> if i were to say yes you'd be like
[22:05] <haunted> OH yeah!! that stuff
[22:05] <haunted> gtfo
[22:05] <[2d> do u want a picture
[22:05] <[2d>;site=imghp&amp;tbm=isch&amp;source=hp&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=705&amp;q=heavy+whipping+cream&amp;oq=heavy+whipping+cream&amp;gs_l=img.3..0l10.600.5191.0.5250.;site=imghp&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;q=heavy+whipping+cream+lucerne&amp;oq=heavy+whipping+cream+lucerne&amp;gs_l=img.3...3468.5207.0.5431.;bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46340616,d.eWU&amp;fp=ed4f6f87b2c3b7c1&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=705&amp;,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46340616,d.eWU&fp=ed4f6f87b2c3b7c1&biw=1024&bih=705&
[22:05] <[2d> thats the exact one i used
[22:05] <[2d> and heres the half n halfd
[22:06] <haunted> add butter and half and half to anything and it'll taste good, go talk to paula deen
[22:06] <haunted> and look at how fat she is

[22:06] <[2d>;site=imghp&amp;tbm=isch&amp;source=hp&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=705&amp;q=heavy+whipping+cream&amp;oq=heavy+whipping+cream&amp;gs_l=img.3..0l10.600.5191.0.5250.;site=imghp&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;q=half+n+half+lucerne&amp;oq=half+n+half+lucerne&amp;gs_l=img.3...26010.28011.2.28105.;bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46340616,d.eWU&amp;fp=ed4f6f87b2c3b7c1&amp;biw=1024&amp;bih=705&amp;,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46340616,d.eWU&fp=ed4f6f87b2c3b7c1&biw=1024&bih=705&
[22:06] <haunted> that isn't good cooking
[22:06] <haunted> you retard
[22:06] <[2d> well the recipe called for about half a stick of butter
[22:06] <[2d> i put a tabel spoon
[22:06] <[2d> cause the cheese has fat

[22:07] <haunted> i've been the head cook at a top tier restaurant, been raised off food that my dad had to get, cooking has always been a part of my life
[22:07] <haunted> you just eat anything marinated in dairy products
[22:07] <haunted> and greace

[22:07] <[2d> roflmao
[22:07] <haunted> awesome
[22:07] <haunted> go be a cook at a restaurant
[22:07] <haunted> then talk to me
[22:07] <[2d> used to work at a golf course, helped teh chef some nights

[22:08] <[2d> theres nothin wrong with what i did
[22:08] <[2d> it tastes good

[22:08] <haunted> i was raised off commercial fishing my entire life and was the head cook at one restaurant, and have worked at 3 others

[22:08] <[2d> what did i do wrong
[22:08] <[2d> tell me
[22:08] <[2d> what part

[22:08] <haunted> you add butter and half and half to every thing and think you're doing something because it tastes good
[22:08] <haunted> ^^^^^^
[22:08] <haunted> that exactly
[22:09] <haunted> newb

[22:09] <[2d> fettucinni alfredo requires those things
[22:09] <haunted> no it doesn't
[22:09] <haunted> you dumbass
[22:09] <haunted> goto italy

[22:09] <[2d> theres 2 ways to make it
[22:09] <haunted> then goto vanilla
[22:09] <haunted> because you suck
[22:09] <[2d> (butter / cheese) or butter / cheese / cream
[22:09] <haunted> dude
[22:09] <haunted> it's heavy cream, restaurant grade in bulk
[22:09] <haunted> or it's nothing
[22:10] <haunted> you are a fucking idiot

*haunted shows his knowledge right here, anyone can look up the history and see the classic version involves no cream

[22:10] <haunted> like I said
[22:10] <[2d> i used heavy cream
[22:10] <haunted> have fun eating your butter
[22:10] <[2d> but slighted it with half n half
[22:10] <haunted> hahahahahhahahahahahahahahha
[22:10] <haunted> hahahahahahahhahahahhaa
[22:10] <haunted> sure you did
[22:10] <haunted> i'm done here
[22:10] <haunted> anyone can scroll up
[22:10] <haunted> 162 - -4

[22:10] <[2d> that has to be the worst fail uve had in a while
[22:10] <[2d> rofl
[22:11] <[2d> this is forum worthy
[22:11] <[2d> u drunk ass
[22:11] <[2d> rofl
[22:13] <haunted> post it
[22:13] <haunted> you post non-forum worthy things all the time
[22:13] <haunted> paula deen
[22:14] <haunted> that is your new name
[22:14] <[2d> lol
[22:14] <haunted> post it
[22:14] <haunted> let everyone see
[22:14] <[2d> rofl
[22:14] <[2d> haunted ur too drunk
[22:14] <[2d> just go sleep
[22:14] <haunted> if that's the case
[22:14] <haunted> then post it
[22:14] <haunted> so people can laugh at me
[22:14] <[2d> u still didnt tell me
[22:14] <[2d> what did i do wrong
[22:14] <haunted> i already did several times
[22:15] <haunted> if you think i didn't
[22:15] <haunted> then post it
[22:15] <haunted> so everyone can see like you said
[22:15] <[2d> that i added cream and butter?
[22:15] <haunted> that simple
[22:15] <[2d> rofl?
[22:16] <[2d> but the damn recipe
[22:16] <[2d> calls for
[22:16] <[2d> it
[22:16] <[2d> i dont eat this every nite

*here is where haunted tries to claim victory using the 'I said it first" crap. FAIL HAUNTED

[22:16] <haunted> you never said the word heavy cream

[22:16] <haunted> until i said it
[22:16] <haunted> post this shit
[22:16] <haunted> you fucking idiot
[22:16] <haunted> lol...

[22:16] <haunted> i am sure you are scrolling up right now, i don't have to
[22:16] <haunted> because you are 2dumb
[22:16] <haunted> zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[22:17] <haunted> post it like you threatened to
[22:17] <[2d> well obviously i was going to own you, so u wanted to *get it in first*
[22:17] <haunted> you vagina
[22:17] <[2d> but i did say cream
[22:17] <[2d> heavy AND half and half

[22:17] <haunted> no, you didn't say the word cream at all
[22:17] <haunted> until i said so

[22:17] <[2d> because full heavy is too much fat
[22:17] <haunted> you said butter and half and half
[22:17] <[2d> cant eat it all then
[22:18] <haunted> because you are a fat piece of shit
[22:18] <haunted> that watches paula dean
[22:18] <[2d> dude i wasnt done giving you the recipe
[22:18] <[2d> lol
[22:18] <[2d> i was going step by step
[22:18] <haunted> hahahahahahahhahahaha
[22:18] <[2d> u drunk ass
[22:18] <[2d> fail man
[22:18] <haunted> oh, so the steps said, add butter, half and half, AND heavy cream?
[22:18] <haunted> lmfao
[22:18] <haunted> paula dean
[22:18] <[2d> i add parsley, garlic and butter
[22:18] <[2d> melt the butter

[22:18] <[2d> then add the cream
[22:19] <[2d> and let it soak
[22:19] <[2d> then i put cheese and seasoning
[22:19] <haunted> you never let noodles soak in cream
[22:19] <haunted> holy shit
[22:19] <[2d> says who
[22:19] <haunted> google it
[22:19] <haunted> you dumb fuck
[22:19] <haunted> like you've been googling all this shit
[22:19] <[2d> soaking amkes it better
[22:19] <haunted> as i've been owning you
[22:19] <haunted> ............
[22:19] <[2d> fail man
[22:19] <[2d> lol
[22:19] <[2d> F a i l
[22:19] <haunted> paula dean
[22:20] <[2d> the garlic i put in
[22:20] <[2d> the amount
[22:20] <[2d> my god
[22:20] <[2d> beautiful
[22:21] <haunted> i called you out
[22:21] <haunted> on it, and you got called out as a newb
[22:21] <haunted> just like you are in q2
[22:21] <haunted> accept it
[22:21] <haunted> 162 - -4
[22:21] <[2d> ur crazy
[22:21] <haunted> please post all of this on the forums
[22:21] <haunted> so everyone can see
[22:21] <[2d> rofl
[22:21] <haunted> why not?
[22:21] <haunted> do it pussy
[22:21] <[2d> ok as you wish

[22:21] <haunted> alright
[22:21] <haunted> from the beginning
[22:22] <haunted> paula
[22:23] <haunted> you cross paula dean cooking with dorm room college student cooking
[22:23] <haunted> and think you are deliving top tier dishes
[22:23] <haunted> shit is a complete joke
[22:23] <haunted> just like you in q2
[22:24] <magic> >:-#
[22:25] <haunted> soaking things in dairy is meant to extract the flavor from it, that is accomplished in sauces v. meat, and exponentially with more gamey and flavorful meat
[22:26] <haunted> you don't let noodles suck up dairy as a rule, that is some silly stuff in regard to cooking
[22:26] <haunted> noodles have their own flavor, hence why people like them prepared aldente
[22:26] <haunted> D:
[22:27] <[2d> then you can have yours raw
[22:27] <[2d> rofl
[22:27] <haunted> that makes no point whatsoever
[22:27] * Adoray (Adoray@ has joined #tastyspleen
[22:28] <haunted> go cook a packet of ramen with a slab of butter in it
[22:28] <haunted> enjoy
[22:28] <haunted> ^(bout as much sense as your statement just made)

« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 10:51:15 PM by 2d »
Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2013, 10:50:58 PM »
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 10:52:16 PM »
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 11:05:23 PM »
Fuck this shit, 1v1 rib roast, faggot (bundle of sticks). 
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 11:30:44 PM »
Goddam noob haunted
Heres a recipe real quick from Giada, from Food network:

18 ounces fresh fettuccine
2 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
12 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 cups grated Parmesan
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
Pinch freshly grated nutmeg
Salt and freshly ground white pepper

Read more at:

NOTICE she adds HEAVY CREAM and pretty much a whole STICK of butter....

I used probably 1/4 cup of heavy cream, 1/4 cup of half n half and 1 table spoon of butter to 8 oz of pasta

Its my personal preference, and cuts down on the fat

For some reason, you find it alien that almost all recipes call for heavy cream and butter to be used at the same time.

N E W B?
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2013, 11:32:36 PM »
And just to make sure i shit on you completely

Heres that recipe without CREAM....THE CLASSIC VERSION


By the way haunted, you sound like this guy when ur drunk rofl:
<span data-s9e-mediaembed="youtube" style="display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:640px"><span style="display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" style="background:url( 50% 50% / cover;border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%" src=""></iframe></span></span><br /><a href=";hl=en" target="_blank" class="new_win">;hl=en</a>
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« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 12:45:44 AM by 2d »
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Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 12:16:15 AM »
Ok, first thing for sure, you do NOT ever combine a sauce with noodle.  That's usually something parents do for their 3 year olds to get them to eat some shit their palate isn't developed enough for.  Or at the very least, if you mix them, you do it the instant before serving and get the food right out to the people.  Fettuccine Alfredo is specific in the way the noodles CANNOT be soggy at all, and mixing the sauce with the noodles to let it "soak up" the flavor is indeed dumb.  What you'll end up with is a pile of soggy shit that is unpalatable and disgusting.

Whenever I make stuff like that, I always keep the noodles and sauce separate and mix it on-demand right then and there, or when I'm re-heating leftovers, I mix the two together on my plate itself right before microwaving it.  haunted is right about that, sorry 2dum.

As far as the thing about the differences between the recipes goes, it is really up to the person's individual tastes how they prefer their dish prepared.  Some people love lots of butter and cream all over everything, some like al dente noodles tossed with some olive oil and herbs (me), some like an effective mixture of differing styles.  It's really up to the person how they want it to taste.

But if the argument goes to what is most correct for specifically Americanized Fettuccine Alfredo?  I'd say probably a simple cream sauce without the butter is more than likely the best.  It's the recipe I've seen most commonly used, and although I haven't eaten this dish a lot in my life, I do admit the best tasting preparations is without butter.  If you think about it, the butter is highly unnecessary anyway, as the heavy cream acts as an emulsifier, which would actually hold better WITHOUT the butter in it, as the cheeses mixing with cream will make one thick fucking sauce.

BTW, Fettuccine Alfredo is nasty in general, FYI.  Make Spaghetti with Italian meat and veggie sauce instead - always a hit with every single person out there.  Amazing how pretty much no one will turn down a plate of spaghetti with red sauce.  :>
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i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim

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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2013, 12:31:20 AM »
  Fettuccine Alfredo is specific in the way the noodles CANNOT be soggy at all, and mixing the sauce with the noodles to let it "soak up" the flavor is indeed dumb.  What you'll end up with is a pile of soggy shit that is unpalatable and disgusting.

ex, i have cooked this dish maybe 15-20x in the last 3 months and have tried all kinds of variations.
If you are using 16 oz of pasta, normal recipes call for 2 cups of cream....

That is not what i do

There is no holy grail recipe or method to creating creamy Alfredo, though as i have noted, the originator of the dish never made it with cream...

I cooked it twice without cream and liked it, but i prefer a little cream, hence why i use half a cup of mixed cream you son of a bitch

I boil half a box of pasta, approximately 8 oz....and i have found with experimentation that 1/4 cup of HEAVY CREAM with 1/4 cup of HALF N HALF, and 1 table spoon of butter TASTES BEST FOR ME

Using 100% Heavy Cream makes the dish EXTREMELY HEAVY and puts you to sleep after eating due to all the fat

As far as letting the noodles "SOAK"......letting a half cup of cream absorb into the noodles does not make them SOGGY.....i don't let it soak for more than 2 mins, just to soften the noodle to my liking. I prefer to bite into a milky noodle rather than an al dente (slightly tough) noodle thats coated with sauce

Making the sauce on the side and then coating the noodle sometimes fails to make the dish "Creamy"....
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 12:45:03 AM by 2d »
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2013, 01:06:22 AM »
Ok, first thing for sure, you do NOT ever combine a sauce with noodle.  That's usually something parents do for their 3 year olds to get them to eat some shit their palate isn't developed enough for.

ROFLMAO!!!! for someone who lives next to cows. EX you are a complete RETARDED IDIOT.

Fettuccine Alfredo is specific in the way the noodles CANNOT be soggy at all, and mixing the sauce with the noodles to let it "soak up" the flavor is indeed dumb.  What you'll end up with is a pile of soggy shit that is unpalatable and disgusting.

wrong again. Fettuccine is specific in the way that the noodles are thicker than the rest (linguine, spaghetti). not because they cannot be soggy, that goes for ANY plate genius.

Whenever I make stuff like that, I always keep the noodles and sauce separate and mix it on-demand right then and there, or when I'm re-heating leftovers, I mix the two together on my plate itself right before microwaving it.  haunted is right about that, sorry 2dum.
2dum's recipe calls for mixing both on demand, how is haunted right? Haunted also states "Go to Italy" Fettuccine Alfredo is in fact American, Not Italian. Just how you strongly believed Chinese Food was really from China and not America  :nana:

As far as the thing about the differences between the recipes goes, it is really up to the person's individual tastes how they prefer their dish prepared. Some people love lots of butter and cream all over everything, some like al dente noodles tossed with some olive oil and herbs (me), some like an effective mixture of differing styles.  It's really up to the person how they want it to taste.

Agreed. Which also leads me to my following reply to the ending of your post.

But if the argument goes to what is most correct for specifically Americanized Fettuccine Alfredo?  I'd say probably a simple cream sauce without the butter is more than likely the best.  It's the recipe I've seen most commonly used, and although I haven't eaten this dish a lot in my life, I do admit the best tasting preparations is without butter.  If you think about it, the butter is highly unnecessary anyway, as the heavy cream acts as an emulsifier, which would actually hold better WITHOUT the butter in it, as the cheeses mixing with cream will make one thick fucking sauce.

There is NO correct way of preparing Fettuccine Alfredo. Many restaurants prepare it with butter, garlic, shallots, cream, cheese, pasta, parsley, plate. If you claim it tastes better without butter, you truly have a superman of a fukin tongue as it is only 10% of the flavor in a dish.

if, YOU, really think about your retarded logic, you would realize that 2dum's purpose of using half and half is to NOT have one thick fucking sauce as you claim idiot.

and to seal the deal. 2dum shouldn't have to explain himself to ex, he is nowhere near the level of a cook when he has to microwave fucking pasta and sauce.  :ohlord:
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 06:33:52 PM by random »
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2013, 01:15:39 AM »
I mix the two together on my plate itself right before microwaving it.  haunted is right about that, sorry 2dum

 :smiley_abvv: :smiley_acbs: :smiley_abvv:  :smiley_abau: :smiley_aamz: :mad3: :moon:  :smiley_abin:  :roll1:
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 01:18:57 AM by 2d »
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2013, 03:21:40 AM »
you fucking faggots (bundles of sticks) will argue about anything on here
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2013, 03:51:41 AM »
you ______'s will argue about anything on here


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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2013, 06:16:59 AM »
making a white sauce is a really basic thing... Trust me, if you go to a classy restaurant they won't be adding a full stick of butter to ANYTHING that isn't dessert. the majority of the time, adding sticks of butter + half and half = ineptitude > expertise = following most of what you see on food network.

I passed out right after this, I was mainly giving 2dum a hard time since he obviously didn't mention heavy cream until I said so, not to mention it took him several minutes to say the recipe in which he had even more obviously googled.

Paula Dean got really fat from adding butter to everything, if you've honestly made that dish 15-20x in the past few months then your new name is Paula.

And you never let any noodles marry with the rest of your ingredients. That's even worse than the butter thing, just clearly not worse for your arteries
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Re: 2D vs Haunted Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe...
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2013, 10:20:17 AM »
 New name Paula dean  :yessign:
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