Also, it's crazy to realize that Quake2 has been a part of my life for roughly 50% of it. I was 17 when Q2 came out, and I remember shelling out every penny I had for a P2-300 and a Rendition Verite 4MB so that I could pwn the LAN games at UMass the following autumn. Man, those were the days.
I remember first trying to run it on a Cyrix 6x86 with a 1meg video card and a 1gig hard drive. 320x240 software mode... how I do NOT miss thee.
I first played it on a PMMX 200 with a Trident video card in software mode. Ran like crap. I got a VooDoo 2 and WOW! It jumped up in framerates, there were COLORS!In college I ran it on some of their P2-600's with software mode. I still got better framerates on my old PMMX 200 & VooDoo2.
Servers running off the dorm provided machine plus sharing the server folder so anyone in campus could play on the server if they wanted. Those were the Quake days.