I finished the game with the embermage,and was pleasantly surprised at seeing the Map Room where you can "buy" dungeons already generated. Working up an engineer now(who's a Male:Professor Milo) and kicking ass with a unique axe and many points in heavy lifting so he swings it even faster. And I may start another character class to see how it works.And as an aside to Vae: since you have both Free Time and Room and Board at the moment,why not devote some of that precious resource to Modding ? Maybe not this game,certainly not an aging hulk like Quake 2,but use that keen interest in the mathmatical side of the process and see what you can do? Even 2.5d games like Doom can be reborn for phone apps:I have an RPG based on it for my phone. Believe me,you'll regret every moment not spent constructively once the terrible Making a Living appears in your world. Prepare now.