VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
Fuck life. Fuck everyone in it too.
The only thing that isn't good, is that I am now a fully fledged digusting smoker.
I hear you, I hear you. I should, I will, probably. It's at the worst time, i'm very broke atm and im like hmmm have I eaten today? yeahhhhh pack of smokes it is. I just did a shit shift and I was determined to not smoke any today, that lasted till the shift ended.. fffffffuuuuuu. it's been slowly ramping up for a couple months though tbh, it hasnt been a sudden thing, my girl being a smoker definitely does not help. But ahhhhhh well. Got a couple of days to myself now, going to game my nuts off methinks.
Nicotine has never been addictive to me, whatsoever, no matter how many years I've smoked or how many I smoke a day.