VaeVictis:i find it funny that you even consider grammar a sign of intelligence, that itself is a very uneducated claim
If you don't want something to be seen by your employer in the first place, don't fucking put it on the internet FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.
Or you could say you don't have a facebook, make your account private and unsearchable during ur application process. OR you could tell the employer to get fucked and apply somewhere that doesn't support this bullshit.
If I am an employer, its normal that I would also like to know more about a person I am considering to hire. For sure, I would stay away from hiring someone who bitches about their previous or present employer.
I wouldn't agree with not hiring someone just because he has been to an "occupy" rally. But I would agree with not hiring someone who is a regular at westboro baptist church protests.
Both are legal though and one has had it's members caught steeling, vandalizing, disobeying direct police orders. The other is highly distasteful and disrespectful. What someone does on their free time shows their character and moral standing.
Oh no, not THOSE participant of Occupy. Those stinky hippies will never have a job anyway.
Is it right for an employer to visit your church and start asking your church members about you? Is it right for an employer to follow you in a car to see how you drive or where you shop? This is where we start to tread into this area:
In the era where PETA members purposely get hired at a company to find something to cause an investigation it's conceivable that an occupy protestor