vi ascii display of binary data:corrupted:PK^C^D^T^H$qA)»½ý>^^^[^A6<95>^C VAP_SIN2.DM2Äýks^\G<96>® ®¸Ì$^E<96>*K U<91>ê^Vö^^`,°·<94>C<85>µ<9d>^?5¿q>Ã×^P-©9;ÂÞCÃSdµP])^USb&<81>rü}×ëqË^DHU֯<81><95>øÔò<88><8c><8b><87>_<96>/_¾üÿ<99>'Ib<96>^XþÃmb^_ó<97>÷þ^?iÛ4'óÔe<93>¼måÈ?<89>Ã¥oÃ¥^S¿^^YܦeÞ¤e^A6âûÀ<ð×À£Àuà £À«Àià uà <81>ÿÎlÈY¸G±Mç^SÈ^FÙi=ö<9f><83>éc<86>ãµx¢óË>qÞV¼ÑûE9ñÃs<84>ç}<8e>ëlÒ²Ò{U}9òªcÂ|¨oü}êkQé<95>çÛyÃ¥Ã7^W+ñ!<99>+ý^AÃ<9f>^W<87>bN<9e><8b>ó"Óu^R1KËK¤§iÙxzÃŒ<8f><93>Ãï<8d>òE÷+<97>:Oés<9d>^WÞßù|t~Ì×úWñ]Âß×7 <9e>'^\Ã\^FÂÇ^[q<9d>ÃÉ<95>ÎÛ<84>ß<81>W<89>^_ß<8a><96>è¾<99><98>èy^S½<97>ßÃçü^]ß<9b>×^A^[=<97>éú8<8f>ùE<96>=ÃŽ<8b>^CòÜó;9)¦ä<99>Ã’OÀðûÃÅÇäUrM6IÅû[ráï<9f>,^Cçá¹<96><96>âù²uÃù®s<94>¿<84>rà Rò<8f>õ<81><98>+Ã<8f>¯<8a>4^C«"Éæ¤Qn<82>Ìëà Î<91>O<81><97>Kg%¾xãü¶R:¹Ãø^]~ï2ÉëÃv uncorrupted:PK^C^D^T^@^@^@^H^@$qA)»½ý>^^^[^A^@6<95>^C^@^L^@^@^@VAP_SIN2.DM2Äýks^\G<96>®^K®¸^@ÃŒ$^E<96>*K^MU<91>ê^Vö^^`,°·<94>C<85>µ<9d>^?5¿q>Ã×^P-©9^L;ÂÞCÃSdµP])^USb&<81>^@rü}×ëqË^DHU [etc.]od -c | sdiff output of first 8 lines:0000000 P K 003 004 024 \b $ q A ) 273 275 375 | 0000000 P K 003 004 024 \0 \0 \0 \b \0 $ q A 0000020 001 6 225 003 V A P _ S I N 2 | 0000020 375 > 036 033 001 \0 6 225 003 \0 \f \0 \0 0000040 P 304 375 k s 034 G 226 256 256 270 314 | 0000040 P _ S I N 2 . D M 2 304 375 k 0000060 * K U 221 352 026 366 036 ` , 260 267 2 | 0000060 226 256 \v 256 270 \0 314 $ 005 226 * K \r 0000100 265 235 177 5 277 q > 315 327 020 - 251 9 | 0000100 026 366 036 ` , 260 267 224 C 205 265 235 177 0000120 ; 302 336 C 355 S d 265 P ] ) 025 S | 0000120 > 315 327 020 - 251 9 \f ; 302 336 C 355 0000140 r 374 } 327 353 q 313 004 H U 367 330 201 2 | 0000140 P ] ) 025 S b & 201 \0 r 374 } 327 30000160 362 210 214 213 207 _ 226 / _ 276 374 377 231 | 0000160 004 H U 367 330 201 225 370 324 362 210 214 213 2
I have no idea how to re-decode/encode this to be correct. Every mention of this issue that I can find simply says how to fix the browser settings to re-download it.... not how to fix the corrupted file.
Let's see the hex representation, and figure out what it did.Is that the whole file? I don't see 273 at a different location in the "failed" file.
can you edit a binary file using a hex editor and perhaps supply, change if not supply any missing varioables it may have?
Why would netscape remove characters from an HTML file? Maybe it wants only ASCII characters like the alphabet? But an HTML file could have any character and be different encodings.
I see mostly numbers, are most opcodes numbers when represented with ASCII?
So this browser took control ASCII characters, or bytes that weren't ASCII representations, and removed them?
I suppose you would have to fill in the gaps, so you'd have to start constructing the assembly source, but it'd be extremely difficult.
couldn't you uncompress the code that is there, depending on the compression algorithm the exectuable format uses?