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Topic: LMCTF Revival! (Read 6806 times)
Posts: 5
LMCTF Revival!
January 31, 2012, 10:16:25 AM »
Hello tastyspleeners!
Just wanted to give everyone a heads up about a revival of the once popular CTF mod for Q2, LMCTF.
We have organized scrimms every Tuesday night beginning @ 9:00 EST on a passworded server. We select team captains who choose teams before we play and we try to keep them even (switch people up) for some intense games. We also nail down map selections the week before so everyone has an opportunity to check out the maps before they are played.
We regularly have 7v7 and 8v8 matches that are always a lot of fun and would love to get the player count up even higher to play some of the really big maps!
If you are interested in getting on the mailing list for these scrimms, just send a quick note to 4me2poop0n@gmail.com. That E-mail address belongs to an old clan buddy of mine who is the point man for organizing the scrimms. You can request to be put on the weekly mailing list and we will get a weekly IN or OUT headcount.
We also have a facebook group q2lmctf@groups.facebook.com. We have plenty of technical experts there to assist with any LMCTF troubleshooting you may have. Although, I suspect most of you here will have little trouble.
Many of the files for lmctf can be found here on this site in the files section.
Oh yeah, the public server is lm.ravenhurst.com
Hope to see you in the pubs!
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #1 on:
June 01, 2016, 03:38:53 PM »
Lets get an LMCTF game going tonight!
if no luck tonight. lets try again on Tuesdays Wednesday and Thursdays.
i have had the honor of playing in a few LMCTF games the past couple years.
they have had some good stretches of activity here and there. some great tourneys.
A lot of potential for a revival anytime.
Tuesday was the day for a while.
i wish it was easier to catch a game and they had a more active community.
maybe we can change this
I am trying to organize a game tonight. hoping to get at least a 4v4 going.
everything you need to play the game downloadhere--
put the lmctf folder in your quake2 folder.
then connect to
or backup server
or here i think its west coast the other 2 above are chicago.
lmctf.vksyn.com lmctf
download bright skins for lmctf
Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 03:07:28 PM by beaver{KEA}
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #2 on:
June 08, 2016, 05:50:26 PM »
just had a decent 2v2. just now about 8PM eastern time.
taking a small break. had quite a bit of interest from several people in getting this going again. may end up with a 4v4 tonight
10PM eastern has been the most popular start time.
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #3 on:
June 09, 2016, 12:08:53 PM »
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 904
Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #4 on:
June 10, 2016, 03:26:55 PM »
players i never seen before. good that screenshots transformed the whole graphics of caco, unplayable for me but whatever floats yer boat
Swanky Member
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #5 on:
June 10, 2016, 05:42:17 PM »
ive been experimenting with textures. a little lazy to experiment much further. i do enjoy turning texture quality down so the textures dont matter much at that point.
yeah 1 regular LMCTF guy there. the other 5 i did a little arm twisting and they hopped on board.
LM had some great turnouts on Tuesday and Thursdays for a while. Hopefully it picks up again
are you an LMCTF veteran?
im new to LMCTF myself and have been very fascinated by their community.
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #6 on:
June 14, 2016, 01:17:29 PM »
had about 8 new players try out LMCTF for the first time or return after a very long vacation last Tuesday.
sparked some attetion from some other older LMCTF veterans
5 guys lookin for some LMCTF games on Beatdown1 before or after 10PM Eastern. Tonight.
I will be dedicating my mouse to this every Tuesday around the same time. so if you cant make it this week there is always next!
message me if you need help getting setup.
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #7 on:
June 15, 2016, 10:51:43 AM »
lot of ggs last night.
had up to 5v5 going. Join in every Tuesday 9 or 10PM Eastern start time.
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 904
Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #8 on:
June 15, 2016, 08:02:51 PM »
i felt the need to post the server.cfg that i tweaked and modified,
in case anyone wants to run a lithium ctf server with my settings. mind you, i spent many years testing, tweaking, perfecting and working on this mod so it's as balanced as possible. so if anyone does create a server, it would have to stay intact exactly as saved. otherwise it will mess up the gameplay factor. even if it is changed, my website has all the information required. i'll add a server zip with all the necessary files besides the basic files that are easily accessible on the tasty site. Remember it's not just CTF, it's Super Lithium CTF! i Hope you all enjoy the mod i feverishly worked on the mod i love so much.
// Lithium II Mod v1.2x Config
// lithctf.cfg - settings for a Lithium II CTF server.
// see config.txt for setting information.
set hostname "Golgo13's Lithium CTF"
set maxclients 10
set public 1
set timelimit 20
set fraglimit 2000
set capturelimit 6
set dmflags 279828
set sv_airaccelerate 0
set rate 15000
set max_rate 20000
set sv_nc_visibilitycheck 2
set sv_nc_clientsonly 0
set sv_blackholes 1
set sv_rcon_showoutput 1
set rcon_password
set lrcon_password
set sv_badcvarcheck 0
set addcommand ban frkq2cmd kick
set sv_optimize_deltas 1
set sv_connectmessage Faster Map Downloads ->->->->
set sv_validate_playerskins 1
set sv_show_name_changes 1
set cl_chathud 1
set sv_download_drop_file QuakeII/ctf/server.cfg
set sv_filter_q3names 1
set sv_anticheat_badfile_max 2
set sv_packetentities_hack 2
set sv_anticheat_badfile_action 2
set sv_reserved_slots 0
set sv_calcpings_method 2
set sv_enforcetime 1
set sv_deny_q2ace 1
set sv_filter_stringcmds 1
set sv_packetentities_hack 2
set sv_iplimit 3
set sv_lag_stats 1
set sv_nc_kick 256
set sv_nc_announce 256
set sv_filter_nocheat_spam 1
set logfile_name console.log
set logfile_filterlevel 4096
set logfile 3
set con_filterlevel 49152
set sv_force_reconnect ctf.dyndns.org
set sv_mapdownload_denied_message Download at
set sv_allownodelta 1
setmaster master.q2servers.com q2master.planetquake.com master0.gamespy.com:28900 masterserver.exhale.de:27900 netdome.biz:27900
set ctf 1
set ctf_techs 0
set ctf_grapple 1
set ctf_coloredhook 1
set ctf_coloredquad 1
set ctf_capture_bonus 10
set ctf_team_bonus 1
set ctf_recovery_bonus 1
set ctf_flag_bonus 0
set ctf_carrier_bonus 1
set ctf_return_time 30
set ctf_danger_bonus 2
set ctf_protect_bonus 1
set ctf_defense_bonus 2
set ctf_assist_bonus 3
set ctf_frag_bonus 4
set ctf_target_radius 400
set ctf_attacker_radius 400
set ctf_danger_timeout 8
set ctf_frag_timeout 10
set ctf_assist_timeout 10
set ctf_flag_timeout 30
set ctf_tech_timeout 60
set ctf_grapple_speed 650
set ctf_grapple_pull 650
set admin_code 0
set use_runes 1
set use_packs 0
set use_hook 1
set use_safety 1
set use_startobserver 1
set use_startchasecam 0
set use_suicidekick 0
set use_chatmuzzle 1
set use_chatkick 0
set use_zbotkick 0
set use_zbotlog 0
set use_hitfactor 0
set use_nocamp 0
set use_gslog 0
set use_mapqueue 1
set use_highscores 1
set use_mapvote 1
set use_lmaster 0
set timestamp 30
set mapqueue "ctf.lst"
set map_random 0
set motd "motd.txt"
set banlist "ban.lst"
set adminlist "admin.lst"
set admin_map 50
set admin_kick 50
set admin_ban 100
set admin_dmflags 100
set admin_uses 100
set admin_vars 200
set gslog "gslog.log"
set gslog_flush 0
set def_bestweapon 0
set def_id 1
set def_hud 2
set def_scores 1
set fast_respawn 0
set fast_minpbound 0
set fast_maxpbound 0
set fast_wep 2
set safety_time 2.5
set knockback_adjust 1.0
set knockback_self 2.5
set fall_damagemod 0.8
set rune_flags 31
set rune_perplayer 1
set rune_life 30
set rune_min 5
set rune_max 5
set rune_resist 1.48
set rune_strength 1.66
set rune_regen 0.50
set rune_regenmax 200
set rune_vampire 0.50
set rune_vampiremax 200
set rune_resist_sound "world/tech1.wav"
set rune_strength_sound "ctf/tech2.wav"
set rune_haste_sound "medic/medatck1.wav"
set rune_regen_sound "ctf/tech4.wav"
set rune_vampire_sound "medic/medsght1.wav"
set pack_spawn 0
set pack_life 0
set hook_speed 800
set hook_pullspeed 650
set hook_sky 0
set hook_maxtime 30.0
set hook_damage 1
set hook_initdamage 1
set hook_maxdamage 1
set hook_delay 0.1
set chatmuzzle_says 5
set chatmuzzle_time 5.0
set chatmuzzle_holdtime 10
set chatkick_says 4
set chatkick_time 3
set chatkick_muzzles 4
set mapvote_min 1
set mapvote_max 12
set mapvote_time 30
set mapvote_need 50
set mapvote_pass 51
set mapvote_tries 2
set mapvote_instant 1
set intermission_time 6.0
set intermission_sound "world/action.wav"
set camp_threshold 250
set camp_time 30.0
set camp_warn 5.0
set dropweapammo 0.6
set jacket_armor "25 50 0.32 0.17"
set combat_armor "50 100 0.60 0.33"
set body_armor "100 200 0.75 0.60"
set shard_armor 2
set power_armor_screen 1.00
set power_armor_shield 1.00
set start_health 100
set start_armor 0
set start_bullets 0
set start_shells 0
set start_rockets 0
set start_grenades 0
set start_cells 0
set start_slugs 0
set max_health 100
set max_armor 250
set max_bullets 200
set max_shells 50
set max_rockets 25
set max_grenades 25
set max_cells 200
set max_slugs 25
set pack_health 0
set pack_armor 0
set pack_bullets 50
set pack_shells 10
set pack_rockets 5
set pack_grenades 5
set pack_cells 50
set pack_slugs 10
set start_weapon 1
set start_blaster 0
set start_shotgun 1
set start_sshotgun 0
set start_machinegun 1
set start_chaingun 0
set start_grenadelauncher 1
set start_rocketlauncher 0
set start_hyperblaster 1
set start_railgun 0
set start_bfg 1
set no_shotgun 0
set no_sshotgun 0
set no_machinegun 0
set no_chaingun 0
set no_grenadelauncher 0
set no_rocketlauncher 0
set no_hyperblaster 0
set no_railgun 0
set no_bfg 0
set no_quad 0
set no_pent 0
set blaster_damage 15
set blaster_speed 1000
set shotgun_damage 5
set shotgun_count 12
set shotgun_hspread 500
set shotgun_vspread 500
set sshotgun_damage 6
set sshotgun_count 20
set sshotgun_hspread 1000
set sshotgun_vspread 500
set machinegun_damage 5
set machinegun_hspread 150
set machinegun_vspread 250
set chaingun_damage 6
set chaingun_hspread 300
set chaingun_vspread 500
set grenade_damage 120
set grenade_radius 120
set rocket_damage 120
set rocket_damage2 00
set rocket_rdamage 120
set rocket_radius 120
set rocket_speed 650
set rocket_knockback 0
set hyperblaster_damage 15
set hyperblaster_speed 1250
set railgun_damage 100
set bfg_damage 200
set bfg_radius 340
set bfg_speed 400
set bfg_raydamage 6
set bfg_balldamage 0
set bfg_ballradius 180
allow_download 1
allow_download_players 1
allow_download_models 1
allow_download_sounds 1
set q2adminbanremotetxt_enable 1
set q2adminanticheat_enable 1
set q2adminhashlist_enable 1
set cl_minfps 60
set cl_maxfps 120
// Pro-Rocket specs. Uncomment this line to use them.
//exec procket.cfg
// map to start on (required for server to start with +exec)
// if mapqueue is on, this map is skipped, but REQUIRED here
map q2ctf1
Last Edit: June 15, 2016, 10:32:21 PM by R. Hayabusa
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #9 on:
June 21, 2016, 01:21:21 PM »
Hayabusa do you still play Quake2? what mods/servers do you play on if so? what name do you use in game? will you be joining in tonight for LMCTF Tuesday?
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
Swanky Member
Posts: 561
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Re: LMCTF Revival!
Reply #10 on:
June 22, 2016, 09:06:13 AM »
::Week 3 LMCTF Tuesdays::
screen shots from most of the games last night. think they played 9 or 10 I might have been afk a couple.
see you guys next Tuesday if anyone is down for some LMCTF
Bring more Life back to your favorite mod! on discord chat!#gloom #vortex #qpong #kots #giex #q2jump #ra2 #wod #wodx #railwarz #LMCTF #LFireCTF #expertctf
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LMCTF Revival!
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I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.
February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last
February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp ✟
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Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie
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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}
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