couldn't exec r1gl.cfgWelcome to R1Q2. Press <ESC> to open the menu. Type connect <host> to connect to a server. View the readme at Set vid_flip_on_switch 1 if you would like R1GL to restore your desktop resolution when switching to another application.]connect tastyspleen.netConnecting to challenge67.228.69.114:27910: client_connectHTTP downloading enabled, URL: anticheat, this may take a few moments...couldn't exec r1gl.cfg]condump connecterror
couldn't exec r1gl.cfgWelcome to R1Q2. Press <ESC> to open the menu. Type connect <host> to connect to a server. View the readme at]connect tastyspleen.netConnecting to challenge67.228.69.114:27910: client_connectHTTP downloading enabled, URL: anticheat, this may take a few moments... ERROR: anticheat.dll failed to loadEither the file is missing, or something is preventingit from loading or connecting to the anticheat server.This is commonly caused by over-aggressive anti-virussoftware. Try disabling any anti-virus or other securitysoftware or add an exception for anticheat.dll.Trying to connect without anticheat support.]condump connecterrornoac
couldn't exec r1gl.cfgWelcome to R1Q2. Press <ESC> to open the menu. Type connect <host> to connect to a server. View the readme at]developer 1]connect tastyspleen.netResetting protocol attempt since is not to challengeCl_SendConnectPacket: protocol=35, port=102, challenge=109635574267.228.69.114:27910: client_connectclient_connect: newHTTP downloading enabled, URL: anticheat, this may take a few moments...Shutting down sound systemDestroying DS buffers...setting NORMAL coop level...stopping and releasing sound buffer...releasing primary buffer...releasing DS object...creating DS object: okCreating DS buffers...setting EXCLUSIVE coop level: ok...creating primary buffer: ok...creating secondary buffer: ok...using secondary sound buffer...completed successfullyFindFile: can't find sound/gibs/gibimp1.wavCouldn't load sound/gibs/gibimp1.wavFindFile: can't find sound/gibs/gibimp2.wavCouldn't load sound/gibs/gibimp2.wavFindFile: can't find sound/gibs/gibimp3.wavCouldn't load sound/gibs/gibimp3.wavFindFile: can't find sound/weapons/tesla.wavCouldn't load sound/weapons/tesla.wavFindFile: can't find sound/weapons/disrupthit.wavCouldn't load sound/weapons/disrupthit.wavclosing old reflib.reflib_library initialized.refimport_t RefAPI.Initializing ExtraAPI...done.api version = 3, ok.FindFile: can't find r1gl.cfgcouldn't exec r1gl.cfg...setting data format: ok...setting DISCL_EXCLUSIVE coop level: okFindFile: can't find particle.pngFindFile: can't find particle.tgaFindFile: can't find pics/conchars.tgarenderer initialized.]condump devconnecterror
[20:28:37] <quadz> couple things[20:28:41] <quadz> can you load a map locally?[20:29:07] <quadz> can you connect to other ports? e.g. connect ?
Does your config.cfg become 'infected' by the autoexec.cfg settings?I.e., once you've loaded the autoexec and the problem happens, can you remove autoexec, restart q2, and still get the problem based on what's now auto-saved in config.cfg?(or is your config.cfg write-protected anyway?)