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Offline Sgt. Dick

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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #90 on: November 28, 2012, 03:36:58 PM »

From the story - Berlin tabloid BZ started the debate in October, featuring a front-page photo of a man holding his dog with the headline "we call it sodomy, he calls it love."  :WTF:
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #91 on: December 01, 2012, 12:35:09 AM »
This just in...


I have faith that somewhere someone who works for some drug company will create a prescription drug to address this problem, and if we're really lucky, maybe... just maybe... the side effects won't be more debilitating that the original ailment it seeks to treat.

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Offline Sgt. Dick

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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #92 on: December 01, 2012, 06:11:50 AM »
I'm glad I have been playing if safe.  :beer:

Watching the Dawgs or Falcons lose could be harmful also, but so far this year that has not been much of a problem.
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2012, 07:22:33 PM »
Mass grave in NY  :ubershock:|maing6|dl6|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D241107/&
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #94 on: December 05, 2012, 07:42:32 AM »
This guy plays through various videogames and makes YouTube videos of them...interesting in itself,but here is a playthrough of one I was interested in:Discworld 2 Mortality Bytes
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 08:47:56 AM by The Dreaming Dragon »
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #100 on: December 28, 2012, 06:12:14 AM »
As most of you know I stock shelves on a graveyard shift in the supermarket. Kneeling is unavoidable and small injuries are ignored unless they turn into BIG injuries. Water-On-The-Knee is nothing new,and when I fel a puffiness start in one,I favour the other and when both get puffy I sit on a milkcrate for a few weeks and it goes away. Well about a year and a half or so ago I had a squishy ball on my right knee that didn't go away,with a scab that never healed in years covering it.When I noticed it bleeding from that scab,I decided to expand the cut a bit and squish out the gunk myself.Black coagulated blood,a deal of it,but after I did that and bandaged it the knee felt fine and I carried on. Until last week when I slammed it with a worktable.

It balloned.I hurt when I knelt on it and hobbled about with it. Saturday night I spent with sever chills and resolved to see a doctor about it,and after a 4 hour wait I recieved 10 minutes of his Divine  Benevolence:sat in the chair across from me,looked at the knee,and said the knee needs draining he won't do it and the outfit upstairs that could aren't in Sundays.But my bloodpressure was 180 over 100 and that was dangerous enough to prescribe meds,which I'm on.Its stablizing,and I lay the blame on my foolishly eating like I was 20 at work("Oh boy!  Lean Cuisine is on sale! Lemme get 2 every lunch! 3200mgs of sodium? No problem").And I resolve to eat healthy even if it kills me Ba-Dum-Bum-*TISH!*
So I struggled through Sunday night at work,my Giving a Shit meter dropping as the night progressed. The infection progressed as well and I was woozy and creaky until I stumbled into a cab to get home and prepare for Christmas eve with my Girlfriend's Clan. This was my second appearence there(16 months of relationship and still going!),and It's actually something strange and new to me in the terms of family Get togethers:Merry. Its held at a huge housesomewhere in New Jersey,and the extended relations show up and be Clannish. I have been embraced by them which I admit to be humbled by and gratified for their acceptance of me,considering I think I'm like Guinness Stout,and aquired taste that has ones' face contorted by the incredulity of this stuff being called"beer",but after the culture shock the appreciation sparks sparkles and grows. Santa  even appears to the kiddies,and its wild to see them scamper about trying to find him,until finally he is cornered and cooporates with decanting of presents and photo ops. Its a Tradition going on for 4 generations and the last poor sap to get married was Commanded to "make babies" at the wedding reception,a point I held quiet misgivings... my girlfriend HASa daughter,one of the only 2 kiddie vinkies left,so this year a neighbor was imported to bring his collection of toddlers for the occasion,so much importance on that tradition is placed. These in clan kids are both 11 now and I find it downright surreal  for them to watch for Santa...but I really never believed myself as a kid.Modern children getting sparkly over seeing a great myth visit,then facebooking about it on their smartphones? Odd.

Anyway,this year I spent tottering about and either running outside to stand in the cold,or sweating profusely. I managed to be "entertaining" enough to not be disappointing as a guest,and my website was admired with small degrees of true wonder that I made that at all. WE were so merry we ignored dinner until 10ish and wound up heading out after midnight,where I spent 5 hours in my girlfriends bed listening to her kitten scratch at the closed door and her yelling at it.So for those playing at home,the No Sleep starting at 7pm Sunday night now clicks in Christmas day at an excited 7AM kiddie vinkie opening presents 36 hours straight.And breakfast with her Mom and Dinner at my sisters,AND WORK still ahead. But never made it to work.It was at breakfast I took that picture,and from there straight to Hackensack Hospital.

Happily the emergency room wasn't crowded,even more happily my lady stood fast at my side. Admission was efficent,and withing 20 minutes I actually saw a doctor,who brought in a second to consult,then drained the now golfball sized lump with a slice and a squish.In a word,messy. My lower leg from ankle to knee swelled to double size from the infection,and I began leaking some yellow brown stuf ffrom my pores.

At that point it was a 99% certainty I was staying overnight,and now its going to be a number of days here. The antibiotics were switched to something stronger which seems to be working. The second bed is occupied by some guy who is on a "pain reduction regieme",but was up all night blasting his TV until I begged a nurse for a sleeping pill for a 3 hour reprieve from 3-6 am or so 56 hours straight awake. Last night he tried pulling the same stuff but a nurse walked in and told hom to turn down the volume. And through the curtain I growled"its 2:30 in the morning,SIR. Two-thirty in the F-U-C-K-I-N-G morning!" It managed to reach him,and it was lowered,but I sense the war is on. When I'm in pain I don't inflict it on the innocent. Cocksucker is due for a jalepeneo IV drip.

So now its Thursday morning,and I managed to get some sleep because my wonderful woman drove through the fierce snowfall to grab essentials and feed my cat for a few days,and now I have earbuds to drown out the Rap party next to me when I need,and the leg is a lot less swollen. I'll update the story later...a real shower looms! Merry Christmas,and be thankful for small mercies and odd blessings!

Update one:

Yesterday had a few signifigant developments. And I have requested for a transfer out of this room with this demon bunkmate.But first the medical news....

Having identified the infection as Staph,and knowing some strains of that are highly antibiotic resistant,they again changed the IV drip for stuff that flows into me like molten metal. It seems to be working,and for that I'm mighty thankful:with infections running out of options is lethal.

The "wound closure nurse" visited me early in the day,and saw her speciality was of little worth to my case,as the wound needed more attending before closing it up could be feasable. And a surgeon was called in,and he did the neccessary at the bedside,chopping away dead flesh,exuding the last of the glop trapped within it,and packing the hole with gauze to absorb further gloop. He was back today as I write this,and the wound looks way better,so a light is seen at the end of the tunnel,yet the distance remains obscure.

Last night was the last straw in regards to the fucking worthless sack of shit next to me. Not only did he play some claymation Black series with a lead character like Eddie Murphy doing Donkey in Shrek(and every character SCREAMS their lines),his fucking GIRLFRIEND spent the entire night with him,and she seems like she won't leave anytime soon,as they are having breakfast as I type. My bloodpressure is erratic,and these fucks won't let me sleep. So its a sound war.This guy may squeek"I need my pain meds" one moment,but be on the phone with his homeboys all boisterous and normalish,only with an occasional cough the next. If it isn't screaming rap music,its Maury Povitch and Jerry Springer parading the train of human trash out for the audience to hoot at. Loud self absorbed motherfucker. My weapon of choice to combat this situation is YouTube.Deathmetal noisethrash aural suffering whatever I can find.I try to spend time sketching but my choice of mood music is hereby different.

All for now,b ut my girlfriend has got a flat tire coming out of work this morning too.we cant win,but we have each other,so we are great winners.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 06:22:47 AM by The Dreaming Dragon »
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #101 on: December 28, 2012, 06:04:18 PM »
I hope you continue to improve, keep us informed as you can.

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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #102 on: December 29, 2012, 05:47:55 AM »
Thanks for the well wishes...I have a possible discharge day,New Years Eve,dependant on that staph infection. But I lucked out in having a starin Sensitive to a type of antibiotic,instead of resistant,so I'm hopeful. I managed to sleep with the help of first making my head the meat of an icepack sandwich for an hour,then a new age stream followed by an Ambien. Slept through an IV application,and managed to reach a REM state and dream! A cool dream too:vivid and DVD-like of me first breaking into someone's trap filled house of horrors,then seeing an alien invasion fly through the mind must have been seriously backed up with data neding flushing,or whatever chemical concoction is the basis for dreaming.

But the BESt news I heard this morning,the very BESTnews in this whole sorry my Primary Doctor,who I thought little of since he did nothing but poke a stethescope at me for a few minutes before toddling off,too close to the Emergimed Zeus from the begining of this show too bothered to bother with patients...well,a couple of nurses told me he'll demand Complete Bedrest!I get to stay HOME and get PAID!!!! Otherwise these evil greedy soulless motherfucking corporate types would have me on "light duty",wasting my time with busywork just so they don't have to pay for my full pay for sitting on my ass. Fuck them. Fuck them with a rusty spiked dildo. And here is My story to explain why...

A long time ago,10+ years or so ago,I was putting up a case of Prego tomato sauce that was dropped too hard and some bottles had cracks to them. I leaned on it with my right hand to reach deep in a bottom shelf,and the case crumpled under my hand and a shar of glass impaled my hand. About the base of the thumb near the middle of the palm. It didn't go THROUGH the hand,luckily,and missed nearby places of serious bloodvessels,even luckier. I was driven to the emergency room and a crazy asian doctor treated me,searching for stray glass by shoving a forceps in the hole and swishing it around like he was mixing his tea. He didn't stich the wound closed,but stuck a rubber tube in it to drainage. Then it was time to go to a Real Doctor the next day for final evaluation. The choices were the Union Doctor,who would be on MY side(although possibly for his own pocket lining,not neccessarily altruism) and the Company Doctor,the one my store bosses DEMANDED I see,and cowed I went to that one. And the term Cocksucher was forever redefined in my mind.

He was a youngish chap,late 30s early 40s,with an arrogant air and treated me with the superiority some educated people have for non peers. I was a bumbling manual laborer,and I was just the next bumpkin needing bamboozling and skinning. He pulls out the drain,puts one stitch in the raw flesh with NO ANISTETIC,gentley chastising me for yelping with some Lets be a Big Boy about this comment. Then he sits back with a sigh,contented and says,"Well,YOU'RE ready for work now". I stared at him."Full duty?" "Of course." Full duty means I am responsible for delivering a full night's work:2-300 boxes emptied,shoved on the shelf,aisles blocked(straightened) and cleaned up. I still had a HOLE in my hand.And when he said this,the smile on his face was whimsicale and dreamy,and half to himself...a pleasure to command.realizing this...I smiled back.

The smile of a Hungry Wolf.

"Oh really? Full duty? To pack out 300 cases with a hole in my hand?Are you REALLY SURE you want to do this?" His dream faded abruptly,and he caught the gleam in my eye."Because if something goes wrong,I reinjure it or the wound gets infected...well,guess what? I'll own you." I gestured to the examination room around us."I'll take All of this from you. Practice,lisence,every last cotton swab in this whole office.Are you willing to bet your professional reputation on that? I am! I just might do it anyway so you never get a chance to put others in danger like this ever again." And he could see that I meant it.

And I did mean it.And,flustered,he threw me a bone and gave me Light Duty. So for 2 weeks I came in mornings and changed faded labels with my left hand while the injured right one remained in a sling,but upright so it wouldn't drain. Walking around a chaotic dangerous place with one arm incapacitated,just to save some fatcat fuck money? Not THIS time...I hope.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2012, 07:10:53 AM by The Dreaming Dragon »
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Re: The Strange and Interesting Thread
« Reply #103 on: December 31, 2012, 08:26:38 AM »
Well,I'm NOT heading home today. The wound,as ugly as it looks,is healing and from the surgeon's opinion I am fit for discharging. What's keeping me here for the next few days is more antibiotics,followed by a final evaluation by the infection specialists.Theoretically I could be out by Wednesday.Equally theoretically,I can be fighting this for weeks. But the leg is only slightly redder than the other,so I'll remain guardedly hopeful. And I am managing to sleep more too. The asshole next to me was having an arguement with some woman on the phone when I was settling down to ctach a nap between Ivs,11pm or so,and the fuck puts it on SPEAKER mode and holds it toward the curtains seperating us,so I can be burdened by the Jerry Springer worthy tirade. Weeks of THAT? Arg.

I get to go home sometime today!!!!The infection doctor cleared me and now its negotiations with the caseworker about...Workmans Comp! That last hurdle...
« Last Edit: December 31, 2012, 09:00:39 AM by The Dreaming Dragon »
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February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


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December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


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correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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