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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #75 on: April 09, 2014, 07:36:49 AM »

Ultimate Warrior (James Hellwig) dead at 54. It's pretty interesting that just THIS WEEKEND he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, made a brief appearance at Wrestlemania 30 Sunday night, and also on WWE Raw on the following Monday night. Apparently he had agreed to do some promotional type of stuff and several guest appearances. It wouldn't be too far out of the question to assume that maybe he was going to start wrestling again in some very limited capacity. The cause of death isn't being released yet, but my left nut says it was complications due to steroid usage. Dude was obviously not in the best shape anymore. His speech was a little slurred and his face was beet red, which means either he had a drinking problem or he was just in poor health with sky-high blood pressure. My gut tells me he was already at high risk for having a stroke or aneurism, and he decided to start using steroids to get back his former physique, and that was the straw that broke the camels back. Maybe it was something else. But I doubt it.

Steroid usage in pro wrestling... it's not an organized "real" sport, so I don't have a problem with it in that regard. It's just a bunch of guys paid to entertain people doing athletic things. But since Vince McMahon Sr. died and Jr. took over the business, there seems to be this culture within the pro wrestling industry that dictates that if you want to succeed in this business, you better get used to the idea of sticking yourself with needles. In fact, from what little I know of Vince McMahon Jr's real life personality, he seems to me to be the type of guy who would probably give his employees the ultimatum of either you juice and get ripped beyond belief, or we'll find someone to replace you who WILL. And it seems like there's been an awful lot of guys involved with the WWE within the past 5 or 10 years who have met an early demise due to freak medical problems or by way of suicide/depression linked to emotional issues likely caused by hormonal imbalances stemming from steroid abuse.

Sure, I like to see these superhuman wackos dressed up like freaks and throwing each other around in pseudo-violent displays. It might be low brow redneck entertainment but it's still just plain FUN. But I don't wanna see these guys keep dying in their 40's and 50's because they spent previous 20 years taking dangerous levels of growth hormones simply to LOOK the part. Some guys don't do it. And they may not look laboratory grown super-soldiers, but that's okay with me. Guys like John Cena... now really, tell me that guy AIN'T juicing his fucking balls off. Dudes arms are so massive that I can't see how he can even reach his ass to wipe it.

Most of all what I'm worried about is the fact that WWE is basically the ONLY big pro wrestling company out there anymore. And if they start getting investigated for widespread company-endorsed steroid abuse, the legal costs could potentially drive them out of business. The WWF was a really fun part of a lot of peoples childhoods, myself included. Just don't wanna see it end THAT way.
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #76 on: April 09, 2014, 02:22:42 PM »
I think the WWE has a lot to answer for when it comes to steroid taking. I know these guys aren't forced to shoot it into their veins but I doubt they really discourage it either. This is a list of wrestlers who have died of heart problems, or drug issues. There are a surprising amount of wrestlers deaths by suicide which are not in this list

Buzz Sawyer--February 7, 1992--Died of a drug overdose.
Andre The Giant: January 27, 1993--Died of a heart attack.
Ray Stevens--May 3, 1996--Died of heart failure.
Dick Murdoch--June 14, 1996--Died of heart failure.
Sapphire: September 10, 1996--Died from a heart attack.
Dr. Bill Miller--March 24, 1997--Died of heart failure.
Stan Stasiak: June 12, 1997--Died from heart failure.
Dick "Bulldog" Brower--September 15, 1997--Died of heart failure.
Brian Pillman: October 5, 1997--Died from arteriosclerotic heart disease.
Bobo Brazil: January 20, 1998--Died from complications from a stroke.
Louie Spicolli: February 15, 1998--Died from arteriosclerotic heart disease caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy syndrome.
Sky Low Low [famous midget wrestler]: November 9, 1998--heart failure.
Ravishing Rick Rude: April 20, 1999--Died from heart attack.
Gorilla Monsoon  (62)--October 5, 1999--Died from a heart attack.
Bobby Duncum, Jr (34)--January 24, 2000--Drug overdose.
Toru Tanaka (70)--August 22, 2000--Died from a heart attack.
Yokozuna (34)--October 22, 2000--Died from a heart attack.
Tex McKenzie --May 31, 2001--Died of an aortic aneurysm.
Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy (40)--July 16, 2001--Blood clot in the heart.
Rhonda Singh (40) --August 2, 2001--Drug Overdose which caused a Heart Attack
Helen Hart--November 4, 2001--Complications from a seizure.
Russ Haas (27)--December 15, 2001--Heart Attack.
Wahoo McDaniels (63)--April 18, 2002--Died from complications from renal failure and diabetes.
"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith (39) --May 18, 2002--Died from a heart attack.
Rocco Rock of Public Enemy (49)--September 21, 2002--Heart Attack.
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig (44)--February 10, 2003--acute cocaine intoxication.
Miss Elizabeth (42)--May 1, 2003--Died from a combination of alcohol and painkillers.
"Classy" Freddie Blassie ((85)--June 2, 2003--Unknown
Hawk [Michael Hegstrand] (46)-- October 19, 2003--Heart Attack
Crash Holly (32)--November 6, 2003--Drug overdose
Larry "Moondog Spot" Booker (51)--November 29, 2003--Collapsed in the ring
Malice/The Wall [Jerry Tuite] (37)--December 6, 2003--acute heart attack
Jack Tunney (69)--January 24, 2004--Heart attack
Ray "Big Bossman" Traylor (41)--September 22, 2004--Heart failure.
Lord Alfred Hayes (76)--July 21, 2005--Complications from a series of strokes.
Eddie Guerrero (37)--November 13, 2005--Enlarged heart due to years of drug use.
Bam Bam Bigelow [Scott Bigelow] (45)--January 19, 2007--Drugs.
Bad News Brown (63)--March 6, 2007--Heart Attack
"Sensational" Sherri (Martel) (49)--June 15, 2007--Accidental overdose.
Nancy "Women" (Sullivan) Benoit (43)--June 25, 2007--Strangulation. Died at home with Chris Benoit and their son Daniel (Suffocation).
Chris Benoit (40)--June 25, 2007--Suicide by hanging
Brian "Crush" Adams (43)--August 13, 2007--Overdose of prescription medications.
Gary Hart (66) March 16, 2008-- Heart Attack
Walter "Killer" Kowalski (81) August 30, 2008--Complications from heart attack
S.D. Jones (63) October 26, 2008-- Stroke
Andrew "Test" Martin (33) March 13, 2009--accidental overdose of Oxycodone.
Umaga (36) December 4, 2009--Heart Attack
Lance Cade (29) August 13, 2010--Apparent Heart Failure.
General Skandor Akbar (75)--unknown
Luna Vachon (48) August 27, 2010--Drug overdose..
Bastian Booger (53) September 12, 2010--Heart Attack.
Randy "Macho Man" Savage (58) May 20, 2011--Car accident caused by a heart attack.
Doug Furnas (50) March 2, 2012--heart disease.
Brad Armstrong (51) November 1, 2012--Medical distress
Paul Bearer (58) March 5, 2013--Heart attack
Doink the Clown [Matthew Osborne] (55) June 28, 2013 --Drug overdose
Mable (Nelson Frazier, Jr.) (43) February 18, 2014--Heart attack.
The Ultimate Warrior (54) April 8, 2014--Unknown at this time

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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2014, 04:17:52 PM »
I think the WWE has a lot to answer for when it comes to steroid taking. I know these guys aren't forced to shoot it into their veins but I doubt they really discourage it either.

They aren't forced? Eh, I'm not too sure about that. The guys who get into the business really only have ONE opportunity to make any money in it, and that's with the WWE. When they're faced with the choice of roid freaking and making more money than they've ever seen before, or NOT using roids and continuing to be dirt fucking poor working in the deli dept of a redneck nowhere grocery store (like in the movie The Wrestler)... that's not much of a "choice" at all. And seeing as how Vince McMahon Jr is obviously yet another steroid shooting loon AND he's the final word on what goes on with the entire company, it seems pretty logical to think that he might be a severely unhinged individual (because steroids tends to just fuckin' DO that to people) who could possibly be strongarming and threatening people into doing shit they might not otherwise do.
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2014, 04:33:47 PM »
You are probably right. After chris benoit did the unthinkable and all the media focus was on the WWE, rumours swirling of roid rage, Vince had to be seen to be doing something about steroid use in the WWE, and john cena and a few others were stood down for a period of time, cause it's blatantly obvious he shoots up. they waited till it blew over and cena and others were back still doing roids. Look at wrestlers like Big E Lankston, cena, Orton, I would say the majority of them do it. There are a few who don't though
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #79 on: April 10, 2014, 02:54:24 AM »
You are probably right. After chris benoit did the unthinkable and all the media focus was on the WWE, rumours swirling of roid rage, Vince had to be seen to be doing something about steroid use in the WWE, and john cena and a few others were stood down for a period of time, cause it's blatantly obvious he shoots up. they waited till it blew over and cena and others were back still doing roids. Look at wrestlers like Big E Lankston, cena, Orton, I would say the majority of them do it. There are a few who don't though

The VERY few. :lolsign: I dunno if Daniel Bryan does, he doesn't really jump out. After seeing Undertaker at Wrestlemania, he looks a little smaller and more normal than he's looked in the past. But you can tell, he HAS done it in the past. That humongous fuckin' forehead of his... that shit's a product of prolonged steroid usage. Glenn Danzig has the same freaky forehead.

Some of the stiffs on that list aren't results of steroid abuse though. I definitely remember Bam Bam Bigelow, used to watch him back when ECW was independent from WWF, also remember seeing him playing a bad guy in one of those Snakeeater action movies with Lorenzo Lamas. That dude might have very well never touched steroids. He was just a big ass gorilla of a man. He was also known for being a really hard living hard partying dude. Definitely NOT a guy you would've wanted to piss off when he was drunk. Guys that big, you can shoot em at close range with a 357 hand cannon and they'll just take the gun away from you and end up beating you to death with it. :D
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #80 on: April 10, 2014, 03:07:08 AM »
I think most wwe superstars are taking steroids. It just varies on the dosage. IDK bout Big Show though.
I also kinda bit suspicious bout Vince.
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #81 on: April 10, 2014, 04:55:22 AM »
kinda bit suspicious bout Vince.

Yeah he was on roids. I was watching a documentary on the infamous seoul olympics 100m race between carl lewis and ben johnson. and how roids are rife in the sporting world. One of the ways they knew someone was on roids is when their viens were popping out

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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #82 on: April 10, 2014, 05:39:38 AM »
Veins popping out has less to do with steroids and more to do with fat to muscle ratio. Fat that stores all over the body, even on people who aren't "fat", hides those veins from showing on the surface. I've never taken steroids a day in my life, but there was a time about 6 or 7 years ago that I didn't have a whole helluva lot of money and sometimes went several days between meals. Eventually I lost so much weight that my veins started popping out all over my arms. People thought I had been smoking crystal meth or something. Nope. Just fuckin' starving half to death. :D

I've seen plenty of guys who DON'T take steroids, maintain a proper bodybuilder/athlete diet, and lift weights a lot. As far the diet part goes, they don't take all those bodybuilding protein supplements and other shit that you buy in bulk jars from GNC, they just eat a healthy balanced diet. And while they still become strong as a fucking ox, they still don't have the same look. These humongous bulbous bulging motherfuckers who are taking steroids to look that way aren't necessarily any stronger than someone who doesn't look like that. The muscle may take up more space and appear to have more mass, but at a certain point, that ceases to matter. True strength and lifting ability comes from the size of the bone the muscle is attached to. That's why a dude that's 6'6" and doesn't really lift weights can sometimes beat a guy that's 5'7" and DOES lift weights religiously in an arm wrestling match. And going back to veins popping out... yeah, guys who abuse steroids will certainly have veins showing. Most of that is due to their diets and how they obsess over body fat ratios. But part of it is due to the fact that steroids dilate blood vessels and capillaries, allowing more oxygen to reach the tissue, allowing you to work the muscle longer and harder, which is precisely how roid freaks get so enormous. Those veins are all already there and visible if your body fat percentage is low enough. It's just that steroids make them a lot more pronounced.
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #83 on: April 10, 2014, 09:12:40 AM »
Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
Denial is a crime against humanity!

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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #84 on: April 10, 2014, 03:54:10 PM »
Speaking of roids ^ - hemorrhoids
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #85 on: July 20, 2014, 07:53:39 PM »
Cena wins again. :zzz:
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #86 on: July 20, 2014, 08:59:03 PM »

Seriously. This shit is like 98% scripted. If they can turn Cody Rhodes into this "Stardust" twink literally OVERNIGHT with basically no explanation or back-story at all for the fans, why can't they sense that most of the fanbase is getting tired of seeing John Cena win every god damn PPV event he's in. Granted... he's the one of the only semi-wholesome family friendly characters in the organization. The larger older portion of the fanbase enjoys the more adult oriented storylines and R rated characters, but you still gotta have a couple of PG rated ones for the kids so the parents will keep buying the toys and shit for christmas. But DAMMIT MAN. COME ON! :frustration:

And speaking of CM Punk's rather odd unexplained exit from WWE... I'm sure currently he's bound by contractual obligations and threats of ridiculously painful lawsuits to keep his mouth shut about whatever happened due to nondisclosure clauses or whatever. But ONE DAY that shit is gonna be null and void. And it'll be interesting to hear the whole unfiltered story of what exactly happened. :-\
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:06:06 PM by |iR|Focalor »
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #87 on: July 20, 2014, 09:50:00 PM »
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #88 on: July 20, 2014, 10:16:01 PM »
That phone call is kinda what watching WWE pay per view events is like. It's just John Cena, again, and again, and again. You turn it on thinking, "There's NO WAY John Cena could be allowed to win again." But alas, he does. :mrdead: He must have naked pictures of somebody important, I swear to god.
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Re: Wrestling
« Reply #89 on: July 29, 2014, 11:13:58 AM »
I haven't really read much in the thread but I just wanna say foc's on point r.e. roids having nothing to do with vascularity (veins), it's purely down to your bodyfat % and genetics. If you have exceptionally low bodyfat and great circulation, you're going to be vascular as fuck, steroids or not. I am not lean, I would estimate my bodyfat% to be at LEAST 25% if not more, and I have very vascular forearms, legs and even my chest/pecs to some degree when I'm doing physical activity. Biggest thing to look for when wondering if someone is on steroids is the most obvious possible thing, have they gained an incredible amount of mass within a relatively short time space? if so, roids. There is a ceiling as to how much natural muscle mass you can put on per month, and it is not alot at all. It takes years to gain a sizeable physique without enhancing through steroid abuse.

also acne and making gains despite eating like total shit is a clear sign of steroid abuse too, most of the time.

back on topic, stopped watching over a year ago :(
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I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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