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Topic: Wrestling (Read 59355 times)
Carpal Tunnel Member
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #135 on:
October 01, 2015, 11:33:47 PM »
Hogan will be back in the wwf and sting will get a belt. If wcw booker t can be a champ in the wwe, so can sting. I never was a fan of wcw sting, but i guess over time, he won me over. hall of fame for sure. hogan still best ever.
Quote from: |iR|Focalor on November 16, 2023, 05:19:21 AM
Futhermore, you keep saying "occupation". It's not an occupation.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #136 on:
October 02, 2015, 07:15:22 AM »
It's different with Sting though. Sting flat out refused any offers from WWF back in the 90's, and Sting was always one of the biggest attractions in WCW. The day I stop thinking that WWF/WWE still holds a huge grudge against the old WCW is the day that they bring Eric Bischoff (former owner of WCW along with Ted Turner) back as a major part of any current story line. The WWE has inducted numerous former WCW wrestlers into their "Hall of Fame", but I highly doubt they've inducted Mr. Eric Bischoff or ever WILL.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #137 on:
January 24, 2016, 11:56:50 PM »
This Royal Rumble's winner kinda caught me by surprised.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #138 on:
January 26, 2016, 05:43:47 PM »
Yeah, kinda. It makes sense though. I don't keep up with WWE at all other than watching torrents of the PPV's a day or two afterwards (and always fast-forwarding through the Divas Championship match, cuz they're fucking annoying filler). Anyway, I have no idea what's happened since the Royal Rumble, but I kinda anticipate that if Triple H is going to be in some main event at Wrestlemania, the biggest name opponent they'd likely pit him against would be Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrock Lesnarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. That is... unless they dig another big name up from his grave like they did with Sting last year. Or maybe Triple H vs Undertaker for that matter. At some point, Mark Callaway (Undertaker) has gotta retire for good. I can't imagine his last match would be anywhere other than at Wrestlemania, and I can't imagine they'd let him walk out as anything other than a winner. He's been the promotions #1 or #2 biggest money maker in it's history, second only to maybe Hulk Hogan back in the 80's.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #139 on:
January 26, 2016, 06:50:33 PM »
I say at present, WWE is going to the dumps. They failed to create superstars that will match the popularity of Undertaker, HHH, shawn michaels, the rock etc. Now they are in a conundrum that they have to go all the way back to previous superstars to keep things interesting.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #140 on:
January 27, 2016, 06:52:59 AM »
Supposedly they're making more money than ever, or at least they were. When the WWE Network shit first came out, they were taking in obscene amounts of cash, which is what led McMahon to take the huge gamble on launching the WWE Network to begin with. Then apparently shortly after it went worldwide, he discovered that it wasn't going to do as well as projected. I think they claimed that these overseas sports streaming sites were featuring their content and that's why sales weren't as high as projected, but I tend to think all the media coverage of the financial trouble that McMahon was in after the launch of WWE Network was pure bullshit. UFC's parent company Zuffa LLC as well as WWE had a lot to do with why so many of those streaming sports sites got shut down permanently. A few remain though, and the ones that do are no longer tolerating users blocking the ads that finance the sites, and because of that, you're more likely to get infected with some heinous 3rd party shit due to the ads hitting you with automatic downloads of god-only-knows-what. Last time I was using those sites, half the listed streams were wanting you to download some kind of "codec" exe to supposedly be able to play the video for a HD stream. Yeah, right. Cuz random codec exe's on the web have NEVER been known to be fake.
Anyway. Yeah. I sort of agree. I guess WWE probably also owns a few other wrestling promotions like NXT and a couple others. I think I remember them saying that Kevin Owens came from NXT. And if NXT is to WWE what the minors are to the majors in baseball... then they called up the wrong pitcher. He's a fucking fatass dork. Supposedly Bray Wyatt came from NXT as well. From what I read on wiki a while back, his name back in those days was "Husky Harris". He might be a chubbster fuck, but at least apparently he changed his ring persona to something a little flashier and more intriguing. The whole hillbilly Manson family-esque routine kinda works. Kevin Owens... is just a fat douche who always flares his nostrils out during his walkout as if he's trying to ascertain the origin of a fart smell lingering on the breeze. Either that, or he's just always got a boogar in his nose that he can't quite suck up.
I think at some point, the whole "pro wrestling" thing could possibly die a whimpering pathetic death. Luckily they have the kids as a major target audience. They can licence the shit outta toys and make money hand over fist off the little bastards until the end of time. There's too much other shit out there to watch and follow these days. Like UFC. UFC is real. Man, I used to fucking LOVE heavyweight boxing when I was a kid. I don't give a single good god damn to watch it anymore, it doesn't matter WHAT they do. Because UFC is just
in my opinion. It's boxing... plus a whole lot more, which takes more skill, and makes the outcomes of fights a lot less predictable, and thus more entertaining to watch. There's WAY more going on in a mixed martial arts fight than a straight up plain old boxing matching.
Part of it is... WWE is a semi-family friendly brand. I'd love it if they'd start having nothing but matches like back in the 90's with ECW. Guys like Tommy Dreamer and Bam Bam Bigelow doing Jackass style wrestling stunts, with real weapons and REAL blood. But... they can't put that shit out there for 8yr old kids. Some of the parents would freak the fuck out. And that's why McMahon OWNS ECW now. ECW quickly made a name for itself back in those days, and god only knows what the fuck could've become of it had McMahon not bought out WCW and several other promotions.
Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 07:12:21 AM by |iR|Focalor
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #141 on:
April 07, 2017, 05:36:06 PM »
I was trying to watch the Wrestlemania PPV this past Sunday night, but I ended up falling asleep halfway into the kickoff show, so I turned it off when I woke up about halfway through the PPV and figured I'd just watch it sometime later in the week. Finally got around to watching it today.
Not a bad Wrestlemania. The 4-way tag team match of Shamus/Cesaro vs Anderson/Gallows vs Enzo/Big Cass vs Hardy Boys stole the fucking show.
The final match was Roman Reigns vs Undertaker. And as I suspected was gonna happen, Undertaker LOST to Roman fucking Reigns.
And after Reigns walked out with the belt over his shoulder, Undertaker finally got off the mat. And, in what I kinda suspected was coming at some point pretty soon, Undertaker apparently made one final gesture to signify that he was "hanging up the gloves". I've seen UFC fighters going into retirement do this, so when I saw Undertaker unstrapping his MMA gloves and laying them in the center of the ring, I thought, "Oh no. This CAN'T be how it ends. Not with a loss, and not with a loss to Roman Reigns of all people."
He went on to take off his trenchcoat and lay it on top of his gloves, then slowly removed his hat and laid it on top of his coat. And before heading back up the ramp to make his final exit, he broke character for the first time I can ever recall by heading over to the front side of the ring to kiss his wife.
But after perusing around the web, it appears to be all but explicitly confirmed. Undertaker has retired. I maybe should've seen it coming. He lives near Orlando FL where the event was held, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that WWE secured that venue in advance specifically to accommodate him to make it easier for him to make a showing.
Have we seen the last of the Undertaker? Probably. Mark Callaway's BEEN too old for this shit for several years now. But I also kinda think WWE won't be satisfied with the way the Undertaker story ended, and they might possibly surprise us by bringing him back just one last time so he can walk off as a winner. I think his legacy in the wrestling world deserves that much, and WWE more than owes it to him. He's been the single biggest attraction for them for the past almost 30 years and they've made MILLIONS selling merchandise with his likeness on it. Hulk Hogan was also a huge WWF star, but if you remember, he signed on with Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner's WCW back in the 90's. Undertaker has stayed loyal to WWF/WWE for his entire career, even at times when he possibly could've gone elsewhere. Like I said, they OWE his legacy more than the unmitigated bullshit that happened at Wrestlemania 33.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #142 on:
April 23, 2017, 11:29:15 AM »
Big Show vs Braun Strowman on WWE Raw.
Niiiice. The whole ring... it just
shit itself!
First time I've ever seen that happen. For once, WWE does something a little different to break the monotony.
Fast forward to 2:00 if you don't wanna sit through the whole thing.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #143 on:
April 23, 2017, 04:54:27 PM »
Talking bout wrestling, when i was channel surfing the other day, i saw this "Lucha Underground" thingy. SO happens that they have some sort of king of the ring / royal rumble in which reminds me of the old school wwc.
Hey rey mysterio and chavo guerero are mainstays there
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Irrepressibly Profuse Member
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #144 on:
April 23, 2017, 07:56:54 PM »
I don't watch WWE on TV at all. Raw or Smackdown, I never watch it. My wrestling viewing never goes beyond the PPV's that I download after they air. I'd
just get a subscription for WWE Network on my XboxOne because I think it's only 10 bucks a month, however... I would never watch all the other dumb shit they have on there, just the PPV's. And I know the PPV's through my satellite provider would cost upwards of 50 bucks each, and here lately with the WWE subdividing into Raw and Smackdown again, that means there's twice as many PPV's per month (from only 1/month to maybe 2-4/month). But still... meh, nah, not gonna pay the 10 bucks a month for the entire WWE Network lineup when all I'll watch is the PPV's. And even if I WANTED to watch everything WWE related, I wouldn't have the time to keep up with all of it AND the other shit on TV that I try to keep up with.
However, if something like ECW was ever to come back on TV... I might be convinced to tune into something like that occasionally. Back in the mid and late 90's, I used to watch ECW pretty regularly. Back then, I also used to watch a local wrestling promotion called WZW (WarZone Wrestling) on some public access channel at about 1am every Friday or Saturday night. They used to do weekly shows at the old heavy metal/hard rock venue called the International Ballroom out in Doraville GA just NE of Atlanta. Dunno if the place is even there anymore. I remember going there to see bands like Type O Negative, Cannibal Corpse, and several others back in the mid 90's. Saw Cannibal Corpse back when Chris Barnes was still the frontman, and Type O Negative right after Bloody Kisses came out and they still hadn't become crazy popular yet so it wasn't super-crazy packed like their shows got to be from October Rust onwards. Anyway, rambling a bit here. WZW was like a poor man's local carbon copy of ECW. They'd do all kinds of crazy shit with tables, chairs, shovels, cheese graters, frying pans, barbed wire, broken glass, you name it. In many ways, it was actually BETTER than ECW. The only complaint I had about watching it was usually the lighting was a little too low in the venue to be able to see everything clearly on TV with the shitty cameras they were using to shoot it all. Always wanted to go see one of the WZW shows in person, but was never able to.
There's not much about it online anywhere. But I managed to find this on youturd just to show you the horrible production quality. LOL, it was sooooo shitty!
But I loved it. This must've been from the early days of things because no one's fighting in the aisles where the audience is and no one's using weapons or bleeding everywhere, which was pretty much an EVERY MATCH kinda thing at the time when I was watching it weekly.
Here's another clip I found showing the reeeeally low budget intro to the show... as well as a commercial right at the start of it for some kinda local Korean or Cambodian or Chinese farmers market. See, the International Ballroom where the show was held every week was in the Doraville and Chamblee area of the NE Atlanta metro area, which has a reeeeeally high concentration of Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc etc. A few of us white folks irreverently (or racistly, whatever) refer to that part of town as "Chambodia" rather than Chamblee, lol.
And if you think the sound and video quality is just how the shit got recorded onto VHS and then onto someones PC to upload it to youturd... no, not really. That's pretty much exactly how the show looked and sounded on TV, it was fucking terrible, haha!
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #145 on:
April 05, 2018, 03:53:45 PM »
The Undertaker... not so retired, maybe.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #146 on:
April 05, 2018, 04:41:41 PM »
guess recycling is the in thing nowadays even in wrestling
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Irrepressibly Profuse Member
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #147 on:
April 05, 2018, 06:19:12 PM »
I dunno, from what I've seen on the WWE ppv's, the japs are the in thing. Everybody's goo goo over this Shinske Nakamura weirdo and the almost equally weirdo Asuka (pronounced Ahss-KUH for some fuckin' reason, don't ask me). Granted... she's got the kind of face I wouldn't mind pulverizing repeatedly with my cock. Still... I don't get why these two yutzes are so popular. Or maybe I do... cuz I guess anything is better than the same ole same ole shit like Cena and Orton etc.
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #148 on:
April 06, 2018, 04:18:53 PM »
the script writers seriously need new ideas. storylines are getting so corny and childish. Seriously I lost interest in watching any PPV events even for free.
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Irrepressibly Profuse Member
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Re: Wrestling
Reply #149 on:
April 07, 2018, 07:40:24 AM »
Well the big granddaddy PPV Wrestlemania is tomorrow night. You don't wanna miss this one.
I'm thinking Undertaker vs Cena is gonna happen, it will REALLY be Undertakers last match, and Cena will lose to him. Supposedly Cena was fucking livid after watching Undertaker lose his final match vs Roman Reigns. I'm thinking he's agreed to take a loss against him as a way to let him go out a winner. Then again, it's Wrestlemania, maybe they'll both just walk out and do some retarded dialogue.
They always try to outdo themselves every year, and they usually have some kinda pants-shitting surprise up their sleeve. With Undertaker most likely coming back one final time, and the whole Ronda Rousey shit, I'm curious as a motherfucker to see if there WILL be any surprises.
Also can't wait to see the new Andre the Giant documentary coming to HBO next week.
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