Author Topic: Everyone in coding forums talk about cleancode.... welll I have something to say  (Read 11422 times)

Offline Ace

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say and ask...

Does anyone or is anyone even REALLY cleaning the code.... I am tired of all the monster, weapon references, Can someone please explain to me how to clean the code free of Q2 related junk, and just be an engine ready for newer content, and strip all old references?   When they make clean code, ITS NOT CLEAN, its just cleaned up with newer code, that runs better, but what about all the old Q2 references?   THEY ARE GETTING IN THE WAY!  Can someone please tell me how to clean the code that way, and get rid of all the stuff I don;t need thats Q2 related, so I can basically add newer content, and not be side tracked or blinded by a bunch of irrelavant code that has nothing to do with the Game I am trying to develope, it pissing me off, and is becomeing very frustrating coding arround all this BS....   SO who can tell me what I need to remove?  What lines of code?  I already know how to remove some of the monster related crap, and weapon crap thats not needed, but there is still references in the exe part and ded server part that I have to find, and this is becoming frustrating as well.....  SO WHERE IS THE REAL CLEAN CODE???  :help:  :frustration:

AND FFS of course, I don't want bugs, it still has to be working! not crash on map loads, and not act all wonky!

For instance, I am trying to strip old Monster references, model dependancies, code dependancies, of course I still want monster code to make new monsters, but it has to be stripped!

Same for weapons, keep all the muzzle flashes, and cool effects that are needed for weapons and trajectories and math, but remove all the old weapon refrences not need, in example I DONT NEED Quad, or other BS that is irrelevant to my game, the blaster will be replaced, so there is no need for it either!

Then I still want to read maps like normal, so that aspect can not be stripped, it still has to read the old Q2 map format, and keep all those references.

I am making a new fgd for worldcraft with the new modifications, but I can't do it utill the old references are gone.  Speaking of which, does anyone have a Q2 simular source compiler engine thats simular to Qbsp, and arghrad, and the such so I can up the limits.  I am tired of being limited!

This is going to be a mmo, so alot of things have to upped, max models, max entieis, max this and that.  I can't even compile my maps without these limitations.  It would be just so much easier to have compilers that went beyond those limitations.  Also I need a source so it can be used for BAND only not Q2, it complains saying it can;t find Q2 when I compile direct to my band game? wtf???

Not to mention the ICON thing! I hate this part of the code and want to rip the programmers head apart who did this limitation thing:

// playerState->stats[] indexes
enum {
   STAT_HEALTH_ICON      = 0,
   STAT_FLASHES,               // cleared each frame, 1 = health, 2 = armor

   MAX_STATS            = 32

Then there is the EXE issues being dependant on old maps.... I don;t need them, I got to remove them safely, whats teh safest approch to cleaning the code to be ready for newer content.... same with menus, they all have to be replaced, and new c's and h's have to be added for leveling systems....  I am going all out on this project and I need your guys advice and help, hell I NEED PROGRAMMERS!!!

Both me and my lead programmer are getting sick of this code, and want a fresh Q2 compatible start on the engine then add what we need for the game!

PS, and how the hell do I make Q2 read AVI files and not the old CIN Videos!!  Let me guess I would have to strip that too, and replace ti with AVI, and get a avi lib?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:40:44 AM by Ace »
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Offline quadz

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I am tired of all the monster, weapon references, Can someone please explain to me how to clean the code free of Q2 related junk

Sure, focus on GetGameAPI().  Usually located in g_main.c.

And, correspondingly, look at game_import_t and game_export_t in game.h.

Your game code needs to provide only the functions specified in game_export_t.  (Init, Shutdown, SpawnEntities, ClientConnect, RunFrame, etc.)  You can delete everything else.



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Thank you Quadz! I love you man....  But what about the exe, will it fix it too?

Basically I read up in that part of the code, and it has alot of CIN switches, and map switches I need removed as well...  Grr... I hate coding IN C++!

So what c and h's can I safely remove from the code solution, and what corrispondig c and h's do I need to alter after removing them?  I know the monster ones so far, "BARELY", but I am learning...

I forgot to mention I am using EGL source code, and cgame seems to get in teh way too, but it has alot of usefull things like the mouse interaction, menu replacements, and new effects, and shader/new graphics support, but is there a way I can merge it with game and get rid of cgame entirely?  Or am I not making sense?

and I have lot more on my mind, for instance I do not know where in cgame the shaders are.... for I remember in one of the mods for Q2, or total conversion either it was q2advanced, or R1Q2, but one of them had the detail shader effect, whioch I want in this mod too.... anyone have that code and know where to place it since I can;t seem to find that in cgame?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:47:01 AM by Ace »
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I removed some monster references, and on compile I get these errors:

1>g_ai.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _M_walkmove referenced in function _ai_move
1>g_misc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _M_walkmove
1>g_monster.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _M_walkmove
1>g_ai.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _M_ChangeYaw referenced in function _ai_charge
1>g_ai.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _M_MoveToGoal referenced in function _ai_run
1>g_phys.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _M_CheckBottom referenced in function _SV_Physics_Step

but I know, I need them, but why is the code referencing them from monsters and not from a global variable?  I did not remove anything that would cuase that errors, I mean I removed stuff.... but why does the ai depend so heavly on the monsters? it should be the other way arround.... its like backwards! 
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YEAH I AM AT WAR WITH THIS CODE, I AM JUST REMOVING SHIT LEFT AND RIGHT!!!! I AM KILLING THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL  :righteous: :fight: :rocketright: :rocketleft: :exqueezeme: :frustration:
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Also I need a source so it can be used for BAND only not Q2

I wouldn't put too much effort in modifying GPL'd code for a commercial product,
unless you intend to release the source code under the GPL, and just sell the

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I want the engine, becuase I am too dumb and lazy to switch map editors....  and yes I will be making my own stuff, along with other devs, and it does plan to go commercial so ye bye GPL once the licenses is bought....
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Yeah I know I was harsh about ripping his head off, but you guys have to admit alot of the coding is backwards, and going arround in loops and knots and plots and shits and fits.....  The code is terrible and needs major cleaning, If he was going to release the GPL, at least eh should of cleaned it first, and got rid of all other junk that devs would care less for in the program... I mean come on, if your going to dev, why waist the time with extra code cluttering up the code... besides most coders just want the interface, net code, and things that allow modifications for a new game in most aspects...   If I wanted gunner in my game, I would of made it myself simple enough said.... but nooooo.... he wanted to keep the code there, and said here, you deal with it, I am too lazy to clean if first!  I mean he should keep the c and h files relevant to Q2, I am refering to the solution and its references, he should of made a clean solution before release, with samples, not have the solution being all cluttered like that for us devs to clean up!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 09:28:46 AM by Ace »
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I am more upset about the solution than the code to be honest, the code is fine in alot of aspects, when I say "CLEAN CODE" I mean a "CLEAN SOLUTION" for us programmers to work with, and not have to remove them ourself, I rather be adding on, than removing when building up the solution!  :frustration:

Or maybe I am asking the wrong people for help on this, but seriously, the solution is cluttered with utter crap thats not needed for developers to make a new game.  Even if its GPL!

So in other words, someone needs to make a clean solution with cleaned up code, for devs who want to make a new game using the Q2 engine.... ...Which I am attemptig to do now....
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 10:11:43 AM by Ace »
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Yeah I know I was harsh about ripping his head off, but you guys have to admit alot of the coding is backwards, and going arround in loops and knots and plots and shits and fits.....  The code is terrible and needs major cleaning, If he was going to release the GPL, at least eh should of cleaned it first, and got rid of all other junk that devs would care less for in the program... I mean come on, if your going to dev, why waist the time with extra code cluttering up the code... besides most coders just want the interface, net code, and things that allow modifications for a new game in most aspects...   If I wanted gunner in my game, I would of made it myself simple enough said.... but nooooo.... he wanted to keep the code there, and said here, you deal with it, I am too lazy to clean if first!  I mean he should keep the c and h files relevant to Q2, I am refering to the solution and its references, he should of made a clean solution before release, with samples, not have the solution being all cluttered like that for us devs to clean up!

I thought it was pretty common to see code in games that was originally planned to be used, but eventually abandoned in order to make it to ship out date (e.g. secret characters revealed by hex editors in games), or useless code just being left in because altering it might break the game.
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If done right it might not break the game, thats why I said "samples" to prevent breaking in the integraty of the code, to prevent errors, and allow room for expansion or new improvements to the code.... but he didn't so what ever....  :rocketright: :rocketleft:

but to be honest we could argue all day about his failures.... what I want is results, so who is willing to help me?  so far Quadz has without any arguments of why.... Quadz don't have to ask why, becuase he knows what I want, but does everyone else know what I want in this game?  not sure.... only time will tell... so basially I am asking for help too in the same sense as to breaking the code, to fix the code.....
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 12:18:19 PM by Ace »
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 :rockon: I LOVE Q2's Engine, and the map editor I use, used for 10+ years, and I just hate to see a plan I came up with go up in smoke and go poof.... and if this is what it takes to get it done by all means I will do it, unless someone else has already done it, and I can learn from it... but I did manage to ONE TIME get Quake2 to work without all that monster crap, and still have some monster code left over for future monster creation.... however now I am not so lucky becuase I am fininding the EXE compiles fine without error, oblivious to the change to the DLL so when I compiled the new EXE and tried runing it, the maps crashed which it did not do this before, so I am trying to figure out why that is....  or what I did to kill it... so I reverted back to old code I had, tried again, but now the dll wont compile at all....
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maybe you can take a look at some existing mod source code and try to reproduce what you need one step at a time?
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VaeVictus "reaper is a lying sack of shit and ragequit then had, probably slugs, come alias and beat me, wasnt even the same person playing OBVIOUSLY, accuracies basicly doubled, and strategy

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alot of the coding is backwards, and going arround in loops and knots and plots and shits and fits.....  The code is terrible and needs major cleaning

That's why I suggested focusing on GetGameAPI().  Because a key to Q2's architecture is the way the game.dll is separated from the engine.  So you can throw away 100% of the game.dll code and start over with your own design, so long as you provide the few functions the engine requires from you via GetGameAPI().

If he was going to release the GPL, at least eh should of cleaned it first

Newblet, id Software is one of the only game companies to release the source to their AAA titles, for the community to learn from and customize.

They deserve nothing but thanks for their unparalleled level of awesomeness in this regard.

Sure, the Q2 codebase is not a shining example of low-coupled, modular programming.  But hey, whatever parts you don't like you can always improve.

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September 03, 2024, 05:15:49 PM
And wow Derrick is still playing lol


September 03, 2024, 05:15:15 PM
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In nomine Quake II et Id Software et Spiritus John Carmack, Amen.


July 26, 2024, 05:10:30 PM
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July 24, 2024, 01:31:20 PM
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July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


July 24, 2024, 01:25:59 PM
hi ya está la basura de Martin, se cambió el nombre es un ladron estupido, asi llegó a 10000[img]<iframe src=";show_text


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