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Vae raped by yours truly :(
« on: November 25, 2010, 12:35:20 AM »
After playing a lil bit of negrolive, I saw Vae on IRTDM so I decided to throw up an alias and go fuck with him a lil....this is now two mods down(tdm and railz, both of which you are self-proclaimed among the best at and neither of which I ever fucking that's two of your mods, can we play mine yet? :( )...and without further adieu, here be the results...and try not to rage or come up with too many excuses now Vae...nobody likes a whiney bitch :(  :

(inc whines, excuses, and well, whatever else vae does :D )

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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 12:46:15 AM »
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 01:05:18 AM »
what picmip setting is that el rick?
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 01:07:40 AM »
kewl rick, you won because you were aliasing until the last minute or so :)

you can rail, you are an ra2 player, if you couldnt rail id have to laugh twice as hard at you...

but you still wouldnt beat me if i didnt think i was playing a noob for the first two minutes :)

too bad you are too much of a pussy to try again without a cheap trick like aliasing...

and btw, if you want to talk shit about me in tdm, PLAY ME IN TDM :) you played me back in january when i just started quake2... youd get raped now lol

oh and if i feel like digging it up later i can post a screenshot of you getting a negative net vs me in 2v2 on irtdm :) kinda sad considering its 2v2... easy to get a positive net lol
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2010, 01:27:51 AM »
yawn...knew you'd type me out a novel about how you are currently raging so hard right now cuz you got raped in the mod you claim to be one of the best at...and dig up what ss? don't have anything guy, quit fooling yourself...I only alias'd as I didn't want to go into a shit talk fest with you as soon as I got in...I wanted to get straight to the raping, which I don't go off trying to kid yourself that you'd play so much different if you knew it was me from the'd still try your little fucking heart out and get fucking shat on like you just did.....and keep this in the back of your head...not only is this the 2nd time of me raping you, but both times we're from me leeching wireless from the old lady 3 houses down rofl....that's just how fucking bad you really shit is so fucking delayed and I still raped you....try to get some sleep tonight sweety  :lolsign:
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2010, 04:34:36 AM »
just as expected you prac a day or two and vae aint shit

hey vae , your fucking camper , your double jump script failed you hard nikka

rick was wide open the whole map , you suck assclots

cant say nice win rick cuz vae sucks , but you already knew that
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2010, 06:58:41 AM »
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
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Sometimes I think it’s a sin when I feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again

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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2010, 08:28:25 AM »
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2010, 09:59:16 AM »
just as expected you prac a day or two and vae aint shit

hey vae , your fucking camper , your double jump script failed you hard nikka

rick was wide open the whole map , you suck assclots

cant say nice win rick cuz vae sucks , but you already knew that

still beat you every time :)

and if i knew it was rick i woulda played better lol

seriously, aliasing is a pretty retarded trick
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2010, 10:31:39 PM »
just as expected you prac a day or two and vae aint shit

hey vae , your fucking camper , your double jump script failed you hard nikka

rick was wide open the whole map , you suck assclots

cant say nice win rick cuz vae sucks , but you already knew that

still beat you every time :)

and if i knew it was rick i woulda played better lol

seriously, aliasing is a pretty retarded trick

and whining after every lost is pretty lame trick :/....played your stipulations (yet again) and it's still not good enough...played you in a mod you're self-proclaimed "one of the best" at and raped you...I know I didn't win by much, but when you take a look at the circumstances, you got raped....leeching wireless alone = raped, haven't touched q2 for about 2 weeks (been playing negrolive) = raped,and playing the way I did = raped haha....I played so dumb just because insta bores the SHIT out of me and you still sucked bad...gave you the first 4 frags and you still failed :(....I bet you thought you were gunna win after the first couple frags though then pulled the rug out from under you :(......I mean, simply reply and say "gg, you won"...the excuses are boring...especially "you only won because you used a cheap trick like aliasing to win"....that is hands down the dumbest fucking excuse I've ever heard in my q2 career...just WOW, act like aliasing is equivalent to aim botting or the sort...the only thing you would had done differently, had you known it was me,  was instead of being a faggot (bundle of sticks), you would have been a humongous faggot (bundle of sticks)...and by that I mean you would have talked shit non-stop(which I normally do as well, but I just wanted to get straight to raping you instead of talking shit for an hour first) and you would have hid/camped/ran maybe but I mean, you were still trying your little heard out as seen in the demo and got raped....go punch your pillow and let it out, I know you're angry...go practice CTF for a week (bout all you need to get it down pat) and watch a couple of h0p's demos to learn how to grapple and then 1on1 me so I can earn a hat trick :)
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2010, 11:04:52 PM »
just as expected you prac a day or two and vae aint shit

hey vae , your fucking camper , your double jump script failed you hard nikka

rick was wide open the whole map , you suck assclots

cant say nice win rick cuz vae sucks , but you already knew that

still beat you every time :)

and if i knew it was rick i woulda played better lol

seriously, aliasing is a pretty retarded trick

and whining after every lost is pretty lame trick :/....played your stipulations (yet again) and it's still not good enough...played you in a mod you're self-proclaimed "one of the best" at and raped you...I know I didn't win by much, but when you take a look at the circumstances, you got raped....leeching wireless alone = raped, haven't touched q2 for about 2 weeks (been playing negrolive) = raped,and playing the way I did = raped haha....I played so dumb just because insta bores the SHIT out of me and you still sucked bad...gave you the first 4 frags and you still failed :(....I bet you thought you were gunna win after the first couple frags though then pulled the rug out from under you :(......I mean, simply reply and say "gg, you won"...the excuses are boring...especially "you only won because you used a cheap trick like aliasing to win"....that is hands down the dumbest fucking excuse I've ever heard in my q2 career...just WOW, act like aliasing is equivalent to aim botting or the sort...the only thing you would had done differently, had you known it was me,  was instead of being a faggot (bundle of sticks), you would have been a humongous faggot (bundle of sticks)...and by that I mean you would have talked shit non-stop(which I normally do as well, but I just wanted to get straight to raping you instead of talking shit for an hour first) and you would have hid/camped/ran maybe but I mean, you were still trying your little heard out as seen in the demo and got raped....go punch your pillow and let it out, I know you're angry...go practice CTF for a week (bout all you need to get it down pat) and watch a couple of h0p's demos to learn how to grapple and then 1on1 me so I can earn a hat trick :)

A. nice wall of text, you care too much, get a life

B. ctf is shit

C. play me again without the alias trick :) you can rail, instagib is a very very easy mod, but if i didnt figure i was playing some noob the whole time then it woulda turned out quite differently... you under estimate the difference between me sorta trying, and me trying lol i dont see why you are so proud of one win in instagib that you had to alias to get considering its the easiest mod to pick up

and D. play me in tdm, thats where you talk shit that i actually care about :) your aim wouldnt save you, it would be all too easy for me... plus, if you dont alias i wont go easy on you :P
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2010, 12:52:47 AM »
just as expected you prac a day or two and vae aint shit

hey vae , your fucking camper , your double jump script failed you hard nikka

rick was wide open the whole map , you suck assclots

cant say nice win rick cuz vae sucks , but you already knew that

still beat you every time :)

and if i knew it was rick i woulda played better lol

seriously, aliasing is a pretty retarded trick

and whining after every lost is pretty lame trick :/....played your stipulations (yet again) and it's still not good enough...played you in a mod you're self-proclaimed "one of the best" at and raped you...I know I didn't win by much, but when you take a look at the circumstances, you got raped....leeching wireless alone = raped, haven't touched q2 for about 2 weeks (been playing negrolive) = raped,and playing the way I did = raped haha....I played so dumb just because insta bores the SHIT out of me and you still sucked bad...gave you the first 4 frags and you still failed :(....I bet you thought you were gunna win after the first couple frags though then pulled the rug out from under you :(......I mean, simply reply and say "gg, you won"...the excuses are boring...especially "you only won because you used a cheap trick like aliasing to win"....that is hands down the dumbest fucking excuse I've ever heard in my q2 career...just WOW, act like aliasing is equivalent to aim botting or the sort...the only thing you would had done differently, had you known it was me,  was instead of being a faggot (bundle of sticks), you would have been a humongous faggot (bundle of sticks)...and by that I mean you would have talked shit non-stop(which I normally do as well, but I just wanted to get straight to raping you instead of talking shit for an hour first) and you would have hid/camped/ran maybe but I mean, you were still trying your little heard out as seen in the demo and got raped....go punch your pillow and let it out, I know you're angry...go practice CTF for a week (bout all you need to get it down pat) and watch a couple of h0p's demos to learn how to grapple and then 1on1 me so I can earn a hat trick :)

A. nice wall of text, you care too much, get a life

B. ctf is shit

C. play me again without the alias trick :) you can rail, instagib is a very very easy mod, but if i didnt figure i was playing some noob the whole time then it woulda turned out quite differently... you under estimate the difference between me sorta trying, and me trying lol i dont see why you are so proud of one win in instagib that you had to alias to get considering its the easiest mod to pick up

and D. play me in tdm, thats where you talk shit that i actually care about :) your aim wouldnt save you, it would be all too easy for me... plus, if you dont alias i wont go easy on you :P

Replay to A: rofl, and you read every word of it so you care more...I mean, look at your history of posts or even your post count compared to mine...and I need to get a life? live on here/IRC/and Q2 and you tell me to get a life, loller.

Reply to B: Scared.

Reply to C:  I don't underestimate shit...I knew you'd try your little heart out, aliased or not, so I didn't try (as I know I don't need to try to beat you, loller)...I aliased as I didn't feel like talking shit for an hour first, then playing....I mean, watch the were trying...don't try to deny it either...I think you even spawn killed me once or twice too, but that's not trying?

Reply to D: because you got raped in a mod you're self-proclaimed "one of the best at" and even challenged me to(you said play you in either TDM or insta and you'd rape me) you want me to replay you in TDM because you "don't care about insta", now that I raped you in I said, I have no problem playing you in TDM once you play my stipulations...I've now played your stipulations twice now(TDM on a non-edge map, and INSTA...both of which I don't play, nor like or even good at haha), play mine now....quit fucking avoiding the inevitable hat trick that I'm about to obtain.

You truly need to get a life...there is more to life outside of quake, like pussy for example...I know even your faggot (bundle of sticks) ass could obtain some...adultfriendfinder.c*m (I've heard good things about this site from a couple of my friends that are almost as pathetic as you) or the StEaLtH/relaxin way - plentyoffish.c*m (one of my good friends actually uses it and I swear that fucker has a different girl EVERY night and they are actually pretty hot)....and there's the simplicity of actually going out and meeting women that way....hopefully this helps, because people like you normally turn to suicide after a few years...and as much as I'd love for you to fucking kill yourself, I still think you have a wee bit of hope left for ya....I think.

Vaevictus = Duke Togo?  I swear they sound so much alike.  Played his way twice now and he still thinks he can beat me and wants another re-match but under his mod/map...why can't we play mine now?  :(
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2010, 01:36:55 AM »
cause ctf sux :) lol

and nice trollin... you try too hard

and no, not really, wasnt trying :P i dont have to try to pick corner shots and get spawn frags... if you think that classifies as trying, you are a noob... lol

and seriously, play me again if you think you are so good :) what is so hard to understand about that?
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2010, 02:12:28 AM »
cause ctf sux :) lol

and nice trollin... you try too hard

and no, not really, wasnt trying :P i dont have to try to pick corner shots and get spawn frags... if you think that classifies as trying, you are a noob... lol

and seriously, play me again if you think you are so good :) what is so hard to understand about that?

I troll? rofl...look at how fast you respond to my reply's...and I'm the troll? fucking live on these forums doesn't matter what time of the day it is, I get a response within an hour or two or sometimes even minutes really need to get a fucking life guy..CTF only sucks because you suck at it, end of the demo again, you were trying....and wtf is this shit always about "repeat results"...I've never heard of this shit until your faggity ass graced us with your have to beat someone a couple times or a few times before the win actually stands and you'll stfu?...or is it, I have to keep playing you until you miraculously pull off a win so you can sit on that forever?...I'm laughing at you picking anything you can to jab at me because you're raging so hard over that loss still....I can just feel you raging anytime I read your posts or see you typing're trying to play it off but you aren't fooling me.

Played you in your two "best" mods and mods I don't even play nor like or am even good at rofl and raped you at both..I know that's the part that's making you rage the most right I don't even play the fucking mods and you play them all damn day long everyday rofl...and that's why you're really fearing me in know if you can't beat me in your two best mods with me having a handicap, then there is no way in hell you'll come close to beating me in mine.

Oh and Vae......                                          .........waiting.
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Re: Vae raped by yours truly :(
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2010, 06:44:24 AM »
Is it just me or is this reminiscent of the old krez and/or granny posts. Brings back such fond memories of q2  :headbang:


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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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