Author Topic: Friday Night King Of The Hill Results!  (Read 3208 times)

Offline Er!c@

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Friday Night King Of The Hill Results!
« on: August 24, 2010, 07:21:17 PM »
This thread is where all the weekly king of the hills results will go from now on. It will be locked until i need to update it. The other king of the hill thread will constitute as the discussion thread, so have at. Thanks

Here are the most recent ones I've posted:

King of the Hill Week 20

1:: Warposaurus(xrdvx) vs. tehSandwich - FRDM3 - Winner: Warposaurus
2:: Crow{ReBorn} vs. Warposaurus(xrdvx) - Match1 - Winner: Crow{ReBorN}
3:: peewee_RotA vs. Crow{ReBorN} - q264_7 - Winner: peewee_RotA
4:: dodson vs. peewee_RotA - q2rdm2 - Winner: dodson
5:: >SR<V43V1CT15 vs. Dodson  - q2rdm2 - Winner: >SR<V43V1CT15
6:: Venova vs. >SR<V43V1CT15 - q2rdm5 - Winner: >SR<V43V1CT15
7:: Shun vs. travolta - q2dm1 - Winner: Travolta
8:: Korrupt vs. travolta - ztn2dm1 - Winner: travolta
9:: Barton vs. travolta - q2dm1 - Winner: travolta
10:: Misery vs. travolta - ztn2dm3 - Winner: travolta

King of the Hill - Travolta

King of the Hill Week 21

1:: Er!c@ vs. tehsandwhich - frdm3 - Winner: Er!c@
2:: xRDVX vs. Er!c@ - q2dm3 - Winner: xRDVX
3:: Venova vs. xRDVx - frdm3 - Winner: Venova
4:: estlou vs. Venova - koldduel1 - Winner: Venova
5:: Dodson vs. Venova - q2rdm2 - Winner: Dodson
6:: [BTF]Defiant vs. Dodson - q2dm3 - Winner: [BTF]Defiant
7:: Adren vs. [BTF]Defiant - q2dm1 - Winner: Adren
8:: travolta vs. Adren - q2duel5 - Winner: Adren
10:: 404 vs. Adren - q2rdm2 - Winner: Adren
11:: TGA vs. Adren - q2dm1 - Winner: Adren
12:: Eternity{FLP} vs. Adren - q2dm1 - Winner: Adren

King of the Hill - Adren

King of the Hill Week 22

1:: Er!c@ vs. tehsandwhich - frdm3 - Winner: Er!c@
2:: Crow{ReBorN} vs. Er!c@ - draxiduel2 - Winner: Er!c@
3:: Barton vs. Er!c@ - q2dm1 - Winner: barton
4:: str1ker vs. Barton - ptrip - Winner: Str1ker
5:: Dodson vs. Str1ker - ztndm3q2 - Winner: Str1ker
6:: 187 Slugs, vs. Str1ker - ztn2dm3 - Winner: 187 Slugs
7:: Vae Victis vs. 187 slugs - aerowalk - Winner: 187 Slugs
8:: Venova vs. 187 Slugs - frdm3 - Winner: 187 Slugs
9:: Travolta vs. 187 Slugs - broken3 - Winner: 187 Slugs

King of the Hill - 187 Slugs

Sorry Missed a Few Weeks :/ wont happen again

King Of The Hill Week 25

1:: Ke1evar(Stevo) vs. Crow{X} - q2rdm2 - Winner: Crow{X}
2:: Crow{x} vs. Misery - q2duel5 - Winner: Misery
3:: Misery vs. tehsandwich - aerowalk - Winner: Misery
4:: Misery vs. Torc}{[ReBorn] - q2dm1 - Winner: Misery
5:: Misery vs. {X}Er!c@ - frdm3 - Winner: Misery
6:: Misery vs. Barton - Aerowalk - Winner: Barton
7:: Barton vs. AmP - koldduel1 - Winner: Barton
8:: Barton vs. {X}V!Tal - Match1 - Winner: {X}V!tal
9:: {X}V!Tal vs. travolta - mkmetal(?) - Winner: {X}V!tal

Week #25 King of the Hill - {X}V!Tal
« Last Edit: August 24, 2010, 07:53:32 PM by Er!c@ »
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"<[2d> i am considering suiciding dont worry" <br><br>

"<@Killo> damn so ericas right
<@Misery> she always is"

Offline Er!c@

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Re: Friday Night King Of The Hill Results!
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2010, 08:42:04 PM »
King Of The Hill Week 26

1:: T17u5 vs. rawburt - ztn2dm3 - Winner: Rawburt
2:: rawburt vs. tehsandwich - aerowalk - Winner: rawburt
3:: rawburt vs. {X}Er!c@ - frdm3 - Winner: {X}Er!c@
4:: {X}Er!c@ vs. Apathy - match1 - Winner: Apathy
5:: Apathy vs. yancy - q2DM7 - Winner: Yancy(FF Win)
6:: yancy vs. {x}V!TaL - confess - Winner: {X}V!Tal
7:: {x}V!TaL vs. VaeVict1s - q2rdm2 - Winner: VaeVict1s
8:: VaeVict1s vs. kyuss - q2dm1 - Winner: Kyuss
9:: kyuss vs. {X}FaderJok - spasmo6 - Winner: Kyuss
10:: Kyuss vs. travolta - ztn2dm3 - Winner: Kyuss
11:: Kyuss vs. dark0 - q2dm1 - Winner: dark0

King Of The Hill: dark0 :)

Congrats and great games everyone!
Come back next week!

All matches can be watched here:

Thanks Jehar!
  • Insightful
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    Whoosh! You done missed the joke thar Cletus!
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    Preposterously Irrational Arguments
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    Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
    Amazing Conspiracy Theory Bro
    Racist Ignoramus
"<[2d> i am considering suiciding dont worry" <br><br>

"<@Killo> damn so ericas right
<@Misery> she always is"

Offline Er!c@

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Re: Friday Night King Of The Hill Results!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 08:46:15 PM »
King Of The Hill Week 27

1:: TecHNaSTy`HX vs. tehsandwhich - ztn2dm3 - Winner: TecHNaSTy`HX (they moved TecHNaSTy`HX back due to a huge win)
2:: [btf]Misery vs. {X}FaderJok - aerowalk - Winner: {X}FaderJok
3:: {X}FaderJok vs. {X}Er!c@ - frdm3 - Winner: {X}Er!c@
4:: {X}Er!c@ vs. TecHNaSTy`HX - aerowalk - Winner: TecHNaSTy`HX (they just let him play, match didn't count.)
5:: {X}Er!c@ vs. {x}Apathy{X} - ztn2dm3 - Winner: {x}Apathy{X}
6:: {x}Apathy{X} vs. [BTF]5antana - ztn2dm3 - Winner: {x}Apathy{X}
7:: {x}Apathy{X} vs. Venova - frdm3 - Winner: {x}Apathy{X}
8:: {x}Apathy{X} vs. dodson -  ztndm3q2 - Winner: dodson
9:: dodson vs. randypantzZZ - ptrip - Winner: randypantzZZ
10:: randypantzZZ vs. fartboner - q2dm7 - Winner: randypantzZZ
11:: randypantzZZ vs. VaeVict1s- q2rdm2 - Winner: VaeVict1s
12:: VaeVict1s vs. KyuSs - q2dm1 - Winner: kyuSs

King Of The Hill: kyuSs

Congrats and great games everyone!
Come back next week!

Wanna play next week? Join us on IRC on friday nights, 8:45 for signups. #tastycast :)

All of tonights matches can be watched here:

Thanks Jehar!

« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 09:36:49 AM by Er!c@ »
  • Insightful
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    Frag Hall of Fame
    Jump of the Week
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    Whoosh! You done missed the joke thar Cletus!
    Obvious Troll Is Obvious
    Factually Challenged
    Preposterously Irrational Arguments
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    Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
    Amazing Conspiracy Theory Bro
    Racist Ignoramus
"<[2d> i am considering suiciding dont worry" <br><br>

"<@Killo> damn so ericas right
<@Misery> she always is"

Offline Er!c@

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Re: Friday Night King Of The Hill Results!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2010, 08:14:28 PM »
King Of The Hill Week 28!

1:: {x}FaderJok vs. {X}Er!c@ - aerowalk - Winner: {X}FaderJok
2:: {X}FaderJok vs. tehsandwhich - aerowalk - Winner: {X}FaderJok
3:: {X}FaderJok vs. Misery - q2duel5 - Winner: {X}FaderJok
4:: {X}FaderJok vs. RAWBURT - q2campgrnds - Winner: {X}FaderJok
5:: {X}FaderJok vs. Barton - aerowalk - Winner: Barton
6:: Barton vs. {x}Apathy{X} - ztn2dm3 - Winner: {x}Apathy{X}
7:: {x}Apathy{X} vs. Venova - dkshaft - Winner: {x}Apathy{X}
8:: {x}Apathy{X} vs. [BTF]Dead Beat -  koldduel1 - Winner: [BTF]Dead Beat
9:: [BTF]Dead Beat vs. kyuSs - koldduel1 - Winner: kyuSs

King Of The Hill: kyuSs

Congrats and great games everyone!
Come back next week!

Wanna play next week? Join us on IRC on friday nights, 8:45 for signups. #tastycast
Just Type !signup and you're ready to go.

All of tonights matches can be watched here:

Thanks Jehar && Kane!
  • Insightful
    Nice Job / Good Work
    Rock On
    Flawless Logic
    Well-Reasoned Argument and/or Conclusion
    Demonstrates Exceptional Knowlege of the Game
    Appears Not to Comprehend Game Fundamentals
    Frag of the Week
    Frag Hall of Fame
    Jump of the Week
    Jump Hall of Fame
    Best Solution
    Wins The Internet
    Whoosh! You done missed the joke thar Cletus!
    Obvious Troll Is Obvious
    Factually Challenged
    Preposterously Irrational Arguments
    Blindingly Obvious Logical Fallacies
    Absurd Misconstrual of Scientific Principles or Evidence
    Amazing Conspiracy Theory Bro
    Racist Ignoramus
"<[2d> i am considering suiciding dont worry" <br><br>

"<@Killo> damn so ericas right
<@Misery> she always is"


El Box de Shoutamente

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