What is the mod of actcity2 in which the upper portion has more exits and the bank leads back into the billboard area?I guess that regardless, any version of actcity2 is unfair for new players because there is a spawn that has no way down except for death/dismemberment unless you exit quick enough during the spawn protection. Any new team that spawns up there will automatically lose that round.I'll have more input about it tonight. I'm still a little foggy on some of the filenames to maps. Such as, is actcity3 the one with the giant void in the middle? That map is great for Aq2 CTF, but not sure about regular teamplay, I'd like to test it out before officially suggesting it.As for server set up, a few things that are generally variable:Do all players start with grenades?Does the Bandoleer provide a grenade if selected?Is there an option for kevlar helmet?Are we using the literal score at the end of the match timeout, or will winning players who then die off before the timer runs out still be considered a win?Any weapons banned? (I've seen people freak out over "shitgun" use)
Saturday the 19th? or Sun 20th?