Author Topic: Wallhacker?  (Read 44260 times)

Offline Whirlingdervish

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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #45 on: May 27, 2010, 12:05:17 PM »
Do you think you could even land one rail with 350-400+ ping? Scrub up 40 kills in 12 minutes? Half that time it was a 1v1; oh did I mentioned my ping was jumping from 350-400+? Opposed to my regular 260?.

Actually I can land one rail with a 350+ ping. I've done so in a 1v1 recently.
It was also vs a much better opponent than anything you were seeing on railz this morning.
You can ask vae yourself.

My regular ping is about 48-50ms and I can still manage a pretty good showing on railz with whatever ping.
I regularly get 200-300 fph when I play from work with no sound, a 300+ variable ping and a netgraph like the one above (people on the VPN, receptionists streaming/downloading constantly) which is what I was getting whilst dueling vae for shits and giggles the other day.

Your steady 300 ping is probably WAAAY easier to play with than that shit.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 12:07:46 PM by Whirlingdervish »
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #46 on: May 27, 2010, 12:08:39 PM »
After watching all the demos again and then Dervish's demo it is a very noticable change...trying to give you some credit man but it's two totally different playstyles, you seem WAY less aware since AC has been forced.   Not to say you were cheating but id love you to post a demo with the same type of gameplay...if you can post a demo of you hitting the multiple crazy shots you were hitting since forced AC it would give credence to your claims of always being legit.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #47 on: May 27, 2010, 01:57:06 PM »
i spose sometimes it doesn't really count for much when you have ac either because i am still being accused of cheating by people because they can't grasp some of the moves i manage to pull off with my ping. I voluntarily loaded ac because i was being accused of cheating and even after i have been using it still happens. just goes to show you can't please everyone
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Offline VaeVictis

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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2010, 03:20:42 PM »
i spose sometimes it doesn't really count for much when you have ac either because i am still being accused of cheating by people because they can't grasp some of the moves i manage to pull off with my ping. I voluntarily loaded ac because i was being accused of cheating and even after i have been using it still happens. just goes to show you can't please everyone

lol there is a difference between noobs accusing you of cheating and decent/good players... i have played you several times, and your aim is quite impressive for a 200 ping, and your prediction shots are nice :) but i understand how you pull them off, and i have watched you play a bit, you obviously do not wall hack, you just play very smart

noobs accuse me of walling on railz also even though i have always ALWAYS played quake2 with anticheat, not once have i ever played without ac with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 times where i didnt notice avg gobbled it up :( those accusations are purely based off of them not understanding that tdm players do more than point and click when we see some one... however, the play and prediction i saw from tomek before and after forced ac, it seems to me like he has lost a good 70% of his ability... not to say he cant still rail, but he can no longer land crack shot after crack shot after crack shot and cannot keep track of opponents as well or consistantly

ALSO to tomek, why are you using the excuse that your ping is a little variable? every time i have seen you, your ping has looked exactly the same, low-mid 300s, i have never seen you with 400, and i have never seen you with under 300, so it may be slightly variable but well within acceptible limits for such a high ping and not nearly as wide a range as you say
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2010, 09:46:02 PM »
first off, hello everyone. my name is tiny. you will often see me playing with tomek. so, before i commence the ownage let's just get our facts straight:

1) whirlingdervish.. when did you become such a clown on these forums? i've done my research on you and this muppet known as vaevictis. your  clanmate and my buddy Kami -- yes, you know that name -- can vouch for everything i'm about to say right now. i have owned you many times in rails as has tomek. it's funny you guys think he's using wallhack/toggled aimbot when he's using egl 3.1 r1 version which is easily googled and downloadable. you will also find out you will get the same error using default settings when entering any AC enforced server until you properly tweak the settings. all of these demos and condumps of tomek's "suspicious" actions are just your own self fulfilling fictitious acts. it's like saying you saw an alien when noone else did, but, hey, you saw it so it's real!

2) vaevictis, please stop coming on this message board making up utter BULLSHIT. where do i begin with you? you used to frequent IRC, got plowed and rage quit that. i have logs to prove that. i told you if you thought me or tomek was hacking, you can 1v1 either of us on any AC enforced server and i will OPENLY put up $500 via paypal and pay you if you beat either of us. my ping on tastyspleen is a single digit. i strongly advise you rethink that approach.. and you did - know why? because you rage quit the fucking server right after i gave you that offer. i also went digging around and saw a very nice thread..

this tells me you haven't hit puberty yet and you are still trying to do your best to socially fit yourself in a game that is equivalent to roadkill. this game is dead, has been dead for a long time, and all of the good players have left it. occasionally veterans like kami and tomek grace your pressence. i don't even need to get on you because that thread tells me you have not found an identity for yourself yet. nothing wrong with that, bro, but you are still a cubscout. this is the big boy leagues. stay in your place. you can't possibly be older than 16 and if you are i truly feel for your mental state.

last night what actually happened was you came in talking shit because you try oh-so-hard when you play rails. when me and tomek join, we rail only ONE person. ashtar. he is the ONLY PERSON we kill. he is the ONLY reason we even play rails. if he isn't there and we are playing, we use hand grenades. so, tomek's FPH can be easily explained by either 1) him not trying 2) him using hand grenades or 3) him not trying.

you must be a fucking retard if you actually believe a FPH is a concrete indication if someone is hacking. oh, but you do! so i guess that confirms your retardation.

we've been using these names on tastyspleen servers for at least 2-3 years, console can investigate and verify it. i am an OG ctf, lmctf, and ra2 player. rails is just for fun, nothing to be taken serious. and all of you guys discussing the dm/tdm skill level.. please realize there is not a serious american DM scene. the only serious deathmatch gaming taking place in quake2 is european -- i am also recognized there by the best european players ranging from damiah, purri, careem, isbjorn, etc. there's no reason for this to have developed into an e-peen contest but that's what it looks like. "we know tomek is hacking because we are pro on dm" yea, because being someone that can double jump, loop the exact same pathing with a combat armor timer is very pro. once again, vaevictis JUST made a thread about item timers. he doesn't even realize there are DM paks that come already fully customized with tweaked skins, sounds, and models. you have to be respectable to get those from the top players though. based on your bipolar attitude, you definitely would not have gotten a pass there.

if any of you played ra2 (that goes for the entire iR clan, especially goatkilla, because i played with him ALOT) then you know my name whether it be hal or tastyspleen. again, easily verified via console. my isp may have changed but my name never did on these servers.

all i'm asking is you guys stop with this exaggerated bullshit and lies. vaevictis, tomek never even talks. i am the one that is always talking shit. i watched all of the demos, they prove nothing. i was observing him during the games and i saw nothing suspicious.

also, as far as flick shots.. you have no idea what you are talking about.  the whole point of twitching your wrist is to snap it and shoot. you don't keep moving because after that "flick", "twitch" or "snap" your movement halts completely. i think it's funny you are attempting to fabricate any form of evidence to prove tomek is an illegitimate player.

if any of you have been around in q2 or any shooter back in the last 10 years, you remember majority of players were 200-500 pingers. alot of them did amazing things that us low pingers could never do because they adapted and evolved their gameplay based on that 2+ second prediction. he is an aussie player that has frequented american servers for so long he's become accustomed to it.. you guys need to look at it from his perspective instead of your own. there's really nothing else that reads to be said.

most importantly, stop coming on these forums and making up bullshit that never happened, Vaevictis. you told me you never heard of kami so i brought kami to the server within minutes.  (he was in iR too so, for you not to have heard of him tells me you don't know shit about this game or tastyspleen servers) when he came and owned you and had nearly double your FPH you all of a sudden lost interest and "went to sleep". ironically, 20 mins after that, you were on another server where kami wasn't.  :WTF:

notice you see Digency and notkami on that list? me and tomek know both of them and played with them regularly. do i really need to come and get people to vouch for what i'm saying? seriously. you guys have all banded up against tomek when you don't even know his background at ALL. so, like i said, just stick to playing your game however you want and we will continue killing ashtar and laughing about it. when you feel like you have something to prove i will be more than happy to put some money up for myself or anyone i fuck with and we can make it official.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 09:59:53 PM by tiny »
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2010, 09:51:21 PM »
Only played him once, have to agree that he only hit corner shots. Either way, beat him to the 40... crouching. :D
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #51 on: May 27, 2010, 09:57:39 PM »
this is absurd, the guy does not cheat in any way.  the discrepancies on the demo can be fully explained by a high ping chasecam (a feature quake2 and r1q2 has never fully resolved when encountering a player with lots of lag).  because of this you cannot use any discrepancy in the demo to accuse a wallhack or aimbot, since you will be going on flimsy evidence.

tomek has continued to play under anticheat and nothing is different.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #52 on: May 27, 2010, 10:22:59 PM »
first off, hello everyone. my name is tiny. you will often see me playing with tomek. so, before i commence the ownage let's just get our facts straight:

1) whirlingdervish.. when did you become such a clown on these forums? i've done my research on you and this muppet known as vaevictis. your  clanmate and my buddy Kami -- yes, you know that name -- can vouch for everything i'm about to say right now. i have owned you many times in rails as has tomek. it's funny you guys think he's using wallhack/toggled aimbot when he's using egl 3.1 r1 version which is easily googled and downloadable. you will also find out you will get the same error using default settings when entering any AC enforced server until you properly tweak the settings. all of these demos and condumps of tomek's "suspicious" actions are just your own self fulfilling fictitious acts. it's like saying you saw an alien when noone else did, but, hey, you saw it so it's real!

2) vaevictis, please stop coming on this message board making up utter BULLSHIT. where do i begin with you? you used to frequent IRC, got plowed and rage quit that. i have logs to prove that. i told you if you thought me or tomek was hacking, you can 1v1 either of us on any AC enforced server and i will OPENLY put up $500 via paypal and pay you if you beat either of us. my ping on tastyspleen is a single digit. i strongly advise you rethink that approach.. and you did - know why? because you rage quit the fucking server right after i gave you that offer. i also went digging around and saw a very nice thread..

this tells me you haven't hit puberty yet and you are still trying to do your best to socially fit yourself in a game that is equivalent to roadkill. this game is dead, has been dead for a long time, and all of the good players have left it. occasionally veterans like kami and tomek grace your pressence. i don't even need to get on you because that thread tells me you have not found an identity for yourself yet. nothing wrong with that, bro, but you are still a cubscout. this is the big boy leagues. stay in your place. you can't possibly be older than 16 and if you are i truly feel for your mental state.

last night what actually happened was you came in talking shit because you try oh-so-hard when you play rails. when me and tomek join, we rail only ONE person. ashtar. he is the ONLY PERSON we kill. he is the ONLY reason we even play rails. if he isn't there and we are playing, we use hand grenades. so, tomek's FPH can be easily explained by either 1) him not trying 2) him using hand grenades or 3) him not trying.

you must be a fucking retard if you actually believe a FPH is a concrete indication if someone is hacking. oh, but you do! so i guess that confirms your retardation.

we've been using these names on tastyspleen servers for at least 2-3 years, console can investigate and verify it. i am an OG ctf, lmctf, and ra2 player. rails is just for fun, nothing to be taken serious. and all of you guys discussing the dm/tdm skill level.. please realize there is not a serious american DM scene. the only serious deathmatch gaming taking place in quake2 is european -- i am also recognized there by the best european players ranging from damiah, purri, careem, isbjorn, etc. there's no reason for this to have developed into an e-peen contest but that's what it looks like. "we know tomek is hacking because we are pro on dm" yea, because being someone that can double jump, loop the exact same pathing with a combat armor timer is very pro. once again, vaevictis JUST made a thread about item timers. he doesn't even realize there are DM paks that come already fully customized with tweaked skins, sounds, and models. you have to be respectable to get those from the top players though. based on your bipolar attitude, you definitely would not have gotten a pass there.

if any of you played ra2 (that goes for the entire iR clan, especially goatkilla, because i played with him ALOT) then you know my name whether it be hal or tastyspleen. again, easily verified via console. my isp may have changed but my name never did on these servers.

all i'm asking is you guys stop with this exaggerated bullshit and lies. vaevictis, tomek never even talks. i am the one that is always talking shit. i watched all of the demos, they prove nothing. i was observing him during the games and i saw nothing suspicious.

also, as far as flick shots.. you have no idea what you are talking about.  the whole point of twitching your wrist is to snap it and shoot. you don't keep moving because after that "flick", "twitch" or "snap" your movement halts completely. i think it's funny you are attempting to fabricate any form of evidence to prove tomek is an illegitimate player.

if any of you have been around in q2 or any shooter back in the last 10 years, you remember majority of players were 200-500 pingers. alot of them did amazing things that us low pingers could never do because they adapted and evolved their gameplay based on that 2+ second prediction. he is an aussie player that has frequented american servers for so long he's become accustomed to it.. you guys need to look at it from his perspective instead of your own. there's really nothing else that reads to be said.

most importantly, stop coming on these forums and making up bullshit that never happened, Vaevictis. you told me you never heard of kami so i brought kami to the server within minutes.  (he was in iR too so, for you not to have heard of him tells me you don't know shit about this game or tastyspleen servers) when he came and owned you and had nearly double your FPH you all of a sudden lost interest and "went to sleep". ironically, 20 mins after that, you were on another server where kami wasn't.  :WTF:

notice you see Digency and notkami on that list? me and tomek know both of them and played with them regularly. do i really need to come and get people to vouch for what i'm saying? seriously. you guys have all banded up against tomek when you don't even know his background at ALL. so, like i said, just stick to playing your game however you want and we will continue killing ashtar and laughing about it. when you feel like you have something to prove i will be more than happy to put some money up for myself or anyone i fuck with and we can make it official.

so much bullshit... i dont know where to start...

I never said i had never heard of kami, i said i had never played kami, and i hadnt... aside from that, my fph was low on that last map (which i still won easily) because i was sitting around reading all your bullshit half the time -.- i dont believe he doubled my fph, and if he did, so what? did he win? i was just sitting around enough that any decent railer could have passed my score and won with so many people on the server

I really did have to go, i dont believe i was on another server later unless some one was aliasing as me which does happen, i have real life shit to worry about right now and cant be bothered to let you guys stress me out more with your idiocy

You keep saying you have played with that name for ages, and i have to wonder, whats your real alias? you told me to go check you up on the q2scene edl stuff, i did, no screen name "tiny" or even anything close

Another thing is that item timers are disabled and do not work on tastyspleen tdm servers, i was asking because i saw a bunch of top pros using them in demos and i think it may be something i should look into if its something all top pros use, and if you think 1v1 is THAT shallow, you are a fucking idiot, anyone in their right mind will tell you that 1v1 is the highest form of skill in quake2, combining aim, metagame, jumping, map knowledge, item control and much more

My thread apologizing to the community was completely honest, Every single person in this community is a real person and how alive or dead the game is does not matter with whether i should apologize or not for some of the things i have done, i will admit that i can be quite unstable in how i act a lot of the time and i am trying to improve on it and treat people better, but ass holes like you really make it quite hard

If you want my respect, if you want ANYONES respect, try not acting like a complete arrogant ass hole every single time you type something, all you have done is act like you are better than every single person you are around, which you are not

And no i was not around in the hay day of quake2, i havent even played quake2 a single year, so i dont remember the high ping days, but just because some old school pros could do amazing things on a high ping doesnt mean that tomek is even in the same tier as those players :) he was walling and now that ac is forced he is playing much worse

I had never said anything about his twitch shots, in my opinion they are kinda pathetic, and every single kill he got on me when it was just him and me on dm1 (which i won anyway) was around a corner on some crazy prediction shot that some one on that ping should not have landed that quickly, i understand being able to rail on a high ping, but a high ping is still a physical limitation in your ability to react as fast

Also, i had not joined and started talking shit last night, i was on the server just rolling through everyone when you decided to join and start talking shit, and i wasnt trying oh-so-hard, its railz, i dont give a damn about instagib its just something i do when im bored, im in an itdm clan just for shits and giggles because i can aim and i have fun playing with the other members occasionally

Lastly i wasnt owned off irc, i got pissed one night and said "i fucking hate tastyspleen players!", i cant even remember why at this point but it had nothing to do with a single person in the irc chanel, scored me a ban the next day when quadz read the logs i assume, i still frequent tastycast and tastyspleen irc chanels whenever i am not banned and they are still on my autoconnect list, i still message users that are connected to the tastyspleen irc chanel for help/info such as derv and quadz
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #53 on: May 27, 2010, 10:51:28 PM »
Lastly i wasnt owned off irc, i got pissed one night and said "i fucking hate tastyspleen players!", i cant even remember why at this point but it had nothing to do with a single person in the irc chanel

Essentially you were banned often enough in the channel for your tantrums, that eventually we just shrugged and left it that way:

#tastyspleen_20091112.log:[15:43:10] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091112.log:[19:48:09] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091207.log:[16:47:59] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091218.log:[00:21:33] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[16:04:29] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[14:27:50] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[15:35:44] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[15:36:26] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[19:01:12] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[19:03:21] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[21:49:26] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*


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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #54 on: May 27, 2010, 10:53:42 PM »

so much bullshit... i dont know where to start...

I never said i had never heard of kami, i said i had never played kami, and i hadnt... aside from that, my fph was low on that last map (which i still won easily) because i was sitting around reading all your bullshit half the time -.- i dont believe he doubled my fph, and if he did, so what? did he win? i was just sitting around enough that any decent railer could have passed my score and won with so many people on the server

no, you did say you never heard of kami. i wish i condumped that shit. that's when i started pasting this IRC log. let me show you again.

Quote 7 of 9:  the life of vaevictis:  wake up. eat wheaties. get owned at ql. whine and cry, and then whine and cry when people make fun of the whining and crying. get owned again at ql. deflect insults by saying they suck, and not come up with any in return. get owned in ql more. bitch more on tastyspleen. go to sleep and dream about playing ql and getting owned still. <notkami>

after you said "i don't know kami" i messaged him on aim _IMMEDIATELY_ and he came within 2 minutes. you then got raped by him, he doubled your FPH in 2 minutes and you rage quit the game. ask him yourself. i'm sure he is more than capable of recalling such an incident since it should be considered repetition at this point :)

I really did have to go, i dont believe i was on another server later unless some one was aliasing as me which does happen, i have real life shit to worry about right now and cant be bothered to let you guys stress me out more with your idiocy

i'm pretty sure this conversation is far from any form of "idiocy" my friend.

You keep saying you have played with that name for ages, and i have to wonder, whats your real alias? you told me to go check you up on the q2scene edl stuff, i did, no screen name "tiny" or even anything close

oh, you are right. i apologize. i registered under my alias "fulgore" on there little html posting for actual tournament matches. i don't post on the q2scene forum. you can post there and ask about me and someone will be more than happy enough to inform you.

Another thing is that item timers are disabled and do not work on tastyspleen tdm servers, i was asking because i saw a bunch of top pros using them in demos and i think it may be something i should look into if its something all top pros use, and if you think 1v1 is THAT shallow, you are a fucking idiot, anyone in their right mind will tell you that 1v1 is the highest form of skill in quake2, combining aim, metagame, jumping, map knowledge, item control and much more

anyone in their right mind knows in order to measure skill, the candidates need to be on the most equal possible terms. this is what is known as rocket arena or any form of tourney mod. you spawn with everything. theres no item timers, no looping maps picking up items, no hacked sounds so you can know when people step in some water or use an elevator.. the list goes on. you can't convince me 1v1 default is the most skilled aspect of any shooter. sorry buddy.

My thread apologizing to the community was completely honest, Every single person in this community is a real person and how alive or dead the game is does not matter with whether i should apologize or not for some of the things i have done, i will admit that i can be quite unstable in how i act a lot of the time and i am trying to improve on it and treat people better, but ass holes like you really make it quite hard

you must really be bipolar. the day i met you, you started accusing tomek of aim botting and wallhacking IN THE SERVER when he owned you. i never heard of you or anything about you before that day. then you kept talking shit, so i went to my reliable sources and checked your resume. you're a fucking muppet. end of discussion. assholes like myself know their position in the food chain. you haven't found yours yet. i can talk the shit because i've already walked the walk.

If you want my respect, if you want ANYONES respect, try not acting like a complete arrogant ass hole every single time you type something, all you have done is act like you are better than every single person you are around, which you are not

i never said i came here for respect. i already have respect from the players i need it from. i came here to straighten out this bullshit story you are picking at and rearranging like jenga. someone in the server said there was a thread about tomek and we laughed. then another one said it and we laughed again. then another. so guess what? we went and took a look and sure enough there were 3 threads about it. you made one RIGHT AFTER i witnessed you getting mopped all over fucking edge. you typed /quit, loaded up the forum, and made a qq thread. in fact, that seems to be the trend with you. after every game where you feel like you "owned", you come and post some altered story on these forums.

And no i was not around in the hay day of quake2, i havent even played quake2 a single year, so i dont remember the high ping days, but just because some old school pros could do amazing things on a high ping doesnt mean that tomek is even in the same tier as those players :) he was walling and now that ac is forced he is playing much worse

good, so since you have no idea about that type of shit you should do yourself a favor and not talk about that level of play. you don't even know what a "tier" is for shooters.

I had never said anything about his twitch shots, in my opinion they are kinda pathetic, and every single kill he got on me when it was just him and me on dm1 (which i won anyway) was around a corner on some crazy prediction shot that some one on that ping should not have landed that quickly, i understand being able to rail on a high ping, but a high ping is still a physical limitation in your ability to react as fast

i like how you keep saying you never say shit when i watched you say it in the game. are you suffering from schizophrenia too?

Also, i had not joined and started talking shit last night, i was on the server just rolling through everyone when you decided to join and start talking shit, and i wasnt trying oh-so-hard, its railz, i dont give a damn about instagib its just something i do when im bored, im in an itdm clan just for shits and giggles because i can aim and i have fun playing with the other members occasionally

see.. this is why i think you have a legit mental disease. what actually happened is, you just sat around farming fucking newbs. there were over 10 people in small ass maps. having a high FPH is LOGICAL. tomek came in and used hand grenades. his FPH being low is also LOGICAL under these circumstances. after you won 2 maps you said something along the lines of "yawn, fragging out again" and began talking shit about how tomek wasn't in the top 5 for FPH anymore. then we argued about FPH being irrelevant and i told you i have people that say you're a fucking newb. you denied knowing kami. i brought kami into the game, he owned your ass, and you left the game.

you also told me "noone in railz has any skill. anyone can aim and shoot". now your story changed to "i don't give a damn about instagib its just something i do when im bored"


Lastly i wasnt owned off irc, i got pissed one night and said "i fucking hate tastyspleen players!", i cant even remember why at this point but it had nothing to do with a single person in the irc chanel, scored me a ban the next day when quadz read the logs i assume, i still frequent tastycast and tastyspleen irc chanels whenever i am not banned and they are still on my autoconnect list, i still message users that are connected to the tastyspleen irc chanel for help/info such as derv and quadz

Quote 7 of 9:  the life of vaevictis:  wake up. eat wheaties. get owned at ql. whine and cry, and then whine and cry when people make fun of the whining and crying. get owned again at ql. deflect insults by saying they suck, and not come up with any in return. get owned in ql more. bitch more on tastyspleen. go to sleep and dream about playing ql and getting owned still. <notkami>

that's your life story on irc. stop kidding yourself.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2010, 10:54:44 PM »
god vaevictis's stories couldn't make less sense if they were written by Dr. Suess.

it's like he lives in a different reality where he doesn't suck and doesn't throw 3 year old tantrums.   definitely not.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2010, 11:08:31 PM »
god vaevictis's stories couldn't make less sense if they were written by Dr. Suess.

it's like he lives in a different reality where he doesn't suck and doesn't throw 3 year old tantrums.   definitely not.

Hey now! Don't knock the Doc! Dr. Seuss is the shit! When tweedle beetles battle with their paddles on a poodle in a puddle, it's a tweedle beetle poodle puddle paddle battle.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #57 on: May 27, 2010, 11:45:52 PM »
 :lolsign: tiny thinks he's a pro, how cute.
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2010, 12:06:44 AM »

so much bullshit... i dont know where to start...

I never said i had never heard of kami, i said i had never played kami, and i hadnt... aside from that, my fph was low on that last map (which i still won easily) because i was sitting around reading all your bullshit half the time -.- i dont believe he doubled my fph, and if he did, so what? did he win? i was just sitting around enough that any decent railer could have passed my score and won with so many people on the server

no, you did say you never heard of kami. i wish i condumped that shit. that's when i started pasting this IRC log. let me show you again.

Quote 7 of 9:  the life of vaevictis:  wake up. eat wheaties. get owned at ql. whine and cry, and then whine and cry when people make fun of the whining and crying. get owned again at ql. deflect insults by saying they suck, and not come up with any in return. get owned in ql more. bitch more on tastyspleen. go to sleep and dream about playing ql and getting owned still. <notkami>

after you said "i don't know kami" i messaged him on aim _IMMEDIATELY_ and he came within 2 minutes. you then got raped by him, he doubled your FPH in 2 minutes and you rage quit the game. ask him yourself. i'm sure he is more than capable of recalling such an incident since it should be considered repetition at this point :)

lol i never said i didnt know him, i know him from irc, he acts like a dumb ass from what i have seen, and no he didnt own me, i sat around doing nothing most the time and still won that round

I really did have to go, i dont believe i was on another server later unless some one was aliasing as me which does happen, i have real life shit to worry about right now and cant be bothered to let you guys stress me out more with your idiocy

i'm pretty sure this conversation is far from any form of "idiocy" my friend.

lol you are an idiot, everything you say is idiotic and a waste of forum space

You keep saying you have played with that name for ages, and i have to wonder, whats your real alias? you told me to go check you up on the q2scene edl stuff, i did, no screen name "tiny" or even anything close

oh, you are right. i apologize. i registered under my alias "fulgore" on there little html posting for actual tournament matches. i don't post on the q2scene forum. you can post there and ask about me and someone will be more than happy enough to inform you.

kewl story kid, ive never heard of you, so im not impressed

Another thing is that item timers are disabled and do not work on tastyspleen tdm servers, i was asking because i saw a bunch of top pros using them in demos and i think it may be something i should look into if its something all top pros use, and if you think 1v1 is THAT shallow, you are a fucking idiot, anyone in their right mind will tell you that 1v1 is the highest form of skill in quake2, combining aim, metagame, jumping, map knowledge, item control and much more

anyone in their right mind knows in order to measure skill, the candidates need to be on the most equal possible terms. this is what is known as rocket arena or any form of tourney mod. you spawn with everything. theres no item timers, no looping maps picking up items, no hacked sounds so you can know when people step in some water or use an elevator.. the list goes on. you can't convince me 1v1 default is the most skilled aspect of any shooter. sorry buddy.

lol, i dont even know how to come up with a response to that one, that is honestly the stupidest shit i have ever heard come from some ones mouth lmao... the only people that thing that ra2 or instagib is the true measure of skill are the people too stupid to duel, guess that really shows where you stand :)

My thread apologizing to the community was completely honest, Every single person in this community is a real person and how alive or dead the game is does not matter with whether i should apologize or not for some of the things i have done, i will admit that i can be quite unstable in how i act a lot of the time and i am trying to improve on it and treat people better, but ass holes like you really make it quite hard

you must really be bipolar. the day i met you, you started accusing tomek of aim botting and wallhacking IN THE SERVER when he owned you. i never heard of you or anything about you before that day. then you kept talking shit, so i went to my reliable sources and checked your resume. you're a fucking muppet. end of discussion. assholes like myself know their position in the food chain. you haven't found yours yet. i can talk the shit because i've already walked the walk.

you, like most people in the community, have no fucking clue how good i really am, most people believe i am the noobiest of noobs because i rage a lot when i get frustrated, and many have not even seen me play lately without heavy packet loss during events, when im frustrated over something stupid such as my huge packet loss issues ive been having lately, or real life shit, i end up playing much worse than i am capable

If you want my respect, if you want ANYONES respect, try not acting like a complete arrogant ass hole every single time you type something, all you have done is act like you are better than every single person you are around, which you are not

i never said i came here for respect. i already have respect from the players i need it from. i came here to straighten out this bullshit story you are picking at and rearranging like jenga. someone in the server said there was a thread about tomek and we laughed. then another one said it and we laughed again. then another. so guess what? we went and took a look and sure enough there were 3 threads about it. you made one RIGHT AFTER i witnessed you getting mopped all over fucking edge. you typed /quit, loaded up the forum, and made a qq thread. in fact, that seems to be the trend with you. after every game where you feel like you "owned", you come and post some altered story on these forums.

i got mopped all over the edge? when? i must have been sleeping at my computer or something, because all i remember is tomek landing obvious wall hacking shots one after another, and me STILL winning, not to mention, i was arguing with your stupid ass the whole time and he would shoot me when i was typing, and even got the lead at the beginning because of that, then i came back, and raped his face off... kid, seriously, you are an idiot

And no i was not around in the hay day of quake2, i havent even played quake2 a single year, so i dont remember the high ping days, but just because some old school pros could do amazing things on a high ping doesnt mean that tomek is even in the same tier as those players :) he was walling and now that ac is forced he is playing much worse

good, so since you have no idea about that type of shit you should do yourself a favor and not talk about that level of play. you don't even know what a "tier" is for shooters.

you really underestimate me, i wasnt around in those days, doesnt mean i havent seen demos, i know what good players look like playing on a high ping, i know how high ping players play, i know how to use prediction and sound very effectively, i understand completely how high ping players can beat people with a low ping... unfortunately for you and tomek, i also understand the limitations of a high ping player that you WILL NOT overcome just by listening very carefully or having good prediction, tomek was walling, and now that ac is forced he is significantly worse, deal with it

I had never said anything about his twitch shots, in my opinion they are kinda pathetic, and every single kill he got on me when it was just him and me on dm1 (which i won anyway) was around a corner on some crazy prediction shot that some one on that ping should not have landed that quickly, i understand being able to rail on a high ping, but a high ping is still a physical limitation in your ability to react as fast

i like how you keep saying you never say shit when i watched you say it in the game. are you suffering from schizophrenia too?

i never said i never say shit, i said i never said shit to you idiots yesterday when you hopped on, the only person i was talking shit to was ashtard cause he wouldnt stop running his mouth when he couldnt hit the broadside of a barn, and yet both of you dumb asses decided to start giving me trouble cause you are nothing but arrogant pricks who think you are the best, got news for you, you aint the best

Also, i had not joined and started talking shit last night, i was on the server just rolling through everyone when you decided to join and start talking shit, and i wasnt trying oh-so-hard, its railz, i dont give a damn about instagib its just something i do when im bored, im in an itdm clan just for shits and giggles because i can aim and i have fun playing with the other members occasionally

see.. this is why i think you have a legit mental disease. what actually happened is, you just sat around farming fucking newbs. there were over 10 people in small ass maps. having a high FPH is LOGICAL. tomek came in and used hand grenades. his FPH being low is also LOGICAL under these circumstances. after you won 2 maps you said something along the lines of "yawn, fragging out again" and began talking shit about how tomek wasn't in the top 5 for FPH anymore. then we argued about FPH being irrelevant and i told you i have people that say you're a fucking newb. you denied knowing kami. i brought kami into the game, he owned your ass, and you left the game.

you also told me "noone in railz has any skill. anyone can aim and shoot". now your story changed to "i don't give a damn about instagib its just something i do when im bored"


tomek wasnt using hand nades when he showed up, he switched to hand nades the next map (dm1) because he didnt want to humiliate himself like he did the map before

i won a lot more than two maps, i won about 8 maps before you two showed up, all that i was involved in excluding one that travolta won but i was only like 20 fph under him and won the others quite decisively

i have never denied not knowing kami, but i had never played kami before and thats what you were bitching about, along with that kami didnt own me and i left because i really had to, i would have easily won the next round anyway

and that is true about my opinion, i dont believe that railz only players have any skill, anyone can aim, it is a single aspect of the game, essentially with instagib and ra2 you are playing a retarded version of quake2 with more than half of the game cut out to make it easier for players who cant grasp everything, i only play railz when i am bored and usually when the tourney servers are empty or they are just running through team games when i want a duel, or when i think my rail needs some warming up

Lastly i wasnt owned off irc, i got pissed one night and said "i fucking hate tastyspleen players!", i cant even remember why at this point but it had nothing to do with a single person in the irc chanel, scored me a ban the next day when quadz read the logs i assume, i still frequent tastycast and tastyspleen irc chanels whenever i am not banned and they are still on my autoconnect list, i still message users that are connected to the tastyspleen irc chanel for help/info such as derv and quadz

Quote 7 of 9:  the life of vaevictis:  wake up. eat wheaties. get owned at ql. whine and cry, and then whine and cry when people make fun of the whining and crying. get owned again at ql. deflect insults by saying they suck, and not come up with any in return. get owned in ql more. bitch more on tastyspleen. go to sleep and dream about playing ql and getting owned still. <notkami>

that's your life story on irc. stop kidding yourself.

lol not really, you have never seen me on irc, or even talked to me, yes i would get pissed often when i would lose and not know why, considering i had just started dueling (and am still quite new) some times i lose and do not understand why and require a place to vent, irc was a great outlet just because it was a place to type out and argue with people to get some stress out some times, most other times i was fairly fine, i would crack jokes whether people thought they were funny or not is not my concern, i would give tips, i would try to give advice although some people believed it was very unhelpful i still tried giving advice which is much more than most people can say

:lolsign: tiny thinks he's a pro, how cute.

you know em? kinda acts like an arrogant ass doesnt he :/ he makes ME look humble... wtf?
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Re: Wallhacker?
« Reply #59 on: May 28, 2010, 12:14:58 AM »
Lastly i wasnt owned off irc, i got pissed one night and said "i fucking hate tastyspleen players!", i cant even remember why at this point but it had nothing to do with a single person in the irc chanel

Essentially you were banned often enough in the channel for your tantrums, that eventually we just shrugged and left it that way:

#tastyspleen_20091112.log:[15:43:10] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091112.log:[19:48:09] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091207.log:[16:47:59] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20091218.log:[00:21:33] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[16:04:29] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[14:27:50] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[15:35:44] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[15:36:26] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[19:01:12] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[19:03:21] *** admin sets mode: -b *!*
#tastyspleen_20100211.log:[21:49:26] *** admin sets mode: +b *!*


hm... im actually kinda fine with that honestly, as long as i can still connect to the server and message you or other admins when needed i am just fine, i dont need to be in a channel full of people i constantly end up arguing with for stupid reasons, it just causes unneeded stress and since im not the type to back down from an argument, it ends up quite tiring :P

although, i still need to talk to jehar considering his channel seeing as how i like to get involved in the events, i know many of the players there better than the tastyspleen players, although we may not get along some times, and i try to get involved and help with the tastycast when i can... damn packet loss has really had me on edge recently though and it caused me to flip out for the last ban i scored on that channel :/ really hope it gets fixed, its a pain when i try to enjoy the game and it just causes me so much stress...
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February 14, 2025, 12:41:48 PM


February 13, 2025, 07:31:24 AM
I was on DM this morning for the first time in a pretty long time. Seemed fine to me.


February 13, 2025, 04:54:21 AM
DM server is fucked. 2 point blank rockets from spawn and lava damage and player survived? WTF?" Also someone has fucked with the spawn points, every single time no matter how big the map you spawn right in front of the person who killed you last


February 08, 2025, 10:48:18 PM
Seattle FFA now has working HTTP downloads. Thanks Unholy!
RIP Pepp   ✟


February 03, 2025, 01:20:14 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:15:35 AM


December 25, 2024, 12:06:54 AM


December 23, 2024, 09:15:50 AM
Fixed the image for you =)
And Die Hard is a great Christmas movie


December 19, 2024, 04:55:07 AM
correction - you gotta put the whole word, not just w: {img width=210}

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