dbpath=server.mappath("products.mdb")objConn.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="&dbpath&";"
data_source = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _ Server.MapPath("form.mdb")
strSQL="SELECT txtDate FROM users"objRs.Open strSQL, objConn
objConn.Open data_source objConn.Execute strSQLobjConn.Close
objRs.Open strSQL, objConn
could it be a declaring issue? like I noticed our input form has Dim and then declares all the things in the asp script, so I just wrote this; ...getting tom to try it but could I be on the right path, even if it doesent work?
edit; fixed! ordered by desc and all is gravy
SQLStatement = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE student = \'" myTextbox.text "\';";