but I am starting to wonder if the benefits of the new trap code (where traps entities take damage) is worth the side effects we are experiencing.
It occurs to me, I can probably only set 'takedamage' on the trap once it has landed on the ground. So there should be no need to affect its flying behavior at all.
Not exactly sure if this is what you mean, but I believe I have witnessed traps taking damage as soon as they take flight from your hand, and before they have hit the ground; if, for example, someone is pelting you with a machinegun or similar weapon... I distinctly recall hearing the damage sound of the trap, as well as seeing it glow white before it hits the ground, in this scenario.
I believe this is only seen in the modified xatrix that we've been using for a couple weeks now, where the traps have been altered into killable objects.I dont recall ever hearing of this before the changes were made.