Is their a client that I'm supposed to be using besides 3.20? I thought that was the last ever release from ID? I use that anticheat with r1q2, was the closest thing to playing with just a vanilla .exe everything else really f'd my settings all up.
Hi Everyone,Is their a client that I'm supposed to be using besides 3.20? I thought that was the last ever release from ID? I use that anticheat with r1q2, was the closest thing to playing with just a vanilla .exe everything else really f'd my settings all up. Secondly, I have a setup still meant for q2, one of the reasons why I still have a CRT monitor. I play off and on every few months to a year. I get that itch to play a little again. It is frustrating to play and miss a bunch of shots that used to be so easy heh. Well, have fun playing a look to see everyone on there.
This should help you setup a config for r1q2: must be info in a thread somewhere on the r1q2 forums to get r1q2 to mirror 3.20 also: